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Author Topic: Share Your Best!  (Read 428032 times)
« Reply #45 on: July 24, 2005, 01:05:36 PM »

Thank you for the overview on drip marketing, Alan.

His interview can be heard at the archives of the www.wsinternetshow.ws.

Also, let's hear from others as to their 'drip' campaigns.

Posts: 8

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« Reply #46 on: July 26, 2005, 04:13:46 PM »

This particular thread alone has so many ideas in it..... it's like GDI 101 marketing ideas.

Thanks Smiley Can't wait to get started.....


"The future depends entirely on what each of us does every day."--Gloria Steinem
« Reply #47 on: July 26, 2005, 04:16:54 PM »

Great Observation, Pamela!

WE have only just begun~!

« Reply #48 on: July 28, 2005, 03:08:27 AM »

Yes, Ideas to ACTION and quantify the results.

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« Reply #49 on: July 28, 2005, 07:19:38 AM »

Thanks for that Norma
                               that idea is a beauty!  Cheesy
Posts: 41

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« Reply #50 on: July 28, 2005, 07:19:57 AM »


What a wonderful and potientially profitable idea.  Sign me up.

« Reply #51 on: July 28, 2005, 07:32:14 AM »


That is an excellent idea!  In additon, waiting till August 1st gives everyone the time to get their plans and thoughts together.  Implementation.....put it all on paper for you to visisbly see each and every day.  One important thing is, you gotta stick with it.  That is so important!  Let's make this the biggest 60 days GDI has seen....

Thanks for the suggeston!

Roxanne G
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« Reply #52 on: July 28, 2005, 11:31:59 AM »

I'm up for a challenge.  I (unfortunately) don't have time before Aug. 1 to make a chart, but if someone hasn't made one by then, I would be happy to make one and share with all. 


Have a great day, after all, today is the first day of the rest of your life!!

Angela M
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« Reply #53 on: July 28, 2005, 03:32:06 PM »

I really love this idea!  I'm in!  The only catch is, I can't start August 1st.  I'm going away tomorrow and after Sunday the 31st I won't have internet access again until Aug. 12th (there-about).  If someone makes that chart, though, I'd love a copy.  I will begin implementing as many marketing techniques as possible in the location I will be.  (Small audience.... fly in fishing camp.)  Anyway..... I will look forward to catching up on this thread when I get back!

Paul Fisher
Posts: 6

I have a little more hair but not as much $ yet.

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« Reply #54 on: July 28, 2005, 04:18:35 PM »

Promo Tips


Leave a business card every place you go! Ask every waitress if they like their job when you go out to eat. Of course they will say "No" or "It's temporary", so hand them a card and tell them your seven-minute movie will make a difference in their life. I also leave them when I am buying groceries at the grocery store. I leave them with my tip on the table. I don't care where I am, I leave a card!


One of the most important aspects of this business is follow-up and more follow-up. Contact leads and prospects by phone whenever possible.


There is no real secret... Get as many people as you can to view the WebSite and watch the video. The people that understand the lifetime value of this opportunity will jump onboard. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme: It's building a residual income that will keep on growing and growing.


Use the business cards. People love business cards. Purchase as many as you can and leave them everywhere you go! Mail them in everything you mail. That is one of the best forms of advertisement out there.


 Connect with your growing upline and duplicate them.


Use the ability to place people in your downline to your advantage. Tell people if they join now, you will place someone who joined yesterday beneath them. This gives them an instant downline and the incentive to take action and join you right away.


Be persistent! For many, the timing may not always be right. Don't give
up: Just try again.  Treat your $10 business like it is worth a million dollars. By working hard every day, it could potentially become just that. Get excited! Enthusiasm rubs off. Be passionate about your business and give it 100% of your attention.
Finally, never forget the success of your business depends on your efforts to help others to become successful.


Put a business card or the flyer in every envelope/bill you mail – this is very effective.  Tape your card to ATM’s and parking garage meters and leave a few – also very effective.


When I first got started I was sp intrigued with the program that I got off to a really slow start.  To avoid this my advice is to learn your "back office" and harness it's full potential. 

To accomplish this just start with the first link and start clicking and reading.  This way you will become so familiar with all the info that when a new affiliate you sponsor needs to find our info you can direct them to where they can get it.

Second, I would invite you to start building your list (people who you can invite to see and hear about what you are involved in). DO NOT PREJUDGE anyone!  Just keep writing a list of everyone you know that you can send an email invite to through the invite system in the back office.

Equally as important is to meet your upline so that you can take advantage of them when you need help. 

Lastly, always remain teachable, stay positive, work smart and follow directions that will lead you to the success you want to achieve.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes


It is not so much what I say but more the frequency of my e-mails which is every two to three days.

Your e-mails should be short and they should create curiosity so your prospects actually see the flash presentation.

I try to ask questions in my e-mails such as "What would you do with a couple extra hundred dollars a month?  Would you take a weekend vacation? Then I point to the Flash presentation.

Let the e-mail message be about the prospect and not how great your opportunity is.  That is the whole point of the Flash presentation, it does the talking for you.

I hope this helps,



Run an Ad to sponsor an organization for fundraising.  Example:


Three Local Area Organizations with 100 plus members to test market brand new and powerful fund raiser concept.   Potential for Great Profits paid to your organization monthly, now and for years to come!    No cost to Organization!  Product is personal Domain/Website and 10 email accounts for $10 a month. Contact: Your Name, GDI Fund Raiser Sales Affiliate - email: Your Email Addy.
I would then tell them I will pay for their monthly $10 fee, if they are serious.


Be consistent. Whether you are sending out email invitations, advertising, distributing business cards, mailing postcards, or whatever. Keep at it and follow-up with those who express an interest.


Use search engines to generate leads you can call and talk with. Also, the leads from GDI are a good deal, but don't forget to follow-up.


Sample email ad -
 If you are in business or just want to start making money on
the internet you are in the right place.

As you know, we are entering the information age. Internet
growth and online users increase every day.

Here are some statistics:
•   As of September 2004 there are 801.4 million people who
have access to the internet. 295.4 million English
•   Over 50% and 60% of internet users in the USA and Canada
respectively now have broadband access.
•   Internet access has more than doubled in the USA from
2000-2005. It has multiplied by 2.5 times in world
•   82% of recipients have bought something as result of a
commercial email advertisement.
Note: These statistics come from different sources
including Nielson/Net Ratings and global-reach.biz.

It is inevitable that the internet and therefore internet
transactions will continue to increase until practically
everyone will be on the internet.

There are currently an estimated 114,093 business
opportunity seekers coming online each and every month
looking for business opportunities and increasing.

Let me ask you an important question:

What are you doing right now to capitalize on these


Paul J. Fisher

P.S. - We are on the verge of an internet boom. Please don't
wait. Get in on the action now while it's most profitable.

Find other high traffic sites and contact them to place your ad on those sites.


Do you know someone who is getting married?  Suggest to them they can share the good news in their own personal website. They can introduce their finance, share pictures, list their plans for the future, list their color choices so others will know what to buy.  Let's face it, getting married is an exciting time for people and they want to share the news in a big way.  Perhaps the parents of the bride would like to purchase a site as a gift for their daughter. 

That leads me to this next idea. Why not market to the bridal shops or printing agencies who could benefit by marketing websites to the future couples? I can see the benefits since it could add to their bottom line. What do you think? (Norma)

Example:  The business can get cards or flyers made up to have on their counter.

Starting a New Life?

Go and Get YOUR OWN Domain and Website

Say your names are Mickey and Minnie or Minnie and Mickey. 
You can go and get your Domain and Website as www.mickeyandminnie.ws  or, www.minnieandmickey.ws

You also get 10 email accounts!!

Share the good news with your own personal website FOR LIFE!  You can show pictures, list your plans for the future, list your color choices so others will know how to buy for you, etc.  It can go on and on.  Keep a Blog to share with others (kind of a diary of your new life).  Be creative.  This is exciting!  Share the news in a BIG WAY!

Try it all for FREE for 7 Days and if you’re happy it’s only $10 a month after that!!

To check for the name of your choice and to sign up for a FREE 7 Day Trial, go to www.my.ws/youruserid   and watch the 7 minute “Ferrari Movie”.

All of us here wish you the very best wedding and future life!

(Your Store Name)


REMEMBER THIS: The fastest way to make money is to solve other people's problems.

Don't market GDI.  That's just selling people.  It's marketing AT them.  In his book "Unleashing the Ideavirus", Seth Godin says stop advertising AT people. 

Market a solution!  Fix their problems.

Most people don't really care about how many gigabytes GDI's service has.  They want to know how GDI will solve their "lack-of-money" problems. 

I didn't join GDI because of the hosting, I can find hosting cheaper on the internet, I joined for the opportunity!  Those other hosting companies don't and won't pay me to build a 5 level organization, much less pay me commissions EVERY month.


Below are some questions that could be added or revised to put in an ad, flier or letter. It may help some of you to think of reasons others may become excited about this business opportunity. After all, we all have our own individual desires as well as burdens so it takes different buttons of interest to really grab our emotions.

Lead them to take a mental look at where they are now and visualize where they would like to be!

•        Do your loved ones complain about the long hours you spend at work?

•        Does your work leave you too exhausted to spend quality time with your
         family and friends?

•        Does lack of money prevent you from taking vacations?

•        Are you dissatisfied with your job?

•        How many holidays and important family functions have you missed because you 
         couldn’t take off from work?

•        Have you ever been too sick to go to work but were told you had to be there?

•        Are you being rewarded fairly for all your hard work and expertise? 

•        Does your job offer you support and teamwork or a Boot Camp nightmare?

      Then show them the benefits or way out of their situation. Lead them to see the value
        in other words.
       Let them know that with their own home based business They are in charge! 

      They set their own hours!!
      They can build their business while working their regular job.
      For only $10.00 per month there is no risk involved.
      They will have all the support they would ever need at their finger tips.
        I just listed some ideas to get you thinking. I am sure you will come up with 
      many, many more.  (Norma)


Next time you are in the Library make a point to sit at a table long enough to view a magazine or something. Then, when you get up "accidently" leave a flier or business card on the table. The next person that sits at the table will notice it and may very well check it out.

I have "accidently" dropped business cards in the doctor's office and other places. I guess I must be clumsy. Oh well, I have many more!! lol


I invested in 36 .com domains a year ago, they all have a steady ammount of traffic and now I have pointed them all tomy GDI website and im really seeing some results.

I am also posting flyers around my local area, and using Google Adwords, using all these advertising methods as well as free advertising im seeing alot of progress.

Hopes this helps a few people.


Another thought came to me. Why not purchase some local newspapers and put one of your fliers inside. Drop them off at a desk in an office or nursing home (nurses do read them) or any other place you wish to market. Since you are buying the papers and offering them as a free gift why not?

As a nurse, I can remember how much I and my fellow staff appreciated getting free newspapers to read on our breaks. We often talked about the different articles and etc. We also shared the coupons!!

Another great place would be to leave the newspapers in waiting rooms at Doctor's offices or hospitals and Clinics.

Also, if you have recently bought magazines that you don't need anymore, you can put your flier inside and donate them to all the areas I mentioned above. What do you think?


Drop some flyers off in grocery stores in their free racks where publications like the Greensheet/Pennysaver are.
Make tear tag flyers and place them on apartment home bulletin boards. (Had a good deal of traffic from that)


When Halloween comes around why not have small treat bags already put together and place a business card or magnet inside each one. I would prefer the business magnets since they will probably be put up on the refrigerator.  Or you can have some balloons with your website info printed on them and put one in each bag as well. Parents will check out the goodies and find the marketing tools you have put inside.


Why not market to families?  Explain to them how great it would be for them to have their own websites so they can share pictures, news, and just stay more connected as a family. What do you think?

« Last Edit: July 28, 2005, 04:19:30 PM by Nicole Taylor » Logged

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

~Albert Einstein
Nicole Taylor
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« Reply #55 on: July 28, 2005, 04:40:16 PM »


You've brought up some really good tips! I've had excellent results from placing an ad on high traffic Websites. This is definitely cost effective.

Another tip: Make sure you always track your advertising efforts so you know what's working and what isn't. Otherwise, it's like working in the dark.


I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Paul Fisher
Posts: 6

I have a little more hair but not as much $ yet.

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« Reply #56 on: July 28, 2005, 06:12:06 PM »

Those tips all came from you guys. I just put them together so you can copy them to read everyday for inspiration. There's a whole lot more.

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

~Albert Einstein
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« Reply #57 on: July 28, 2005, 06:52:37 PM »

 What a really inventive idea.
David Verney
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« Reply #58 on: July 29, 2005, 08:37:46 AM »

I think the best people to market to are webmasters who attract a lot of traffic to their sites.  They wouldn't have to spend much out on promotion and all the people they sponsor would do so through the webmasters main site. 
Erick Tan
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« Reply #59 on: July 29, 2005, 08:46:00 AM »

wow! the excitement here is blowing me off! i'm swamped with all the great ideas and i'm reali gonna take one up seriously. i think marketing to bridal shops is a great one. if i may modify that idea a little - send an email to brial shops and tell them they can get their business on the net using the web hosting service and email addresses. then put the idea to them that they can use a free 1st month sponsorship for their client's wedding site as a promotional item to couples, and they can possibly earn from it in the long run. what do you guys think?

i'm excited with this idea. but i'm not very good with composing mails. if someone thinks this is a great idea can you draft a short mail for me (and others who are interested) to use??

also, to do offline marketing, can someone send me a good black/white flyer to use?


eRick Tan, Singapore.
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