This is for all you new people that don't have the support nor answers from their upline.
I find to that to have success in any Network Marketing is first and foremost...
It's not to those that believe the most,
But to those that believe the LONGEST
That find the success they are seeking !!!
For myself, I have been in GDI since October, and my downline page looks like a
pumpkin it is so orange..
What I have been doing is accessing everything that GDI has to offer. Sending out
my 100 leads per day, getting rather good responses. Some blue members A green one !
If what you are doing isnt' getting the results you want, change it. Find the to answers
the questions you had about GDI. Whether it be here in the forum or by going over and
over your website to find the answers yourself. Get to know GDI 100%, THEN once you do
get that ONE new sign up, YOU will be the upline with all the answers to the same
questions YOU had when you signed up.
On the days that you get discouraged remember that it sometimes only takes that ONE
person in your downline that could take your business to a totally new level. Think BIG !
BIG ! BIG ! and you will soon find that drive to keep on going.
Help your downline set up the simple things that other people don't think of
eg. Good file management on your computer
Saving emails sent out to new prospects... (make changes is they aren't pulling in
the results you like)
Let them know that you are always open to their ideas. Make them FEEL like they are
a part of a workable team !
Once you get the hang of working the business online, and get a FULL understanding
of what GDI has to offer, working the warm market is a piece of cake !!
As your excitement and faith in GDI grows, you will find that your business will also grow.
So don't fall into the 'poor upline' syndrome...
Fall into the STRONG downline syndrome instead !!!
To keep MY motivation up... I have pictures posted on my walls next to my computer
on the things that I want from my business. (ok The Yatch was a little to much ! lol)
So on those days when I just don't want to do the work... I look at those pictures....
And it puts me back into overdrive !