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Author Topic: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere  (Read 178308 times)
Posts: 29

Believe in yourself

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« Reply #195 on: April 25, 2007, 01:40:59 PM »

Hello Shaun,

Your thoughts are like mine...give and we will ALL receive. Smiley

Some people are "greedy" and sadly enough if they are putting 50 people on their 1st level without helping ALL of them...they will continue to think that programs like this are a "scam".

Run your business to the way your "heart" talks to you. Smiley Mine tells me to bring as many people with me on this journey. Smiley

What a change in the world if we ALL thought like this...actually got down and personal with the people we bring in and really meant it when we said that we are here to help. Smiley

I believe it will happen...it's a BIG world and to bring change into people lives who "fear"...the odds are against us...but I feel if I can help lighten the daily burdens in peoples lives a bit...than I will be in it for the long haul because that is worth it to me.  Smiley

Take away the "greed" and build a community of everyone helping each other = teaches duplication and achieves longevity for everyone. Smiley


Believe in yourself
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« Reply #196 on: April 25, 2007, 06:35:31 PM »

The tools that GDI has given us to use are amazing. Take for instance being able to move downline members. No other company that I've seen alows this to happen. With this in mind, you can make money quicker. Why don't we as Affiliates join hands and really make this business grow as well as our pocketbooks. Don't be so greedy and keep everyone that signs up on your first level. If you're just starting out keep five people in place and then go on down to each of your next levels and start helping your downline by using the move downline link in your downline area of the members section. You can only help out to your 4th level members but if everyone does this, it won't take long for you to fill your 5X5 matrix. Then if you want to make more money, do the same thing with 5 more people. Everyone you help helps you too. As people sign up you only have 7 days to move them, and you can only move them one time, but it is real easy to do. I am doing this with my downline as people sign up this will keep encouraging them to do the same. If you have more than five members on level 1, start placing all your new people that sign up on your next levels under people you already have and you will bepaid even bigger.

Here’ how to get Started.

 Get familiar with the members’ area, and especially familiarize yourself with how you can move your downline members.  Go to the downline link in the members’ area. You can now see all of your downline members. The new members are the one’s that you can see in blue and will be automatically placed on your 1st level. You can move them anywhere in your down-line, but only during the first seven days of their trial period. You will need to be quick to move them once they sign up or they will be stuck on your 1st level and you won’t be able to move them to help your downline. Members that are green have been signed up past their 7 day trial and they cannot be moved. IMPORTANT, you can only move members in your downline only once and only during their first 7 days in which they have signed up, so please learn how to move them. Don’t be scared, it is really easy to do. Once you access your downline area, there is a link that says, Move Downline Members, click on it and it will show you how to move them, step by step. Once you have 5 Affiliates on your 1st level, pay special attention to the Username column and the Sponsor column, this tells you how many people are sponsored by an individual. Make sure that you don’t place someone in a sponsors’ downline that shows that they already have sponsored five people because this will give them more people on their 1st level. To do this go to the first column of your downline members that shows the names and find the 5 people you are keeping on your first level. If their name is colored green then they are not moveable from your 1st level. You have no choice but to build under those affiliates that are green on your 1st level. After you find their name go across and see what their username is. Now look for that username in the sponsor column and just count how many times their name appears in the sponsor column, if it appears 5 times, then move to another person on level 1 and do the same until all 5 have 5 affiliates under them, then go to your level 2 Affiliates and do the same thing until you have filled all of level 2. Once it’s full, continue down to level 3 dropping people into open spots and so forth until all 5 levels are full. If you don’t find a username in the sponsor column, that means they have nobody under them yet. You can put up to 5 people in at a time by clicking on multiple people to move. Be careful though, if you see that they have sponsored 2 people, then you will only place three people under them at that time.
Remember that as new Affiliates sign up, they will automatically be put on your first level. This will help you to stay organized. If you tried to place someone clear down to your 5th level, but it is full, Congratulations, you can now start a new downline if you wish. As I said earlier this is what I am encouraging my downline to do also and it's amazing how fast it grows.
Hopefully everyone else can share this with your upline and downline Affliliates

Lets help build Fortunes for Everyone,
B Lum
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« Reply #197 on: May 29, 2007, 03:05:47 AM »

I think it would be great that you give out your phone number by email personally to your downlines so that they feel that they would get help. It would greatly stop the quiters
Art Wilson
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« Reply #198 on: June 08, 2007, 05:57:43 PM »


I experienced the same problems when I started my MLM career 30 years ago. After 6 months I quit my job on the day I said I would and all of those people who said it was just a "pyramid" watched me walk out the door with a $10,000+ a month residual income! I bought a new motorhome and we traveled for over a year throughout the US. Guess what? When people heard our story they couldn't wait to join us. You need to ignore all of your spouses negativity and move foreward. He'll feel different when you bring home your new BMW convertible, he'll be begging to help you.

Good Luck
Keep the Faith Grin

Art Wilson

Art Wilson
The Springfield Agency
Linda M
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« Reply #199 on: June 12, 2007, 03:14:32 AM »

Hi, I know what you all are saying about no downlines, I have been with GDI for 3 months and I finely got one of my friends to join but she is getting very upset because she can't get anyone to sign up under either. I have done everything that my upline has told me to do and yet still nothing. I have also gotten her to do the same and we are both on a bad end here. Everyone we send an invite too just trash it and don't care to even watch the movie. What in the heck are we doing wrong?Huh?

Time is money; Money and Time wait for Noone
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« Reply #200 on: June 18, 2007, 06:54:12 AM »


I was reading your post today.

We can all relate to what your going thru with your home business.

But let my ask you this?

When your premuim leads are viewing the movie and presentation how are you following up with them?

Do you use email or do you prefer to call them and introduce yourself and answer any questions they may have?

Understand most people need to know that they will be helped starting off during the initial stages running their home business.

Success will be determined by how much following up you do with your prospects.

People don't need to be sold on the idea of financial freedom.

Do you also use other methods which have discussed on the internet radio show and the marketing and training links in this forum.

To your success,

Howie Martell
Posts: 8

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« Reply #201 on: July 01, 2007, 01:55:12 AM »

Hey everyone,

What to I say to a person to try and get them to stay? Does anyone have tips or tricks to use?

thanks chris

Explain to them what they will be missing out on! Where can you invest $10 mo/ to earn hundreds even thousands? Point out that it is in the likely hood that they spend $10 in one day on miscellaneous stuff like coffee, chips, soda, etc. Let them know that they have to work just as hard for themselves as they do for their guaranteed paycheck they get from their jobs every 1 to 2 weeks.
Posts: 9

Take Action and Don't Quit!

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« Reply #202 on: August 11, 2007, 06:23:08 PM »

Hello Shaun,

Your thoughts are like mine...give and we will ALL receive. Smiley

Some people are "greedy" and sadly enough if they are putting 50 people on their 1st level without helping ALL of them...they will continue to think that programs like this are a "scam".

Run your business to the way your "heart" talks to you. Smiley Mine tells me to bring as many people with me on this journey. Smiley

What a change in the world if we ALL thought like this...actually got down and personal with the people we bring in and really meant it when we said that we are here to help. Smiley

I believe it will happen...it's a BIG world and to bring change into people lives who "fear"...the odds are against us...but I feel if I can help lighten the daily burdens in peoples lives a bit...than I will be in it for the long haul because that is worth it to me. Smiley

Take away the "greed" and build a community of everyone helping each other = teaches duplication and achieves longevity for everyone. Smiley


I agree with you, that’s the way I think it should be done (ex: help 5 get five each before going wider) this would build a stronger team, if there would be an incentive to do so maybe GDI would grow even faster!!!...More duplication,…more active members,…more income!!.....More Income = more motivated members = more action = more duplication = more results = Bigger GDI........Whooooo.Hoooo

Build it right


...Step #1...More details Click HERE
The foundation of your online business is the most important step you will ever make!!...
Don't under-estimate Step #1 !!![/B]
Posts: 5

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« Reply #203 on: September 17, 2007, 03:37:21 AM »

I have had 2 of my downline members quit after only giving GDI a month-one said and I quote,"it doesn't do what it says on the box",how do I answer that?!
The second gave his reason for quitting as saying it was way too much work for little return.

Their direct sponsor ,who was my first GDI signup is fantastic,the kind of person you want on your team and refuses to be phased by such negativity.
However at the moment it seems for every positive comment I hear whilst promoting GDI I am hearing three bad ones and it seems people out there are looking for 'get rich by next week' programmes,which we all know don't work-or we'd all be doing them!

I just wanted to know how fellow GDI members keep their focus when hitting a bad patch?
Need some motivation tips guys  Wink
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« Reply #204 on: October 09, 2007, 04:18:29 AM »

Hi Kaci,

I'm BRAND NEW (1 day) and would love to know what's working for you and what wasn't working for you before (if you're willing to share the information). 

Everything is a bit overwhelming at this point but I truly want to get off on the right foot so any advice/suggestion will be taken to heart.

P.S.- What is the Red Ferarri flyer and where do you get it?  Are there things available after your seven day trial membership that aren't available during that time?  I'm a bit confused about this.
Mustafa H
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« Reply #205 on: October 12, 2007, 03:07:47 AM »

Hi Sally,

Go to www.gdi-made-easy.ws  You will get all the tools you need to build your site and to market this program.


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« Reply #206 on: October 12, 2007, 05:57:26 AM »

Hi Sally,

After login to GDI member area, go to this link https://www.website.ws/gdicard/

You can order the Red Ferarri flyer from there.

I'm BRAND NEW (1 day) and would love to know what's working for you and what wasn't working for you before (if you're willing to share the information).

Everything is a bit overwhelming at this point but I truly want to get off on the right foot so any advice/suggestion will be taken to heart.

P.S.- What is the Red Ferarri flyer and where do you get it?  Are there things available after your seven day trial membership that aren't available during that time?  I'm a bit confused about this.

« Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 12:00:27 PM by DPro » Logged

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« Reply #207 on: October 13, 2007, 06:39:36 PM »

Hi Sally K,

The first thing you want to do is treat this as your "business"! Work hard & don't give up! Even after being rejected 100 times! If you are a full time employee, work just as hard 4 URself as you would for your emloyer! The concept is simple, great, affordable, and the company is a member of the DSA! Next, Get some business cards (for the days you may not want to talk 2 people). While GDI offers business cards, you can get many more for the same price..I'm talking thousands! IF you design your own, you will first need approval from the support department b4 u get them printed. Finally, keep in mind that networking is a "relationship" business..So don't be afraid to strike up conversations promoting the GDI opportunity! I don't want to leave my email address here, but if you have any questions go to my website at www.sparechange.ws, scroll down and click on email ur sponsor.

Good Luck

Hi Kaci,

I'm BRAND NEW (1 day) and would love to know what's working for you and what wasn't working for you before (if you're willing to share the information). 

Everything is a bit overwhelming at this point but I truly want to get off on the right foot so any advice/suggestion will be taken to heart.

P.S.- What is the Red Ferarri flyer and where do you get it?  Are there things available after your seven day trial membership that aren't available during that time?  I'm a bit confused about this.

Carmel B
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« Reply #208 on: April 17, 2008, 09:22:11 AM »

Hi Everyone,

I just want to say few things about GDI........

1. i joined sometime back in 2007, my sponser blasted me with emails immediatly after i joined, i trusted him and t hought i was going to be successful , but i was a newbie to internet marketing and so i just followed on everything he told me to do, well, to my dismay and several restless night not to mention maxing out my credit cards and getting no where, i gave up!

2. But not completely.

3. Heres what happened, my sponser decided to blast me with other income opportunities that he was using.....i didnt know what he was doing so i joined so so many programmes , i got lost............completely.

4. i stayed a member of GDI......well it is only $10 a month, and that is around€6 in my country (im from Ireland)

5. i had bought the business cards and left them in my cubboard for all that time not using them or even knowing how to

6, i spent all my time learning internet marketing researching it.....talking to experts....etc..........and i learned a lot

7, now ..........im back to basics with GDI

8, 2 weeks ago i got out my business cards

9. i passed them to some of my work colleagues........friends....busssiness associates.......etc

10. i left them in shops, post offices, pertro stations.......bank atm 's etc

11. i joined online team of professional internet marketers..........and entered my primary business (GDI)

12. and its worked

13. from my offline work done, i received in 2 weeks...............30 paid members

14. from my online team membership , i receive 3 or 4 members per day ............yes per day!

15. this business is better than anything else on the internet.......

16. This business is quality , and will make you rich over time.........(months-years) who knows. how hard you work

17, This business will earn you no money............if you are not willing to work at it......

18 , so people , those ofyou who are n ew.........those of you who are dissapointed , start again like i did

19. THink of it as a growing business that you will be proud of..........

20 and my last word is, when you get sign up's or referrals, or clients whatever you can call them, DO N OT SPAM THEM WITH OTHER INCOME OPPORTUNITIES

Chances are they do not know what they are doing, and they will get lost just like me, email them and introduce yourself, make sure you send your address and telephone number, online contact details.......let them see that you are real peson, show them your blogs, your websites....etc. and then

LEAVE THEM ALONE, unless they contact your for help

that is my entry for today...............WISHING YOU ALL MUCH SUCCESS WITH GDI..........

and have a great day!
« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 09:23:08 AM by Frank_M » Logged
Linda M
Posts: 3

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« Reply #209 on: June 05, 2008, 08:45:54 AM »

I think you are always going to have downline that doesn't respond. I think it's just human
nature for people to join things without knowing what they are getting themselves involved in.

The ones that don't respond, I woldn't could on them for the LONG run.

Stefani Partin

I just want to say something to this and its not to be mean or rude. But if my upline tried to contact me, I would not respond unless I needed direction. You see some people are just born to do things there way and there good at it. They just would preffer to be left alone to do what comes natural to them. If they need direction then they will seek you out, but other than that don't count them out just because they don't contact you back. That is there way of doing things. Trust me if they want direction then they will contact you. Now I am not saying stop communication with them, NO. Keep letting them know that you are there if they need you. But don't be discouraged if they don't. They are just doing things there way.

Time is money; Money and Time wait for Noone
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