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Author Topic: Upliners - help  (Read 56299 times)
Darren Olander
Jr. Member
Posts: 73

Darren Olander

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« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2007, 12:21:36 PM »


I'm not computer savvy at all,  How can I become the upline that I want to be to my downline if my upline is not on the level with me.  Some one in my upline wants me to give them my ID & Password and said they would get me started with email addys and send the Presentation on my behalf Is this a wise thing to do?? Should I trust my up line to do this for me,  Is this a standard Practice for the up line to help the down line this way??

Mike Anthony


Hey Michael - I wouldn't give anyone your ID & Password - just ask for simple instructions on how to do something. This way you will be able to help your downline in the future  Cool

Darren Olander
Proud Founder of the Prosperity Marketing System
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Sailor Boy

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« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2007, 02:44:49 PM »

Hello Marvin;
I log on to the Forum 'once every blue moon'.
Your advise to Michael Fernald,s post is right on the money.
With your attitude you'll just have to be successful!
One more subject: Don't ever listen to the so called Millionair Gurus.
All they try to do is selling you information that enriches THEIR bankaccounts.
That by the way, includes several GDI members who have the bucks to have 30,000 + in their downlines!
Best wishes to you.

Werner H Kindor
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« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2007, 04:06:55 PM »


I'm not computer savvy at all,  How can I become the upline that I want to be to my downline if my upline is not on the level with me.  Some one in my upline wants me to give them my ID & Password and said they would get me started with email addys and send the Presentation on my behalf Is this a wise thing to do?? Should I trust my up line to do this for me,  Is this a standard Practice for the up line to help the down line this way??

Mike Anthony


I do it for my donwline ... I hope that they actually take the templates I provide and do it for themselves ... but it is ultimately my responsibility ... at least in my view.

I try provide everything in one area and automate it so it can replicated ... newbies just have to tell their new sign ups to go  to my member site and it's all laid out ... I did as much for them but also to simplify my day and lessen direct contact while still provide solutions instantly-Nevertheless I always answer e-mails
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« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2008, 03:02:09 PM »

I know how frustrating it is to not hear from your upline.  I just started with GDI and feel that it is a great opportunity. 

I had become overwhelmed and frustrated with what to do, how to do it, where to send it, etc.  I finally decided that I wasn't going to let anyone stop me from being successful.  I searched the internet for tips, tricks, ideas, suggestions, etc. and was fortunate to find quite a bit from GDIers who were generous enough to post them.  Maybe being stubborn was my motivation, maybe it was determination or both.  I'm not sure. 

Don't let the frustration stop you from being successful.  I am now working with a member of my upline (not my sponsor) who is as new to this as I am (but doing much better).  We are, together, finding ways to promote GDI.

I have this posted on my wall next to my computer:

Don’t Quit

When things go wrong
As they sometimes will
When the road you’re trudging
seems all uphill
When funds are low
And the debts are high
And you want to smile
But you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest, if you must,
But don’t you quit.
Life is funny with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about,
When you might have won had you stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far.
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
It’s when things seem worse that you must not quit.

I wish you success!!!

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« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2008, 07:08:54 AM »

ok I am a little confused. I have made (I think my website). But I have not figured out what to do with it lol. I have emailed my friends and family. What do I do now. Noone has looked at my site but me. lol man I felt real good when I realized that all 12 people that looked at my website was me.
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« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2008, 06:54:44 AM »

 take a look at my website www.passiveincomeop.ws, downline support might be able to help. If not email me, I can help you out!
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« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2009, 08:05:03 AM »

  Angry I can only echo the sentiments of people who are complaining about the complete lack of contact from their upline. I have been in for a couple of weeks and with the exception of their "Welcome Email" my repeated attempts at contact to ask pertinent questions about building this business have fallen on completely deaf ears.  Angry

Curious that they seem to care nothing for the maintenance of their own business, insn't it?

The only thing any of us can really do is commit to treat your downline better than we were treated. I was always taught that once you have a downline, your assignment and commitment should shift to primarily building their business 1st and then your own. This means....answer questions, share effective tools, help create their downline.  Doing it that way will, without a doubt create a strong organization that you can count on income from for a very long time. 
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Donovan Baldwin - Fit at 65

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« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2009, 08:43:38 AM »

I joined my first network marketing/mlm venture in 1996 after having done mail order and direct marketing since the early 90's.  Since then, I have gone online, joined other ventures, been very successful with some, moderately successful with others, and wish I had never bothered with the rest...except for what they ALL taught me.  One of the lessons I learned from many of these programs is NOT to expect help from my upline.

It is sad, but true, that many people who sign up for GDI are hoping, even expecting, to get help from their upline.  After all, a great deal of the advertising you see for GDI and similar opportunities talks about training, resources, and guidance, and often help from those who have joined before you is stated or implied.

The problem is that most of a person's upline is made up of people who either did not get or did not seek this help themselves.  Therefore, they are as ignorant as the newbie now seeking assistance.  Most who succeed in these sorts of programs are those who seek out resources and train themselves.  Also, those who stick with it and don't give up.  You will make mistakes, but if you keep making mistakes, you will learn.  Then you can be an upline member who can help his or her downline to success.

By the way, this forum is an excellent source for guidance from those who have been there, done that. 

I Am 65 and Health is My Hobby and
Fitness is My Fun
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« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2009, 07:23:50 PM »

Very well said Marvin.  Us newbie shall definitely learn from your comment.
Peta K
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« Reply #24 on: August 09, 2010, 10:23:51 PM »

G'day mates [guess where from]-sorry no prize.....

What a fantastic place this forum is, just what I need. I am a returning GDI'er, tried twice before, with zilch success, but have this feeling that somehow this program will work, so have committed myself to 12 month this time, regardless of help or otherwise from uplines, and down-lines that appear to ignore you offers of help.

One problem I see with the team approach [which I am in] is that your direct upline could be a complete Newbie and know less that oneself, also a language problem can arise too, as I am in this potential situation it will be an interesting ride, and I feel that this forum could be a godsend.

Thanks for what I have already learned from you all, be back soon.

Hero Member
Posts: 1016

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« Reply #25 on: November 19, 2020, 03:59:32 PM »

G'day mates [guess where from]-sorry no prize.....

What a fantastic place this forum is, just what I need. I am a returning GDI'er, tried twice before, with zilch success, but have this feeling that somehow this program will work, so have committed myself to 12 month this time, regardless of help or otherwise from uplines, and down-lines that appear to ignore you offers of help.

One problem I see with the team approach [which I am in] is that your direct upline could be a complete Newbie and know less that oneself, also a language problem can arise too, as I am in this potential situation it will be an interesting ride, and I feel that this forum could be a godsend.

Thanks for what I have already learned from you all, be back soon.


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This thread is imparitive and the most viewed without much of a result. Yes, you joined and have all the needed enthusiasm which will not get you to the level desired. So, what is the issue?

No one would like to research and all is focused on either speed and finishing  recruiting more people without knowing what GDI is all about...

Just considered allowing us to earn your consideration and walk you through all of GDI and you will see your unique vision will happen with free real hands on support. We call it "Real Human Interaction".

When you desire to purchase a house why would you ask someone who never experienced keeping one? That is what is happening since GDI concept. All look for the quick result. Well there is none!

Nevertheless, if you have no real support from experienced sponsor just contact me 24hrs a day below you will see my 24hour method of contact.

We invest in people and our Efforts, Revenue and Resource...

So no more viewing this thread and lacking a way to get this right the first time.

Just Saying,

 Roll EyesWilliam

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
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