Global Domains International

.WS/GDI Discussion => General Comments => Topic started by: Jeff Penner on June 28, 2005, 02:37:31 AM

Title: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Jeff Penner on June 28, 2005, 02:37:31 AM
Since I can't see the contact info of a downline's downline, since a downline has left and that downline's downline is still my downline, how do I contact that downline who is now technically my now direct downline?


Title: Re: A downline quit, now their downline is un-contactable by me!
Post by: Tatjana Prelog on June 28, 2005, 04:46:05 AM
Well, I have a suggestion!

When your downline's downline joined, you've received an e-mail about you've got downline in a second level. In these mail there were all the vital data you need - his (or her I don't know) e-mail, name, phone number!!! I just hope you didn't delete that mail. Open it once again and take out these vital data.

I suggest to all who has the same problems to do the same or even better, save fresh datas IMMEDIATELLY or save those e-mails ...

I hope this suggestion will be more than usefull!

Very your's GDI-er!!!


Title: Re: A downline quit, now their downline is un-contactable by me!
Post by: Kevin L on June 28, 2005, 08:00:09 AM
Information about your complete downline is also in the commissions section of your back office. So, if you didn't save their initial contact info you at least have their email address.

Drop them an email and encourage them to contact YOU!

Also; remember the contact downline button in the backoffice too! Keep in touch with your people and your people will keep in touch with you too! :D

Title: Re: A downline quit, now their downline is un-contactable by me!
Post by: GSmith on June 28, 2005, 11:20:19 AM
Jeff, another thing that may help you is that while you can't see the info. on those downline people right now, in two or three days after the "quitting person" quits, GDI does compress the downline and I have found that after a few days, those people I couldn't see, are now back in my 1st Level and their info. IS visible to me again without my having to go elsewhere to seek the info. I need on them.
This only works for the ones that you personally sponsored and then perhaps moved to others, of course; but in my case, that is the majority of them.

Hope this helps also.

Gail Smith

Title: Re: A downline quit, now their downline is un-contactable by me!
Post by: Jeff Penner on June 28, 2005, 12:11:22 PM
You are all wonderful people! Thanks, and I DO have that original email somewhere, I'll go find it!

Thanks to all!

Title: Re: A downline quit, now their downline is un-contactable by me!
Post by: Steve Bishart on July 07, 2005, 01:17:10 PM

What a great issue to discuss. It take work to grow your organization, but you will loose your sales team if they are not presented with the tools and knowledge to get the success they expected. They never make the transition from customer to sales rep.

What makes a person leave?

What could have been to keep them satisfied enough to stay?

Is there anything you can actively do to prevent this problem?

Let's have a brainstorm session and list all the reasons an individual
would leave the GDI program. Get down and dirty. Tell us everything
bad about the program. Everything that could be improved and
then get replies about ideas to make it better. Much better.

There are a lot of us. Let's team up with our brain power
and plug the leak in the boat!

Title: people quiting
Post by: DamienMapp on July 09, 2005, 11:15:49 AM
Please ask your upline for help if you need it.If your upline tries to contact you it means they are going to help you make money also but refusing to respond and then quiting when no one is joining makes no sense.So please guests who join seek help if you need it and respond to ypur upline.It not only helps them but yourself as well.
                                                                                                    Welcome to GDI

Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: Deborah H on July 09, 2005, 01:46:20 PM
I have tried many times to contact my downline. Not once has one responded to me. It's discouraging but I still contact them. Remind them of the calls and offer help etc., but still nothing back from them.
My upline I emailed right after I started and was contacted back. Being they are Chip and Bram that's no surprise. But I actually had to skip the one immediately above me as he never responded back.
I would really like to contact my downline so we can run ideas by each other, but if they don't want to be contacted I guess they will eventually put me on their banned list.
Deborah H :-\

Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: Suzette Henderson on July 12, 2005, 08:35:15 AM

Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: Nicole Taylor on July 12, 2005, 02:51:16 PM

I've made numerous attempts to contact my downline. Some ask for my help and others don't. I've even had some respond with "Please don't e-mail me anymore!" You can't help those who don't help themselves.

For those of you whose upline makes no effort whatsoever, you can always come here to the forum and people will be more then glad to help you, including myself.

My contact information is in my profile.


Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: StefaniPartin on July 12, 2005, 04:05:14 PM
I think you are always going to have downline that doesn't respond. I think it's just human
nature for people to join things without knowing what they are getting themselves involved in.

The ones that don't respond, I woldn't could on them for the LONG run.

Stefani Partin

Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: D Ross on July 13, 2005, 02:28:17 PM
Hey! Guess what?

     It's the old man from over the hill. I don't even have a down line yet, I'm still working on my infrastructure and waiting for my business cards to arrive. But I can tell you this much, if we keep coming back here and talking with each other, you will make it.

     I can't complain because I have a great upline that keeps in touch even though I haven't done anything yet. We can do the same thing here on the forum and lift each other up. We're all going to have bad days, but that's when we should share so others can come along side with a word of encouragement.I agree with Damien, go to your upline and don't hesitate! If anyone want's you to succeed it's them, without you and other people like you, their not going to stay an upline very long!

     When I first came to the forum I was hesitant about talking to people and worried about what I would say. But when I finally did join in I was surprised how nice everyone was and those that welcomed me aboard put me at ease, you know who you are.

     So there! I got my two cents in and hope that it did some good. :)


Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: JNapier on July 14, 2005, 03:21:12 AM
D, you may not have your downline started yet but I have a feeling you will very soon. You have a great attitude!! I'm cheering for you all the way!!

All my best,
Norma  :o

Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: HowardMartell on July 15, 2005, 08:55:34 AM
Hello team,

Since I joined GDI have had good results with retention. If you remember before you joined GDI you were probably just like me looking for opportunity which could make you substantial amount of money over time.

The key is to first qualify anyone who decides check out the 7 day free trial either send them a welcome letter or if possible welcome them with warm and caring phone call.

Find out why they want home business and ask them some questions examples use.

1. Tell me other than money what is another reason you would like to have successful business?

2. Do you have 5-15 hours part time to build your business?

3. IF help show you how to be successful in having home business would you give me your attention for 6-12 months?

4. Do you have any questions or concerns at this time.

Understand you our sifting and sorting thru your premium leads by asking qualifying questions this helps build Rapore and excitement with your potential business partners.

Finally understand this GDI is not for everyone we going have some people drop out your job is to identify early the  leaders and help them to be successful so you and your team of business builders overtime is successful in retention and training.

I have this saying since been in Military Training is Specific.

If you set written goals for example 1 person per month you pray and focus on this by visualizing why this person is going to join you in a business.

People our attracted to Positive and motivated individuals.

Lastly just like everyone else had people drop out but usually get a reason why not because didn't show support or cared for my team which makes me feel successful to know have someone who trusted a total stranger and now has new friendships all over the Globe.

take care and keep your head up High advertise GDI Online and Offline each day.

Remember it takes time and little money to reach the top hope this message was uplifiting and helps you understand becoming financially indepent is going to take time!


Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: RMcintosh on July 16, 2005, 08:28:19 AM
I have been with GDI for about 2 months. I had one in my downline and he quit before the 7 day trial had ended.. I had talked with him and sent him more information but he never responded.. Now I have none.. I hear from my upline people every week..

Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: Patrick D on July 19, 2005, 03:21:36 AM
Hi fellow GDI'ers,

I've been with GDI about a month and a half. I currently have 32 in my down-line. I try
to keep in contact with all of them. The thing I feel you have to remember is GDI is a
service as well as a business. Just as everyone may not want to build or use the web-
site tools you have those who may not want to beniefit from the business side of GDI.

I know when I market GDI I try to let the person know both sides. They can have their
own domain to promote whatever they want. They can use GDI to earn money, or
they can do both. I usually start off with the owning your own domain then slide into
the business side of GDI only giving them just enough information to make them
curious enough to call the pre-recorded message or visit the website..

Today I thought of something to try. I targeted small off-line businesses. You know,
the little sunglass stands, hotdog vendors, self owned type busnesses. I figured
these people already know how to promote and come in contact with different
people everyday. After introducing myself, my first question was do you have your
own website, suprisingly only one person said yes, then I just moved to business
side of GDI. We'll see how it works out.

Twice a week I send out an offer to all of my down-line to help them with anything
they need. I include a few links that contain information about GDI, for example,
the link to the GDI flyer or the link to another website that I've used to help me out.

Now I have even more to share with them since Howard Martell has provided me with
some great info and sites to visit.

Just stay positive and good things will start to happen.

Best Wishes to you all  :)

Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: Nelfa Squires on July 23, 2005, 01:08:43 PM
I have no downlines yet since I joined and even my upline had stopped contacting me.........isn't that SAD? But I will work my up and soon hopefully when they reprint my business cards for error correction I will be up one or two steps of the ladder... I'm crossing my fingers right now. I will pick up some of these people's positive attitudes instead of waiting for my uplines to contact me... thanks positive people!!! You rock.

Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: P_Gringel on July 30, 2005, 08:01:27 PM
well I have now saved two---- and" half "he said he would resign but nothing is showing yet( this  one  answered MY add in the paper)
then I saw he  had turned orange  in my affiliate's downline :-\so I emailed him  again. He even rang me There are so many turning orange and my affiliate doesn't answer my emails  and I have no way of accessing the" orange people" except through an email to all the downline.So what do I do undermine the confidence of those already signed in? Send an email to all panic panic  most of you are turning orange ???
        I would  appreciate  some input here :-X


Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: Nicole Taylor on July 30, 2005, 08:18:10 PM
well I have now saved two---- and" half "he said he would resign but nothing is showing yet( this  one  answered MY add in the paper)
then I saw he  had turned orange  in my affiliate's downline :-\so I emailed him  again. He even rang me There are so many turning orange and my affiliate doesn't answer my emails  and I have no way of accessing the" orange people" except through an email to all the downline.So what do I do undermine the confidence of those already signed in? Send an email to all panic panic  most of you are turning orange ???
        I would  appreciate  some input here :-X



Go to Team Building and then Inactive Account Sign-Ups.

Don't worry about the messages you send to your downline. Whatever you send, your downline can also use to send to their downline.


Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: HowardMartell on July 30, 2005, 10:15:44 PM

I liked how you put it as we know just like a business we lose people this just fact some people just curious.

The serious people who join your business our your future leaders work with them provide them guidance and helping hand.

Keep it simple so your team understands how you're successful with GDI.

Take care

Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: TerryH on July 31, 2005, 09:08:28 AM
You have to remember that some of the people that sign up are only interested in the product and not neccessarily the business opportunity.
I have found over the years in networking that out of 12 people that you sign up, 3 to 4 will be interested in taking this thing all the way, 3 to 4 will use the product and play with the business a little and 3 to 4 will do absolutely nothing.
I learned a long time ago to not worry about it. The numbers are the numbers.
So, I communicate weekly with my group, work with the ones that respond and hope the best for the rest.
Eventually a few more will pop out when they're ready.
That's life.
If you don't hear back from your upline or downline, don't worry about it. You become the leader. Learn all you can about your business. You initiate things like a weekly team call. Make it available to your group. Be a great example of how a leader/sponsor should be and people will follow your lead.
I believe that over time as GDI grows, new people coming to look at this great opportunity will seek out the leaders in GDI. I believe that people will want to know " Who has the best run team. Who helps their people the most etc..."
If that someone is you, you will be poised to have a very large business but most importantly, a team of other leaders.
This is the essence of True Networkmarketing. "Finding and developing leaders". 

Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: SSmith on July 31, 2005, 09:15:22 AM

Remember that some people timidly put in their 'ticket info', others simply put in an alias.  I had to search through several previous contact numbers before I found one that would actually put me in contact with a recent sign up.  

After new signups have watched the movie and the presentations, they are convinced to give proper information which may take a while to filter through all the improper information given before.  GDI sends a letter asking them to contact you.  I miss this letter now that most of my recruiting is being done outside the leads system here.  

Have you tried placing "Sponsor GDI Please Respond" or "WS Sponsor Please Respond" in the subject line of your emails to them?  Also, don't try to send bulk.  Go individual, so you will be sure to get through.  Also, remember your sign up may be on VACATION.


Title: Re: A downline quit, now their downline is un-contactable by me!
Post by: JNapier on August 07, 2005, 12:22:27 AM
Steve, I refuse to get down and dirty over any matter but I will offer my $1.00 worth here. People quit or do not become active for so many different reasons that it would take a novel to list them all.  Some just don't capture the whole picture of this great business opportunity no matter what we do. Plain and simple!!

Others want to make it rich without taking the measures to instill it.  Some just don't have the patience to stick with it long enough to see results.  Still, others are too easily swayed by other business opportunites and they leave one behind and go chase another. I call these people dream chasers but that's all they usually do. They wear themselves out chasing instead of staying put and working any business long enough to succeed.

I have always said that if the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence it is probably artifical turf.  Instead, I believe in staying put and keep tending what I already have.

So, although there are many, many reasons for members opting out we shouldn't let that stop us from moving forward. More members will join and some will stay for the long term. Let's all hold to the positive and keep the door locked against anything negative.

All my best,
Norma  :o

Title: Re: A downline quit, now their downline is un-contactable by me!
Post by: Amy Derby on August 07, 2005, 09:59:18 AM

Grownups resolve problems by coming here and doing like you said --
let's come here and talk this out.  Let's make it better.   Let's put
a suggestion in the appropriate forum, and let's see what the company
does about it.  Etc.

If people leave my downline without a word, I don't assume the worst.
I don't assume anything at all, in fact.  I just wish them well. 
I don't take it personally, because I know
that I have done the best I could, and that no one's actions really have
anything to do with me or with GDI either.  It's all about them and where
they're at.  Their life, and mine, is bigger than GDI.  So, onward we go.

"Sponsor" to me is like "Guide".  Not "babysitter", not "handholder",
not "mindreader", not "scapegoat."

To me, quitting GDI and blaming it on the sponsor and/or GDI is equal to
a recovering alcoholic going out after years of sobriety, getting drunk
and blaming his actions on his sponsor and/or his twelve step group.

You hit the nail on the head when you said "what they expected."
I give my downliners all the same tools I have.  Sometimes what I expect
is not necessarily what happens, either.  But that's life.  And that's business.
It's not a question of "what should someone have done for me," but a
question of "what should I be doing for myself to either make it better
or adjust my expectations".  If GDI isn't up to someone's expectations,
then they should leave.  No company is meant for everyone.  Best wishes
to 'em.

Is there anything you can actively do to prevent this problem?

Aside from getting ourselves magic wands.... nope, I'm thinkin not.

Onward, friends.   ;D

Title: Re: A downline quit, now their downline is un-contactable by me!
Post by: RhondaWarren on August 07, 2005, 05:00:22 PM
Here is what I do with my downline. We are very team focused. So we have one email from our team that we send to all of our new people that join our downline. We teach each of our team members to send this same email. This email lets them know how to get started with our team, we give them a free site to prospect toward moms. But, on this subject it also gives them the email to our team loop. We have created a private yahoo loop for our team only. In this loop we share motivation, tips and idea's. So when someone joins our team they get there welcome email and join our loop. This way I will always have contact with my downline too. :)

Just a thought :)
Rhonda Warren

Title: Re: A downline quit, now their downline is un-contactable by me!
Post by: Deborah H on August 07, 2005, 05:47:52 PM
ALWAYS make a copy of the info in case this happens. Then you still have it. :)
Deborah H

Title: people quiting
Post by: ChrisAdamson on August 09, 2005, 08:19:27 PM
Hey everyone,

What to I say to a person to try and get them to stay? Does anyone have tips or tricks to use?

thanks chris

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: HowardMartell on August 09, 2005, 09:41:25 PM

I Do the following contact this person intially via phone and email introduce myself show them their is support from members to  help them build their business.

Tell person honestly going to take a little time to build your business can you give me 6-12 months to show you how or less.

Wait for the answer and tell them be sending you a series of emails on some of my resources to get started don't overwhelm them with to much at one time.

Invite them to training calls and offer as incentive to pass on some of my leads for them to work and offer assistance.

Tell them they need to also be accountable to themselves and not let anyone say they can't do this business.

Finally I don't force people to stay in the business who won't work it or give any effort this waste of time for both them and I.

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: Deborah H on August 10, 2005, 03:01:18 AM
All of what Howard said plus I give them one of my sign ups. If none of that works then they dont want to work. I dont worry about the sign up I gave them because if they do quit they come back to me anyway. But in my other job-the one I intend to quit-I have seen way too many people that EXPECT that they do not have to do anything at all. That all will be given to them and they for some reason deserve it. It's very frustrating but very real. MANY people are out there like that. They saw a free service-they signed up for it and that's all they are going to do. So expect that these people will end up on your downline and do all that Howard stated but remember that that type pf person is REALLY out there. And there are a LOT of them. :-\
There isnt a thing you can do to change them either. Sadly.
Deborah H

Title: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Gina Morales on August 10, 2005, 08:59:59 AM

I have been with GDI for over 2 weeks. As of yesterday I had 5 Trial with no payment on record. I have seven orange people too. I received a note from my sponsor telling me that she is impressed with my progress. She stated that I have more going on with my downline than most of the rest of her downline. I am a bit concerned for a couple of reasons. First, I am putting a lot of work into posting and talking. I am lucky enough to have a job where I have a few hours of downtime everyday and can focus on GDI. Even when I get an actual paying sign up, will they be able or willing to put this kind of effort into this program?
I know there is no way to predict, but I would appreciate any feedback on your own experiences with your downlines. I have contacted my own and have offered support, but have never been asked for help. Is this normal?


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Kyra Tuey on August 10, 2005, 04:13:44 PM
Hi Gina,

It's okay to be frustrated...especially at first. I'm sure that a lot of us have experienced that. I would like to point out that 2 weeks isn't a very long time to be in GDI. It takes time to build your team. And most want *quality* people on board with you. all of us say..."think long-term" when it comes to GDI. It's predicted that over 500 million domains will be registered in the next 10 years....let's ALL get in on some of that!  ;)

Also...I've experienced similiar reactions with my team. Not everyone who signs up will need your help. Or will even be interested in the opportunity. They may just figure that it's a cheap domain with hosting. And that's okay. If they need help...they'll ask for it. Other than that, just make sure they know you're here for them when they need help.

So...stick with it...keep talking to people & sharing this great opportunity! But don't be too anxious for it to *explode* in a short amount of time!

Good luck to you!  :)


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Gerald Yancey on August 10, 2005, 06:45:18 PM
Great Advice, Kyra! I couldn't say it better myself.


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: ThomasChen on August 10, 2005, 09:45:33 PM
hi there, its almost a month and a half since i join gdi....but wat i realised is that my downline dont seem to get wat this business is all about....most of them....they join and they do nothing just expecting their network to grow on their own...
i am quite frustrated with my downlines actuially, i cant help all of them as i am having about 20+of them for now....anly 1 or 2 is working like i do.....pls help me....

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Nicole Taylor on August 10, 2005, 09:54:07 PM
hi there, its almost a month and a half since i join gdi....but wat i realised is that my downline dont seem to get wat this business is all about....most of them....they join and they do nothing just expecting their network to grow on their own...
i am quite frustrated with my downlines actuially, i cant help all of them as i am having about 20+of them for now....anly 1 or 2 is working like i do.....pls help me....

Hi Thomas,

Yes, you can help each and every member in your downline! What you want to do is, send all new sign-ups a welcome letter. This welcome letter should contain information for the live training and opportunity calls, GDI manual, Red Ferrari flyer and other links that will help them build their business.

They should also use this welcome letter to pass on to their downline.


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Nicole Taylor on August 10, 2005, 10:13:58 PM
Don't forget to tell your downline members about!!!


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Amy Derby on August 10, 2005, 11:12:20 PM
they join and they do nothing just expecting their network to grow on their own...

Thomas, I agree with doing what Nicole has said, as I have good retention of quality people as a result of doing so.

I may certainly be wrong, but I believe in all the internet marketing businesses I've been affiliated with, there are always at least 9 out of 10 people who want "something for nothing."  We live in the world of people who want to get rich quick; just look at all the spam emails and silly ebooks out there promoting programs that have titles like "make your computer work for you!  do nothing and make millions!" 

Well, Thomas, I am agreeing with you, that I am not wanting to work with people who are wanting to "do nothing" and expect to make "millions."

Those people who sign up under me don't last long.  If they do, I'd be shocked.  If yours keep paying the ten bucks a month and do nothing else, just consider that icing on the cake for you.

Meanwhile, join up with some message boards, online groups, and forums that will allow you to network with some QUALITY people who are really genuinely INTERESTED in working for the money!  Don't target people who want to "get rich quick" if you're looking for people who want work!

Get creative about it.  For example, do you like sports?  Do you play chess?  Do you speak another language?  Join a board that has nothing to do with this or any other business.  Fill out your profile, and leave this link to GDI business in your profile, and in your signature line, if the board allow that.  Get to know some people there.  Make friendly, you know?  Chit chat with someone a few times over the boards or email.  Once they feel like they know you a little bit, maybe then ask them, are they interested in hearing about an opportunity to make some extra money?  If so, then invite them to watch the GDI movie.  This is one way I make my "recruits" online.  I am involved in many mom boards, publishing boards, law school tutoring programs, artist and writer boards, deaf community boards.  Anything you have interest in, it's good to join that kind of person.  You will be able to relate with them of something other than GDI, so you will seem to be another REAL person, you know, "one of them" and not just "some man named Thomas the go-to get rich quick guy."

To Gina,
In addition to what was said above, I will also add that when I am feeling discouraged that I am putting a lot of time into something that isn't making me a lot of money right now, I think about that for every month, there are going to be checks coming in for these people.  So even though I may spend a few hours and only get one person in the door, in two years from now, that person will not only have made me $24 instead of $1 (assuming the person has only one domain -- half my downline has more than one), but also money for anyone else the person brings in, and the money those people bring in, etc.
I have been in GDI only several weeks.  However, I have done MLM for years through other companies, and the secret is in building the foundation.  That's what takes the work.  Once you've got all five levels of people active and working, it multiplies a lot faster than you can keep track of!  I only have three levels in GDI right now, and less than 100 downliners, but I am not upset about that, because if I keep averaging 5-10 sign-ups per day, even if most of them quit or never pay (orange & purple, etc.), a lot of people are staying.
You will be fine.  The people you want beneath you are the ones who are WILLING to stick it out.  Even if you spend an entire month to get just a few people in who are quality people and in this for the good and long term, it will be worth it in the long term.
I'm been doing MLM and other marketing for seven years, and I have never seen anything like GDI.  From the other angle of the fact that I work in bankruptcy law, well, let's just say I know who to avoid, and I know when to "run for the hills"  ;D (I did ok with the .com bust, because I knew to sell my stock, see ;)).  I don't anticipate having to run from this one.
Don't let yourself get too frustrated or burnt out.  Get inspired and excited, in whatever way you can.  You will be successful at this if you keep on keeping on. :)

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: KLopez on August 10, 2005, 11:56:53 PM
Well, your doing way better than I am apparently and I have been putting my all into this business. I've been with GDI for over 2 months now and NOTHING. I was soooooo excited when I first joined. I didn't expect for everything to happen the first week, or first month, - but at least something - some type of result to keep me excited and keep going... but so far nothing. I had one guy join (someone I knew) but it turns out he wasn't really serious about the whole thing I guess and he never specified any payment options and his account was deleted but I have not gotten a single response from my leads. I send out 2,000 leads every single day and always personally email the people who watched my movie and I'm using an autoresponder also for those who don't watch the movie. Well, just recently I only started getting emails from people that wanted to be removed from the list - but I've sent out so many personal emails and I have not gotten a single response yet... so I have not had a single person sign up out of over 100,000 leads that I've had sent out. It is very frustrating. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong but I've read all the training info and taken advice from others - I feel I'm doing a good job with this business but yet wonder why everyone else gets at least some result and I don't.  If I can just one serious person to sign up just to get things started, I would be so happy. Everyday I can't wait to check my email to see if someone has signed up or at least sent me an email requesting more information but it never happens. I'm ready and willing to help people but no one seems to be interested. I currently use just a few marketing methods until I got this business working for me a little, hoping that later I could afford other methods of marketing. But, if I never get results, I don't see how this will happen. Right now I just feel like I'm throwing money away on the leads and bulkmailer. Hopefully it will come to prove me wrong one of these days. What really keeps me going is seeing the posts of people on the forum... it really inspires me to keep going and keep trying. I just hope one day I can be here sharing with others how GDI has worked for me.

Anyway, I think that is great you have already gotten 5 signups in 2 weeks considering my situation.  
Keep up the good work & I wish you the best!

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: RodB on August 11, 2005, 10:26:33 AM
Hey guys this is a great business. Never say die!

Ayn Rand said and I quote  "Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is worng" This quotation is from Atlas Shrugged.

You guys are 100% on the right track. Sounds to me like a bit of fine tuning is the order of the day.
Check your premises!

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: LoganWandell on August 12, 2005, 12:57:58 AM

"I feel your pain." : US President William Jefferson Clinton

The problem I have to deal with, is not only no signing up...are the following:
  • Unsupportive spouse
  • small budget
  • I know how to get this done, but lack funds
  • Have spent close to $100 for marketing (via 1000 business cards, 1 newspaper ad [5days], 1000  b/w 1/2 sheet flyer copies) a $10/mo business...with no return (hence upset & unsupportive spouse)
  • ***I Can't help but look at this for the long run earnings. Nevertheless, reminded constantly that I am considered a "sucker" for waisting my time with MLM because the only people who make the money are the ones at the top. Pointless to mention...I may not be at the top now, but with time...I will be.(
Do you know how I deal with this? I know it's hard but it works...
* budget your time
* budget your money
* do not approach "nay sayers"
* stay away from negative people
* stay postive
* be friendly to everyone... incase that person is interested in the future; because of who I am, & how much I have helped others succeed at something that seems so impossible to them.
* This is NOT get rich quick I don't treat it like it is
* be patient
* be patient... some day soon all my work will pay off!
Hopes this helps...  :)


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: KLopez on August 12, 2005, 09:02:20 AM
Hey Logan...I have a lot of the same problems you do.... I also have:                                                           

- Unsupportive spouse
- very small budget
- Currently paying monthy for bulkmailer & I've bought 2,000 leads a day for a year.... not to mention lost tons and tons of money on a previous home business we tried... and totally got burned... after that my spouse doesn't support any type of home business - he's always on my back about this... and the more time that passes and I dont see results, the worse it gets.

I try to do all of the things on your positive list... the posts in the forum really keep my head up though! You guys are awesome!

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Diane Ewert on August 12, 2005, 10:18:08 AM
Hi Klopez & Logan,

Known how you feel.  I've been at this for 2 months now myself.  I just got my first sign-up on trail.  Just be patient, it will happen.  You have been doing more with mailers but I feel most of these are not even opened or read.  I find drop card and flyier and emails work best.  But what do I know and just new at this too.

Keep up your good work and it will pay off.  I was like you and thought I had made a mistake.  But I quickly learned that it could take a long time to build my business.  I made a commentment to give it at lest one year.  There are a lot of good ideas for marketing on these form that don't cost a lot of money.  Try some of them and see if it works for you.

Good Luck and welcome.


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: R_Morneau on August 12, 2005, 09:05:49 PM
I am way on board with the unsupportive spouse!! I have tried many mlm's etc.. only to lose tons of money on advertising with very little in return. I am hoping and praying that GDI is different, my wife thinks I am crazy (I sort of am) for "believing" in yet another company. However, deep down inside I truly believe in GDI, I hope we all succeed, and if not, there is always second

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: KLopez on August 13, 2005, 08:24:44 AM

I can really relate to you on that one. I think one of the most frustrating things is having an unsupportive spouse.  I feel the exact same way you do. I've tried a couple other home businesses but the last one was terrible.... we lost so much money on that deal.... money that we still owe... and I never got payed a single penny for the work I did! But, for some reason, GDI seemed "different." I really believed in GDI for some reason and thought to give it a shot. And of course, my husband wants nothing to do with it. He's really furious over it. I can't wait to prove him wrong when I succeed in GDI. But, it's been nearly 2 and 1/2 months since I joined GDI and I still have no results/signups ... so everyday that goes by is just another argument waiting to happen. 

I hope we all succeed too. I don't know what it is about GDI that made it stand out from all the rest for me... well maybe it's the $10 a month which isn't much. But, I didn't think about all the advertising/promoting costs. By far, this is the most afforadble business I've come across, but I still just don't have it in my budget to do that much right now.

Anyway, good luck to you & everyone!

Kaci Lopez

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Gina Morales on August 13, 2005, 06:30:44 PM
Hi it's Gina again... Things have changed since yesterday when I posted. I have an active member and two that have signed up with credit cards for trial. I moved one of my purple people(trial with no payment record on file) to one of my downline who is in trial with a credit card on file. I am hoping that moving downline to my downline is a good idea. I don't have much to give but it feels like it really boosts people when thay actually have a downline member. It also gives my trial member a chance to learn a lot more in a short time by helping their downline and hopefully this will all help me to get an active member after the trail.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I should be giving away people when I really don't have many, but I'll let you know how it works out. I wanted to thank everyone for the replies to my post...they really helped.

I think at the beginning it's hard to see what's really possible here....But I also think that it really will pay off for those who are really wanting to BUILD something.

Thanks again,


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: LoganWandell on August 14, 2005, 12:28:17 AM
Anyway, I'm not sure if I should be giving away people when I really don't have many, but I'll let you know how it works out. I wanted to thank everyone for the replies to my post...they really helped.


From what I understand, you're not giving your downline member still get paid for both of thoes members! Only now, you both get $1 !

According to the GDI Training manuel, that's what we should be doing... as soon as we have our 1st 5 then we start spreading them out down the line... no more than 5! Because that won't teach them to get out there and promote.  They'll inherantly believe they can just get something for nothing. It's a great idea, and awesome option as well! It'll add to everyone's income!

So if everyone did what the manuel suggests this is what should happen..

  • 1st level:  your 1st  5 members are given from your immediate upline
  • 2nd level: you give 5 members to each of your 5 members
    [li]3rd level:  their upline starts the process all over again..

the levels look like this:
5= 5 members
5x5= 25 members
5x25= 125 members
5x125= 625 members
5x625= 3,125 members

Giving you a $3,905 monthly income on members alone...not including bonuses or the recruting they do! Plus it'll pay half of their mo/payment!

Granted, that'll probably take a while to do, but when it does happen, you can bet our spouses will like it now!

This is how I plan to work my downline when it get's going. and support will be given up the yin-yang (where-ever that is?) I imagin i'll probably give more than 5 each thoug... after time... maybe 2 per week so they'll get the in bonus pool. of course that all depends on my traffic ;)

till next time!


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Kyra Tuey on August 14, 2005, 01:03:15 PM
I just wanted to add that, as long as you're doing everything that you can possibly be doing, you know, getting the word out, handing out business cards, flyers, calling all of your friends...whatever methods you're will pay off. Sometimes it's slow, and you have to remember that no...not everyone will be interested. But there WILL be people who are.
Maybe consider another approach to what you're marketing. Are you only telling people about the opportunity to make money? Or are you explaining to them all of the cool benefits there are to having a webpage? Try both approaches....don't just only promote one or the other.

And don't let anyone tell you that it's not worth it or it won't go anywhere. All of us here are in GDI, and we're all LIVING PROOF that it's going somewhere. People ARE going to be skeptical...there are a lot of *schemes* out there. You just have to show them there's nothing to worry about. There's no risk. There's no "blowing tons of money". It's an affordable program. Just $10 a month! I know just about everyone wastes $10 a month....because it's affordable!

So...the point will work! So don't give up! GDI is long-term....not short-term!

Good luck to everyone!  :)


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Deborah H on August 14, 2005, 06:20:52 PM
One of the great things about GDI is you do not have to spend a ton of money. Just keep working and it will come. Nothing happens overnight. Keep your attitude up and don't listen to the negative people. Tune them out. I think many of the people that say negative things about what we are doing-do not want us to succeed. If we did that would prove them wrong. Ignore them. We know they will never get anywhere. If they are happy in their cubical or whatever-let them stay there. People like us just have higher expectations of ourselves and are willing and able to make those expectations real. We dance to our own tune. So dance away and make this happen for YOU. Forget about THEM. :D What do they know?
Deborah H

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: JNapier on August 15, 2005, 08:05:17 AM
I want to share a story with you new members that I hope will help you to understand how patience and hard work is needed before you can begin to expect positive results in your business.

I grew up on a large farm that my grandfather owned. We all shared in the responsibilities of tending the fields.  My days in the corn field taught me a valuable lesson in patience, attitude, and endurance.

In the spring, grandfather would prepare the land utilizing the tools on hand; an old mare and a plow.  Then, we roped off the rows as evenly as possible to allow for growth between each one. Next, we sowed the corn, dropping the kernels by hand.  After planting each row, we would then have to cover the corn with a hoe. 

After the first rain, weeds started to grow faster than the corn.  We would spend long days in the hot sun hoeing each row to keep the weeds at bay so the tender corn stalks could grow to maturity.  Finally, by the middle of the next season, we had a bountiful harvest.  However, we still had much work to do to preserve it. We canned some, we froze some, we even gave away some to others. 

Now, I am building a business and all the things I learned in tending the corn field prevents me from being discouraged.  I know it will take a lot of work and I have to get out of my comfort zone in order to tend each row (market areas). However, in the right season, I fully expect a bountiful harvest.

All my best,
Norma  :o

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: mack88 on August 15, 2005, 11:19:46 AM

That was an exceptional life story that shows how the fruits of ones labor, can pour in many blessings over time!  We all reap what we sew!  Keep up the great work!


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Gina Stone on August 15, 2005, 06:13:56 PM
Hi Everyone,

What first attracted me to GDI was the low monthly fee and the idea that no product was involved. I had sold cosmetics for a few years and it was a pain.

Anyway, back in 1978 a friend and I started a BBQ restaurant from scratch. On our first night we sold 2 chicken dinners and a rack of ribs. 20 years later we retired from the place with fans from all over the world grieving our departure.

I have every faith that GDI will overtake my present salary and retire me again. I do work it hard. Mostly snail mail, drop cards and physically pounding the pavement. I know my efforts will pay off and it's worth every bit of my time.

GDI's web package is a great deal!

I enjoy visiting the forum and reading the posts daily. I love being affiliated with this group!


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: JNapier on August 16, 2005, 07:32:35 PM
Great story, Gina!! I congratulate you on your past success and I believe you will succeed in this business as well. 

All my best,
Norma  :o

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: ChrisAdamson on August 17, 2005, 09:20:38 AM
thanks i will try that out! I hate to see people quit after a few days, its sad.

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Werner_K on August 17, 2005, 10:23:10 AM
Hi Gina;

You are obviously concerned, and rightfully so!
 First:Now, lets look at this a little closer. Two + weeks! To establish a successful business will, most likely, take a little more time.
OK,OK, I know that you are looking for ' just a start ', for some kind of a response!
You have a few people with whom you have been in contact with.Right?
Sometimes, in order to convince others, one is inclined to perhaps overemphasize.Possible?
Second: Consider this,Let GDI do the talking.Go to the Members Site (YOU) read. or if you can,
listen to the Interview with Michael and Alan and not just ONCE. Invite YOUR people to do the same. We might not always have the same impact, or the right words, to influence people.
Besides, what's better than to have it right from the ' Horses' Mouth'?
Third: Invite People to the  weekly Conference Calls, especially Tuesdays.
Question: Where is your Sponsor or your Upline??
And now, lastly, if there is a spouse, He HAS to do the same! INVOLVE him, not convince him
Well, I hope, that I didn't bore you.
Wishing you Success with GDI,
I remain,WernerK.  San Pedro, Ca

PS. To KLopez, 100,000 Leads! What kind of leads?? The numbers alone will probably not do it!

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: mack88 on August 17, 2005, 02:43:17 PM
there is always second

Your post made me chuckle!  It just the way you stated it.  I can say I understand with the supportive spouse, even though I do not have one now.  I have been with Network Marketing for a number of years.  I recall when I did have a significant other, she did not and could not understand why I wanted to get involved with making money from home.  I saw the potential.  Fast forward to 2005..I have had success in the past, and I am having success now with GDI, not huge amounts yet, but it is growing at a steady pace.  The majority of my signups have come from people I personally know.  Do not be afraid of your warm market!  They can be tremendous assets!

My suggestion to both KLopez and R_Morneau is try marketing your products and opportunity offline using fliers, drop cards, business cards, just plain old talking to people.  You possibly might be doing this already!  Keep it up.  I wish the both of you much success and your efforts will pay off!  I just know it!  Stay with it and you to will see the fruits of your labor...


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: RhondaWarren on August 17, 2005, 08:05:04 PM
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to stop by and post a message regarding those that are feeling stressed by not having much progress with GDI.
Honestly this opportunity is so simple because all we have to do is advertise and then support our downline. The biggest thing to remember is to not give up. If you continue advertising then your downline will grow. You just have to give it time. As someone else said 2 weeks is not long at all to be in GDI and expect alot of results, as with anything you have to get your site out in front of people. And if you are like me I spent the first week asking questions and learning myself. So give it time and your downline will grow.

You will want to be sure when you get a few people then team up with them. Working together creates success for all of you.

So keep your chin up and dont give up! The only way you will fail is if you quit trying! I mean think about it you only need $10 paying customers and your monthly fee is paid for. The rest is in your pocket.What could be better than that!?


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Stephanie Remers on August 17, 2005, 08:05:04 PM
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know I have been a member of GDI since last October.
My commissions for each month have been as follows:

OCT2004   $0.00
NOV2004   $0.00
DEC2004   $4.00
JAN2005   $9.00
FEB2005   $12.00
MAR2005   $16.00
APR2005   $19.00
MAY2005   $19.00
JUN2005   $20.00
JUL2005   $50.00

For the month of August I am at $44 so far. As you can see NOTHING happened
for the first 2 months! So what happened in July, you ask? I finally got serious and
started WORKING my business. I started seeking out other serious like-minded folks
looking for a home business. During the first few months when nothing happened
even though I was working so hard, I became frustrated. I began to look at other
opportunities. In July I dropped everything and now focus ONLY on GDI.

Do I use Bulkmailer? Yes. Have I gotten signups from it? Yes - not a good percentage,
but several. I also enter good quality Surveyed ONLY leads into the GDI invite system.
Do I get signups from it? Yes, one just yesterday. :) 90% of my marketing is online
to safelists. I know most folks will tell you safelists don't work, but ummmmm.....I
guess they do. ;)

In a nutshell, just keep your head will find what works for YOU and when
you do you will be so glad you persevered - I know I am!

In Success,

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: JNapier on August 19, 2005, 10:18:49 AM
To be totally honest, I found the majority of the ones who dropped out  in my team were the ones where myself and their immediate upline sponsors were dropping new sign ups under them.
Some of them actually had two or more dropped down to help them build their business. However, it was like they didn't want to do any work themselves. After a little while some of them just quit.

I didn't have one single person passed under me. Yet, I am still active and will remain so.  Much can be said about motivation and determination in order to be successful.  Don't get me wrong, I still believe in helping everyone I can but I don't think it is productive to keep passing new members under the ones who are proving they are not willing to try to build their business also.
Once this has been determined to be the case I will then focus on passing to the ones who are actively building their own downline. I feel they deserve my generousity.

All my best,
Norma  :o

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: ChrisAdamson on August 19, 2005, 02:20:42 PM

great as allways, well put! Thanks  ;D

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: ThomasChen on August 26, 2005, 08:29:42 AM
Hi there,
i have been on the offline way for the pass 2 weeks and now i manage to have 33 downlines on my entire network. I have also done as you guys suggested, sending information mails to all my downlines and yes it do work but still there are those who think that they will be able to do it the lazy guy way. I have been working so hard, seeing so many prospect, no matter my direct refferals or ppl that my downline refers. But i am getting no where beyond success.....cause i know this is a team work game but in the end i am the only one working in my entire network.... i need help....would advertising on the newspaper do?? I have already put everything i can into this business.

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: DRowland on August 26, 2005, 04:12:27 PM
After just a few months I sure wouldn't give up. It takes an average of 2 to 5 years to build a successful business for the average person. It can get expensive yes, but as long as your trying, you will succeed. You do need to have a business plan though. Without a business plan your chances of success are based more on luck, and chance than anything else.
You need to plan your time, money, advertising, etc, etc, etc.....
Also, there are dozens of ways to advertise for free. They do take some time, but that is why you budget your time. I have 5 business's now with GDI. I am having fun with all of them, but I only allocate 2 hours a night to promote my business's on the internet. Why? So I don't get burned out and discouraged with them. There are other things that I can do also. I belong to several forums, where I am making myself known, or already have. Many of the people there know what I am doing, and I know what many of them are doing. I don't always tell everyone when I'm chatting with them, but I do use sig lines like crazy.
Be patient. It takes time to build a successful business. Of any kind.


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: KLopez on August 31, 2005, 11:04:55 PM
I now realize what I was doing wrong thanks to Nicole and a few other people on this wonderful forum. Now I'm getting tons of responses. I'm actually getting signups now, even though it's just beginning. I can't wait to see what's going to be happening for me within a few months with GDI. GDI is awesome... if your not getting results, try something else until you find what is right for you... but I assure you that it does work... just dont give up so quick or you will never find out.

Anyone can feel free to contact me if you want sugguestions.  :)

Kaci Lopez

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: HowardMartell on September 01, 2005, 02:06:06 AM
Hello, GDI Members

I understand everyone's concerns but building and developing leaders takes time and whole lot of effort.

We need to encourage and arm all new and seasoned business builders with the tools to be successful.

My commission check each month Since been member in GDI has climbed each and every month and the quality people who have why for wanting a home biz.

You must each stay the course whether it takes you 1 year or 3 year to build a comfortable residual income enjoy the benefits a solid business like GDI provides.

The attitude you must have is help develop your leaders and you will be rewarded with lifetime of not only residual income, but also a friendship for life.

In closing stay postive focus on your goals and don't let anyone say you can't do that!

God Bless

Howie Martell Hawaii leadership culivating one relationship into a lifetime of friendship!

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: LDaniel on September 04, 2005, 09:44:10 AM
I now realize what I was doing wrong thanks to Nicole and a few other people on this wonderful forum. Now I'm getting tons of responses. I'm actually getting signups now, even though it's just beginning. I can't wait to see what's going to be happening for me within a few months with GDI. GDI is awesome... if your not getting results, try something else until you find what is right for you... but I assure you that it does work... just dont give up so quick or you will never find out.

Anyone can feel free to contact me if you want sugguestions.  :)

Kaci Lopez

Hi Kaci,

I would like to know how you turned your GDI business around, please teach me about what works  :)


Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: Michael Geter on September 04, 2005, 09:44:10 AM

I've also lost a person or two but in case you're not getting it here...  It's all about the relationship factor.  How well do you connect with your downline at the time of INCEPTION to the GDI opportunity!  First impressions and all that. ;)
So make your CAMPAIGNING the first part of your relationship building.  Put some character in your campaigning whether it's
on-or-offline!  Show some personality.  Don't just throw cards and flyers out there (although that can work every now and again) see what works best for you.  It's going to take time and some trial and error.  Everybody's campaign will be different.  I definitely agree that the FIRST thing you need to do with potential signees is to see what their goals are.  They won't succeed unless they have that "WHY" in their mind at ALL times guiding them forward like the carrot to the rabbit.

Myke Geter,
Commerce City, CO

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: Tatjana Prelog on September 05, 2005, 12:03:53 AM
Well, my husband put once one signup under one downline, but then that downline left. I also don't know, do we know the wrong people or what, but no one  - except our wonderful downline from Nigeria - responds to the e-mails we're sending. No one wants the support. Well maybe our downlines are so sure they don't need any support. As my husband (my very faithful downline) gets most prospects (and signups) through the messenger, we also offer support that way, too if someone wants it of course.

I know contacts are important, but I personally don't feel well if I should contact one who obviously doesn't wnat help ... Selfsufficiency is hard thing sometimes ...


Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: DRowland on September 05, 2005, 12:17:42 PM
There are so many reasons for people to quit it's amazing. I don't worry too much about trying to convince them to stay. If they've made up their minds to leave, you probably won't change it anyways. I know a lot of people come on board thinking that in a week or two they are going to be making thousands of dollars with no work.
You may have explained that they need to do work, but people tend to hear what they want to hear, not what you actually said. Especially with all of these programs out there saying that you can get rich without doing anything. Just keep sending them emails on how to build their business, how to join this forum, etc....
I've gotten two signups in the past 2 days, so I'm pretty happy. One is going to be interesting to see what he does. He signed up, but is listed as inactive since he didn't list a way to pay for the service. He says that his father is a king over in one of the African countries. Haven't verified that yet. If he is, I may be into a good thing here.
I'll keep ya'll  posted on what I  find out.

David Rowland

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: Gina Morales on September 06, 2005, 03:20:33 PM

I think if you look at the big picture, it doesnt matter why someone leaves. The bottom line has to be people finding what they're looking for at GDI. Some do, some don't. Never take it personally! It's a waste of precious energy. Help when you can and let go without worry when you can't. I think if we feel like GDI is right for us we're lucky to have found a match. Some people spend a lifetime searching and never find that. The people that want to be here are worth so much more than the $1 they compute to. That's what you learn here. What starts out as being about the quick buck turns into the good old fashioned work for it method. Some won't be happy untill they find the overnight success. I wish them well and get back to my business at hand.

Take Care,

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: gdi on September 06, 2005, 03:23:05 PM
Profound, astute and well-stated, Gina!


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: KLopez on September 08, 2005, 05:18:30 AM

I have sent you a pm.

I am just getting started with this but in the short time I've been trying something else, it has been working for me!! I was so frustrated before but now I have hope again because I'm actually seeing results this time even though it's just beginning.

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: DRawe on September 08, 2005, 07:06:59 AM
Well....Don't be concerned too much about the ones that quit...emphasize on the ones that are staying! These are the gems that will help you and themselves build this program. They will likely accept your help and use this as a way to motivate the gems they have in their downline.

I have realized that in this type of business ( or any other MLM) that there are only a few people that are truely dedicated to make an effort work. Things won't grow overnight ( I don't think this is a beanstalk  ;) ) . It takes time, learning, and nurturing your 'plants' so the 'fruits' can be realized .


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: MariaChandler on September 08, 2005, 07:06:59 AM
Hi, glad to see I am not the onl one out there feeling frustrated at times. I have had no help from my upline, have emaied some of my list, but am still yet to get any replies from them. Am new to thi, but have done quite a lot of online marketing for this. I do believe in  it, and having moved towards a different online marketing, am regretting that one and moving back t this - what I first believed in. I have just discovered the forum after 2 months doing this, and am now spending some time on it daily as there seems to be some great advice on here. Any help appreciated, particularly with follow up letters etc.

Also being thick i think don't know what is meant by orange and purple as mentioned above in tis line - can anybody explain?

Thanks Maria

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Marie_F on September 08, 2005, 10:07:32 AM

        People that sign up for their 7 day trial but do not input a payment method, show up in your downline in purple, as opposed to blue if they do input a payment method. after the 7 day trial, if they don't do anything else, they change to orange, and they are kind of in Limbo, they are not an active member, but if they don't physically cancel their account, they are not completely cancelled out of the system either. at any point they could put a payment method on file and become a full member, in which case thay show up as green

      Does any of that make sense ? 

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: R_Morneau on September 08, 2005, 01:09:21 PM
I have not had a single sign up in over two weeks. I have purchased leads 3 seperate times from gdi back office, bought and distributed gdi cards, signed up for bulkmailer etc......etc....

nothing!!!!!!!! I do not want to quit, but????????? How many leads must a man purchase before you can call him a man??? I think the answer is blowin in the wind. Anyhow, I read some posts on how somebody turned their business around, how?? I have also been paying hit services etc... My site is getting plenty of hits but nothing at all for signups, HELP!!!!

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Marie_F on September 08, 2005, 01:41:48 PM
I think we all go through dry spells, the answer is to keep on doing what you are doing, and don't give up ! If it is straining your budget to buy leads then switch to less expensive methods such as fliers, free ads etc.  I know it can be frustrating at times . I have been with GDI for two and a half months, and i have  a downline of 6. I wish it was more but I work full time also and my time and budget is limited. I am looking at this as a long term project and I know that if we stay focused it will come together in time
Please stick with it, Remember it is ONLY $10 a month, keep on coming to the forum and try different methods of marketing until you see  some results.  The summer is typically slow for all businesses, maybe it will pick up soon

                            Best of Luck

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: S Ken on September 08, 2005, 03:39:50 PM
I now realize what I was doing wrong thanks to Nicole and a few other people on this wonderful forum. Now I'm getting tons of responses. I'm actually getting signups now, even though it's just beginning. I can't wait to see what's going to be happening for me within a few months with GDI. GDI is awesome... if your not getting results, try something else until you find what is right for you... but I assure you that it does work... just dont give up so quick or you will never find out.

Anyone can feel free to contact me if you want sugguestions.  :)

Kaci Lopez

Hi Kaci,

Congratulations on your success. Can you tell me what it was that turned things around for you?

Thank you,

Ken Sherwin

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: KLopez on September 08, 2005, 11:19:15 PM
Hi Ken.

I've just tried new methods of marketing and I've found something that really seems to be working. If you want more info, feel free to pm me :) 


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: QuincyM on September 09, 2005, 03:01:09 AM
I sometimes feel the same way!


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: MarkT on September 09, 2005, 11:47:34 AM
You just have to stick with it.  GDI is a long term business.  Patience and perserverance is the key.

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: PhyllisW on September 15, 2005, 10:17:15 AM
Hello Everyone ;)
I have been sitting here for about an hour and a half (dial up, slow, slow) reading people's posts, meeting all the new people who have signed up, WOW, I'm impressed, and checking out people's web sites (excellent ideas out there).  I come here into the Forum when I am feeling frustrated,
and downhearted  :'(, because it lifts my spirits and helps me feel like flying with the eagles again! ;)
I joined GDI in July with no former Net Marketing experience and probably not a whole lot of computer experience either (still raking my imagination to get my web site up).  I have spent so much time reading and not knowing what to do next.  Some of it is starting to click.  Rome sure wasn't built in a day!  As with any program it goes one step at a time and one day at a time.  For all of you who are working hard and not getting anywhere please don't get discouraged.  Read the Forums and notice there are people out there who are doing well, so  know it is possible. In my line of work we use PUT, Practice, Use, Teach, which will go a long way in this business.  Learn everything you can, then practice it, then teach it to your downline. Just an added poem,
        When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
        When the road your're trudging seems all up hill,
        When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
        And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
        When care is pressing you down a bit,
         Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

         Life is queer with its twists and turns,
         As everyone of us sometimes learns,
         And many a failure turns about,
         When he might have won had he stuck it out,
         Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
         You may succeed with another blow.

         Success is failure turned inside out,
         The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
         And you never can tell how close you are.
         It may be near when it seems so far,
         So stick to the fight when your're hardest hit,
         It's when things seem worse,
         That you must not quit!!!!!  Don't know the author.

Sorry this post is so long, I just had to do it. ::)

"We all have choices to make in Life!!"

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Marie_F on September 15, 2005, 10:53:53 AM
well said Phyllis.....I'm with you !!  it's easy to get discouraged when you se that other people are getting dozen sof sign ups in a week, but I believe that the majority of thise people have either lots of time to market, or spare money for advertising. For those of us with limited resources, it is slower, but it does happen, 1 person at a time !

                               Regards... marie

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Gina Morales on September 15, 2005, 05:13:30 PM
I started this post awhile ago and had no idea that so many others would read and reply. That in itself tells you that most of us are in the same kind of situation when we start with GDI. I've been here for almost 8 weeks and I think I'm finally getting in my"groove." My "groove" isn't going to work for anyone else cause I own it and it's a part of me. We all have our own special's just coming to realize that not having all the answers is okay and having slow times is okay too. It's all about right now and making sure that you are doing this GDI thing your own way. Personal touch is EVERYTHING!!!!  Learn from others and then add something special that comes from you. I think every person who believes they can succeed with GDI will. Hang in there and have fun!!!!

Take Care,


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: K Nelson on September 15, 2005, 08:11:32 PM

 I to am very frusterated and have got no where.My funds are very low with being on disability it is very hard. I dont have a down line yet and only one hit recent i am trying to figure out how to respond to them. I havent heard from any of my up line either only to get my web site up and running. I am sorry about you spouce i am just glad mine dont bother me but he dont know yet what i am doing lol. I am just praying and hopeing i can get something going herebecause i think with all these people on this forum we should eventually get somewhere. This is my first work from home adventure and i sure hope i made the righ dissision.but i to will feel better as soon as i see even one person in my down line and i get to know how to go from ther. So i guess we just keep are heads up and keep plugging away at this and it will eventually pay of.

                          Have a great day !!

                                   Kim ;)

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Gina Morales on September 16, 2005, 09:26:45 AM
Hi Kim,

Don't be discouraged!  I think we all have ups and downs with this type of business. What has helped me is to take the focus off of the referrals for a few days and think about what I want to do with my website. My website isn't done yet but I found a children's vitamin that I can distribute and am looking into a few other products that I believe in. I think if you look at GDI for the website opportunity as well as the referral opportunity it will give you some balance.  There are so are so many opportunities to distribute products for a very minimal investment. (I don't have the money to spend either) I found that taking a break from thinking about GDI prospects actually helped me to revise my approach and this revision is bringing me prospects. Don't put pressure on yourself. This business takes time to build. Don't worry about saying the wrong things to prospects. People who find what thay are looking for at GDI sign up and the ones that don't keep looking.

Take Care,


Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: Christine Nuttall on September 21, 2005, 10:46:38 AM
Hi I am sorry to hear your plight, but have been reading a lot today on the forum, its all starting to look a bit desperate. Like when the company GDI and your upline want to sell you leads, when its there business they should be giving you leads, which will benefit us and them. No wonder people are quitting, my downlines are getting fed up already and its only been 2 weeks. I think our uplines and GDI should help us build our business. Not to take more money off us, we need incentives of people on our downlines, not really money bonuses, especially those of us who want to be here for our entire future. Come on help us where we need it.
Thanks! for reading this you all know its what we need.


Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: Marvin Drobes on September 21, 2005, 12:27:41 PM
Chsristine ,

Network Marketing is about relationships and what you are suggesting is only good if the people you are working with are serious about building a business.  I have seen too often how "Giving a person a fish for dinner, and not teaching them how to fish so that they have meals for their lifetime" have destroyed a relationship.

This is a business and there are no free lunches.  People go into a brick and mortar business and have expenses that they must pay to get started.  A bank may assist them with a load but that loan must be paid back.

MAny of us at GDI are trying to position ourselves as leaders.  Leaders Tell their Teams what they are doing, then they Show them how to do same, Then they help you to Try it for yourself until you can DO IT by yourself and then you need to do the same for your team.

I have posted this thought before but once again let me put it out for all to read.
The Networking Company has two (2) things that they must do for their affiliates/distributors;
     1)  They must make sure that the product or service is available for distribution, and
     2)  They must make sure to pay their affiliates/distributors on time.

I have been with GDI since July of 04 and the company has never failed to provide these things.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: mack88 on September 21, 2005, 01:02:33 PM
Hello Fellow GDI-ers

I agree with Marvin!  Network Marketing is about building relationships!  Nothing should not and will not be handed to anyone on a silver platter.  Free is not appreciated, does not have percieved value and then it is not taken care of or nurtured in the long run!  Most people will not learn a thing if everything is given to them.  You are in business for youself and must make and pave your own way!  Traditional businesses are done this way and guess what?  So is Network Marketing.  Look at the word Network---the word work is in there.  You have to work at it to become successful. 

GDI does provide a way for an individual to purchase leads.   It is only an option, not a requirement.  The best way to get leads is to create them yourself.  How?  Word of mouth works wonders.  I use it consistently.  Does everyone I speak to jump on board?  Of course not.  Have I had success with word of mouth?  By all means!  Word of mouth is one of the best ways to get leads and those leads are free.  No one gave them to me nor did they promise me success or results from those leads! 

If there are people in your organization that want to quit, so be it!  Let them quit.   It's that simple.  I personally will not beg anyone to stay on board.  This may seem harsh to some, not to all, so be it.  Everyone needs to understand, that it takes time to build a business.  Two weeks of doing this business is not enough time to see results or reach any sort long term goals.  It takes time to reach those goals.

GDI provides you with the tools to succeed. It is up to you to utilize those tools to reach the goals or levels of success you desire or that you have set for yourself!  So let's get out there and use the one tool, that you have had the entire time...Your Mouth!  It works wonders!  How many people are you going to open your mouth up to today and talk to about GDI and this tremendous business?

To your success!


Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: AlanZ on September 21, 2005, 02:56:09 PM
I too want to echo what Marvin and Frank just posted.  I highly recommend Frank's
suggestion about creating your own leads.  This is what I have been doing and it is
working great.  I am networking, creating my own leads and having fun.

There are two types of people in this business you will encounter.  Those who
make excuses and those who just do it. 


Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: gdi on September 21, 2005, 03:09:34 PM

Thank you for the many solid responses.

After all is said and done, it all boils down to
commitment, focus, follow-through and, knowing
this is long-term.


Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: Stephanie_Deb on September 21, 2005, 05:16:41 PM
Way to go Marv and Frank! Stephanie and I seem to be hearing from a lot of people about attrition the last several weeks.  Have we had some occur? You bet!  But guess what.... in July we came up with a system, advertised it, got members and have shared all our resources with them. Ever since, our downline has been growing a lot faster than our attrition. That is because several of our downline members are duplicating what we are doing, yet still providing their own unique twist.  We are thrilled to see their success; it's also our success.  We offered to give them information, the rest was their choice to take it and move forward. We are not "heavy hitters"; we're like most of you. ;D

Not everyone "gets it" and sees the big picture with GDI.  If they don't, it's ok, focus on those that want to learn and grow and always let your downline know you are available if they need you. Think of your downline as you would your children.  If you always do everything for them instead of teaching them how to do it themselves, you end up with spoiled kids.  If you give them enough information to help them grow, many will learn and be able teach others what has been taught to them.  GDI is a program for the LONG haul.  We sure hope all of you stick with it! 8)

In Success,
Deb Lane

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: K Nelson on September 21, 2005, 05:23:42 PM
Hi jeff
  i just read your post and yes i believe you rtight ...idont have a downline yet but i to have ha no hepl from my upline either so i have been going it on my own i just hope it works. i have done some online ads and now i have posted on Linkrefferal and get lots of hit to my web page but nothing here yet i hope something soon. yes i think the up and donw should help all the newbies.

                        Kim ???

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Jocelyn_S on September 24, 2005, 11:58:06 AM
Hi Gina!

It is good that we are used to tell the true feelings we have about this Business and be able to share our insights.  I am a newbie and i just signed up on sept. 21 and the discussion in this forum is a kind a help to me.  Thank you for bringing this topic.Arigato!

Goodluck to all of us!!!


Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: Steven Griggs on September 24, 2005, 09:59:51 PM
I'm really a newbie.   Only been a member a couple of weeks and just got the business cards.   I've put a copy of that printable flier (the one with the side view of the car at the top) in a Word file.   I copy it and paste it in an email reply to folks I think will be interested in GDI.   I also printed it out and tuck it into those postage paid envelopes I get with junk mail.   So far, no takers, but I'll give it some time.   I think tomorrow I'll put a business cards under windshield wipers at Fryes (the big electronic store), unless that's considered spamming.   I read where one affiliate was going to do that at a stadium parking lot during a big football game, so I guess that's OK.   
     I can't wait 'til I have enough downline to worry about losing one or two.

Steve Griggs

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: AlanZ on September 25, 2005, 09:03:57 AM
Think of your downline as you would your children.  If you always do everything for them instead of teaching them how to do it themselves, you end up with spoiled kids.  If you give them enough information to help them grow, many will learn and be able teach others what has been taught to them.  GDI is a program for the LONG haul.  We sure hope all of you stick with it! 8)

Excellent post Deb and I really like the analogy.


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: WayneE on September 27, 2005, 08:13:14 PM

 I to am very frusterated and have got no where.My funds are very low with being on disability it is very hard. I dont have a down line yet and only one hit recent i am trying to figure out how to respond to them. I havent heard from any of my up line either only to get my web site up and running. I am sorry about you spouce i am just glad mine dont bother me but he dont know yet what i am doing lol. I am just praying and hopeing i can get something going herebecause i think with all these people on this forum we should eventually get somewhere. This is my first work from home adventure and i sure hope i made the righ dissision.but i to will feel better as soon as i see even one person in my down line and i get to know how to go from ther. So i guess we just keep are heads up and keep plugging away at this and it will eventually pay of.

                          Have a great day !!

                                   Kim ;)


Keep on believing. Don't ever give up.  These things do take time.  Keep watching these forums and something will come up.  I know it isn't easy but it is possible.


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: JohnO'Brien on September 28, 2005, 09:05:20 AM
Guys all I can say is stay Focused on you DREAM and this business will work for you.
No matter what the hurdle is, hang in there and never, never, never, never, never,never,never,never give up
it will work and it will work for you.

Title: frustrated and down again
Post by: K Nelson on September 29, 2005, 07:48:59 PM
Hi Everyone
  Ok i dont want to bring anyone down with me but i just felt like typing into space i guess. Omg can life ever get any better..i sure hope so cas right now i dont have any hope at all. I really would like to suceed in this but everything in my life just keeps holding back. Its like one step forward then ten back. Like bill after bill and having to be on disability which i hate but i cant do anything about it because i cant work and my feet and back just keep getting worse. Oh well i guess i better stop typing because i dont want any sympathy what so ever its just that i am down and felt like typing and when i come in here and start reading most of the time it picks me up again.So i will leave it at that See now im starting to feel a bit better.So god bless everyone you are all great!!!

            Have A Great Day!!


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: HowardMartell on September 29, 2005, 08:09:46 PM
I understand your frustration just keep your head up and know that we all support you at GDI.

Having your own home business takes time dedication and the will to succeed.

You must have support from your upline and sponsor if not their plenty of good people to contact who will provide you with how they're being successful in GDI.

All you have to is ask can tell you I am one of them since joined GDI built nice team of like minded people all doing this part time and holding down my regular job which of all things is in the military.

So if can do this while serving my country think you can overcome the odds and become a success story with this 10.00 business not including advertising.

God Bless

Howie Martell Hawaii leadership

Title: possible downline gone1
Post by: K Nelson on September 30, 2005, 11:38:00 AM
  Well first one bits the dust i think. But im not going to let it get me down becasue i want this so bad i can taste it,i even changed my phone companys so as i can have unlimited call not just in Canada but in the US to so in a couple of weeks i will be able to call anyone if i have to which will be great since my budget is very low and i have to do the free things.Now all i need to do is get a new car and ink in my printer so i can do my flyers and cards to get them out i just would like to say thanks to everyone in this forum because you are all a fantastic bunch of people.

                     Thanks Kim ;)

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: ChrisAdamson on September 30, 2005, 11:59:53 AM
thats a great attatude kim, keep on try ;D.  I was in the same boat as you but now things are geting better with my budget. Best of luck to you keep working hard and thing with work out for you.

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: JNapier on September 30, 2005, 01:01:04 PM
Kim, you certainly have the positive attitude that is the basis for success.  Whenever you want something so bad you can taste it then you will find ways to make it work regardless of the time and effort it takes to realize your goal.  Your determination and desire is an inspiration to all.  I believe in you so keep believing in yourself and one day we will see you at the top!!

All my best,
Norma  :o

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: K Nelson on October 01, 2005, 04:07:26 AM
Hi everyone

 i just wanted to say thanks to you all.i know i get all my strength from this forum,and you are real great.i also enjoy reading all the response that everyon gets in here.And Norma Yes you right i will sucseed in this one way or anouther,yes i have my days were i get real down on myself and guess we all do once in awhile,and thats why i come in here and just read and read because this forum is my daily vitiamin lol picks me right up and on i go again but if this wasnt here i don't know i guess i would be lost. So i would like to thank You all for being here and willing to help and encourage eveyone.You are all fantastic!!!!

         Thanks & God Bless You All ;D

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: HowardMartell on October 01, 2005, 06:46:22 PM
I don't worry to much about people quitting if you treat this like million dollar business and work towards your goals you will have success.

You must set a plan in action and be with a productive team who can help you get what you want so it creates a win win situation.

I am part time marketer and having very good success because bringing in people who interview and we have simple system we follow with my team leaders.

Rome wasn't build in one day carry this mentality and you will go far in GDI.

take care

Howie Martell Hawaii

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: JJohn on October 02, 2005, 08:18:08 PM
  I feel all about the unsupportive spouses ..etc
  However, at least we have a business that is legit and we are proud to stand behind.

Our spouses may not miss some lunch money and we don't have to look over our shoulders about our program
being legit or having viable product and/or service.


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: JNapier on October 03, 2005, 11:24:33 AM
I find it most important to keep a positive attitude while building a business as well as working a JOB or anything else. There are always two ways to view anything.  One is POSITIVE and the other is NEGATIVE.

For instance, if I send out 50,000 leads and receive no sign ups then I can go the negative way and feel frustrated and start to doubt that this is a good business to market. I can tell myself this was a waste of time and money for nothing.  Woe to me!!

Or, I can go the positive way!  I can say to myself I have sent out 50,000 leads so I now have done something to get the word out about my business.  Yet, I realize I can't stop here, I have to continue. Afterall, what is 50,000 leads in a large world? Not even the size of a rain drop in an ocean, right? However, the ball is now rolling and it is up to me to keep it rolling. I can't allow myself the time to look back because the ball is going forward not backwards.  I feel proud that I have done something to at least start out with.  Hurray for me!! 

Now, with my positive attitute I keep the energy alive and this helps to open my mind to creative ways to market my business even further.  To prove this fact, check out all my ideas in the marketing section.  I wouldn't have come up with any of those ideas if I hadn't maintained a positive attitude.

Wishing you much success!!
All my best,
Norma  :o

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Deborah H on October 03, 2005, 04:07:05 PM
I think if you market, via phone, to your targeted market you will have success.
What are your targeted prospects?
Experienced internet marketers-NOT opportunity seekers.
I have NO IDEA why this is never spoken of.
But I notice it isn't.
It's a fact.
You want large, experienced, working downlines? FAST??
Market to experienced internet marketers.
If you dont?
All you recruit are a lot of people that don't know how to market. Have no clue. No contacts. All they have are questions.
Seriously Folks-Get Real Here.
Stop Looking 4 Opp Seekers!
Deborah H. 8)

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Kristina Smith on October 03, 2005, 11:07:43 PM
Hi, I've been in GDI for a few months.  I currently have 17 in my downline.  So I figure that's really great since I haven't been working that hard on it yet.  I tried buying the leads but it really ended up being a waste of money.  I even downloaded the names, addresses and phone numbers of those people and sent some of them a second personal email not through the invitation system.  I even did some direct mail flyers but a lot of the snail mail came back that they didn't live there anymore so I think the leads were very old. 

I have had great success by sending out personal invitations.  My best response is when I talk to people in person and actually get their email address and send them a personal email invitation.  I give everyone I meet a business card.  Also, I promote to a lot of people who aren't looking for a business opportunity but want a website.  After all, once they sign up for a website and use the website builder, they can access and change their websites and they love that.  This is what I am concentrating on now.  I tell them that if they refer 10 other people, then basically that will pay for their website and it will be free for them.  People who are happy always refer other people.

I also think that using the invitation system isn't as effective because it is tagged as spam, even though it's not spam, and it goes into their bulk mail folder and a lot of people don't even look at it.  That is why I send my email out personally from my yahoo email account.  I do them one at a time and personalize them so that they don't look like junk mail.  It works better.  Remember, people can use a website for many things:  car clubs, showing pictures of a brand new baby, selling a house, promoting a business, service organizations, soccer teams...the list is endless.

So in other words, if you treat this like a real business and not some type of MLM, and get really professional, and talk to everyone you see about your great website business, the results will eventually come.  And so far for me, they have come a lot faster than any of the other MLM's I've tried.  I love GDI. :-*


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Margery Solomon on October 05, 2005, 08:00:37 PM
Well after reading all these letters i can tell you that I have been in GDI since February and only have 3 signups and those were from months ago so feel I should make you all feel better but I dont!  I agree with all that has been said and I guess something keeps us in here but I give up every now and then and stop trying and at this point seriously considering the end of the road.

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: ChrisAdamson on October 08, 2005, 03:17:47 AM
For everone thinking about quiting, Let me remind you that just cause things are slow now for some people doesnt allways mean its going to stay that way. This is like any business, do you think one day you will wake up and log in your members page and see 1000 new signups? This would be nice but think about it, it takes time to grow a sucessfull business, it may take 3 months, 6 months or maybe even a year. All i can say to you all is step back, take a look at the big picture, see what your doing wrong and improve on it. If you feel your weak in some area, work on it. Take time to learn about something new that can be usefull to your gdi business, or read up in the forum then take what you learn and pass it down you downline. I reather fail trying then lose quiting. Personal, It helps me sometime to watch the sign-up video now and again, to inspire me and to remind me why im doing this, what this means to me and what it could mean to other people, it motavates me, drives me to do my best every day and better the next. Just try it, and you will see, remember how good you felt the first day you signed up and remember the energy you had, take that energy and focus it on your business and not on reasons to give up. If you think about every reason you joined ,all the time you put in, the freinds your made on the way then think what the word quiting mean, to me  the word Quiting means loseing what you could of had!  Margery after reading your post i had to write this. best of luck to you all.

Chris Adamson  ;D

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: JulianS on October 08, 2005, 10:53:39 AM
Hi all, With regards to working hard and not getting any where, not quite true as what you have done before doesn't work try something different. I cancelled and joined up again with a new upline. The reason was to do with support or what I percieved was lack of support. People learn in different ways, my struggle is with following written instruction. The trouble with shooting for the top straight away is you loose out on personal service. Only my opinion though. I feel that automated responders, although do the job well, treat the people beneath as an automation. I believe that if you take your time and build up a trustful relationship it will pay off in the end. I still have no sign ups, as of yet, but thats not detering me. Be as open and approachable as posssible walk people through if need be, Like my new upline did. I'm a bit thick with these infernal machines sometimes and it does feel a bit daunting. This is a phenominal idea and it should sell itself. Take heart and be the tortoise. Julian

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: LarryN on October 08, 2005, 10:53:39 AM
i ahve been at this for over a month,bought leads after leads ,read til my eyes bleed.still nothing.i mean would take superman not to get dicussed over this kind of seems like all anyone wants is extra money for this and that.i've heard that before in every other mlm out there.i would hope this one was differant.has anyone seen one of these large checks from this company?

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: P_Gringel on October 09, 2005, 03:51:46 AM
I have come to a stand still here. Someone sabataged my Adsense  campaign and that on top of everything else made
enthusiasm seep out through my toes for a while. My love for the Internet  took a dive. Traffic through the search engines and Adwords campaignes followed.It could have something to do with running a temp. tonight. I 'm coughing something  cronic.
                                     I think  it is the personal approach that will pay off in the end we have to get up the nerve to do it persistently and to really beleive that it can be done.  Remember if  you think you can you can,if you think you can't you can't!
up and at 'em!

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Karen Smith on October 09, 2005, 09:25:00 PM

I can really relate to you on that one. I think one of the most frustrating things is having an unsupportive spouse.  I feel the exact same way you do. I've tried a couple other home businesses but the last one was terrible.... we lost so much money on that deal.... money that we still owe... and I never got payed a single penny for the work I did! But, for some reason, GDI seemed "different." I really believed in GDI for some reason and thought to give it a shot. And of course, my husband wants nothing to do with it. He's really furious over it. I can't wait to prove him wrong when I succeed in GDI. But, it's been nearly 2 and 1/2 months since I joined GDI and I still have no results/signups ... so everyday that goes by is just another argument waiting to happen. 

I hope we all succeed too. I don't know what it is about GDI that made it stand out from all the rest for me... well maybe it's the $10 a month which isn't much. But, I didn't think about all the advertising/promoting costs. By far, this is the most afforadble business I've come across, but I still just don't have it in my budget to do that much right now.

Anyway, good luck to you & everyone!

Kaci Lopez

I am like the majority of the  people within the GDI community! 
I have been with GDI for the last 6 months.  I have 16 stable downline members, two of which are just starting to recruit, each bringing in one member thus far.    I work this  business full time, while my husband works his full time weekly, 60 hour plus job!  I have been with other MLM companies, but like you, I have never been truly successful!  Spent more than I have ever made!  I know the MLM  concept works tho, I have seen it happen for many people! 

Currently I am signed up with numerous companies to get the word out about my GDI business.  I will be happy to send you information on them to see if you have an interest in them.  Maybe there will be one that will fit your financial limitations and still give you the opportunity to recruit someone to your team!  Just let me know where I can send you the  information, not on the forum!

I love GDI!  I take it one day at a time. I have a duplicatable system that I have passed  onto my downline, however, I rarely heard from any of them.  That frustrated me!  I knew that I had to do something else to get them to relate to me.  So I actually decided to use my GDI product and built my "Family Memories" website. My first time of ever building a website! We are totally proud of it!
Then I sent it to them!  That helped to open the door to communication! They can see the pictures of me and my family, plus the GDI link.  Now they have an interest in creating the same thing for themselves!

I also sent it to all of our family members.  No, my downline isn't full of family members.  I actually only have one family member signed up with GDI!  I have a couple of online friends that also joined this cool little company.  The rest of them I have recruited online from leads.  I have just made friends with them and seeing my picture has made such a difference.  That's right, once I get a lead, I send my website to them.
Yes, Kaci, my husband is waiting to see the "BIG BUCKS" from GDI too ;D   But I told him this is going to be future money.  As long as it's costing us only $10.00 per month and we have something to show for it, (The website)  my husband doesn't mind, but he is still waiting for me to take care of him financially.  He's a really funny guy......LOL!!!!!  I know that I can make this business go!  I just have to keep doing what I am doing day after day.  Yes, it is painfully slow.  But I am patient!  I just keep in mind, this is a business of people helping people, even if they don't know it yet!  ::) 
Peace in your Day and Pennies in your Pocket....Sincerely, Karen 

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: CWalker on October 09, 2005, 09:34:04 PM
Reading these posts has brought back memories of the Door to door salesmen, that I haven’t seen since my childhood (which I have to say was quite a few years ago).
Well if this isn’t selling what is? I have been in sales before, people came in made their choice and gave me their money, I didn’t hound all of my friends, family, neighbors or post flyers, send invitations, put cards in postage paid envelopes, or buy names of people who may be interested in joining?
If this is how it is done that’s fine, but not only are we selling, we also have to go out and find the people to sell to. Then what have we sold? A chance to do the same.
However I for one will stick at it, I spent quite a long time looking for a decent progam to join and still believe this is it, If only they would get rid of that b....  roll call, testemonial page.

I guess at this point I should say Hello Nicole, as you will probably be the only one to read this.

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: P_Gringel on October 10, 2005, 06:29:04 PM
   Now I posted before so if it turns  up bear with me cos I don't know what happened to it ::)

       Now I was thinking  ;) yes it sometimes  happens...regarding the  emails to our downline. I often wondered what they looked like and why they got so little response and now I see that many others have the same problem. Well I happened to see one on one of my downline's computer ...and ..well I think it is because it looks so like just another  GDI business agenda because of the logo and the GDI girl which is nice it makes it look official. Don't get me wrong . But it could also be the reason why it is not taken as personal and so does not necessarily warrant a personal response.
     :-\Just a thought!

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: HowardMartell on October 10, 2005, 06:55:10 PM
The GDI product and services we promote as team not everyone who we interview or meet with will have the light bulb go off in their head!

Those of us who have had a vision or dream will understand what it takes to build a org or like minded individuals who share the same common bond eventual residual income, tax advantages and we do this mostly with the simple systems we have in place.

If you want to know more visit the training and we will have one of leaders give you the resources to be successful.

See you all at the top

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Gina Morales on October 11, 2005, 01:41:06 PM
It's so interesting to me that we have so many people posting and reading the posts on this topic. I think maybe we need to realize that many of us feel that we are "working hard and not getting anywhere" from time to time. That doesn't just apply to GDI but to other jobs and even relationships that we have. There is comfort in knowing that we are not alone when we feel that way. The question really becomes, "How do we find a way to work hard and to get somewhere?" I think if there is support, which we have here and advice, which we have here, and learning, which we have here, we will all get to where we want to be. For many of us, this is our first attempt at our own business. We have always worked for other people and have never had such a direct link to the money we make. That certainly is an adjustment. I think that sometimes people have the "I'll give it 60 or 90 days" mentality. If you just flat out completely commit to GDI and eliminate the should I stay or should I go stuff, you will feel much more at ease. That doesn't mean you have to completely commit every free minute you have to this business, it just means that if you make it a part of what your life is, it will be a much less stressful venture. Remember that part of what determines success is how you feel about what your doing. Find a way to feel good. Talk to people who know more than you do and learn. And when you feel like you're working hard not getting anywhere, read a good book or go for a long walk. If you can't get away from feeling down, it's not worth building your own business.

Take Care,


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: StephenS on October 11, 2005, 01:41:06 PM
Hey Everybody!

Reading you all here has made me see the universality of experience we all have in
internet business. Ive been marketing on the net for around 8 years, and seen it all,
and done it all.

First of all....We'll always have a hard time if we are almost broke. Whether its online
or offline, a business without capitol, and the pressure of bills will always make stressful
times! I started with no money in my Paypal, and a negative balance in my checking account,
and I had 7 days to figure it out! My sponsor seems to have made thousands on his first
month, but I realize he had a great deal to invest and increase his results. I'll never be
able to "buy his thunder" unless I have his finances!

But.....there are ways to get the word out to hundreds of thousands for free, or almost
free with internet marketing. I can post to safelists, to 300,000, every other day, and get
prospects. If Im a Pro member... it costs me up to $12 a month. Much better than
leads at first......and no matter what Im doing.....those ads go out, gettin tweaked and changed
till they yield results. I "hand pick" my lists for results, and never use blasters.

Then, I can use traffic surfing, especially with Crazy Browser, and also auto surfing. I have put
over 4000 hits on two sites about GDI in a week or so, and the word is getting out. Those can
be done for free, and you can also upgrade with very litle money, and get even better results.
I just watch TV or listen to my favorite music, and click away till Ive gotten about 50 sites a day
times 40 sites. Bam! Eyeballs on my sites!

Then, I slowly get around to my "warm market" of internet freinds Ive developed over the years
by email or by phone as Im going. Some will say, "Hey Steve......I see your doing that GDI thing now...."
and Im into it with them! I also have two at Yahoo and one at MSN......its free,
and if anyone chats with me, they find out about GDI when they ask me what Im up to.
Ive always said that internet marketing is 60% relationships, and 40% business. Neworking around
and getting the word out.

Theres three ways or so that Im getting the word out for free, or almost free. To hundreds of
thousands of people every week. I can also get a free FFA page.......and have all the names that advertise
there come to me as names and email addresses, that I can send my ad to. That hundreds and thousands
of names every week. Some people have multiple FFA's, working em that way.

This is internet marketing, and we are internet marketers. Look at it as a game of numbers, and
the onus is on you to increase the numbers, and the frequency of the communication to those
numbers. Then, you can add flyers, ads websites to businesses, fundraising,
gifts to fmily members of sites......etc etc etc......The sky is the limit. Marry your GDI business like its the
only thing your doing, and it will bear fruit.

Now.....How I look at leads that I can buy. All this marketing Ive mentioned can be done without
much phone use. Phone reluctance is a big MLM killer, and many people do not have the savvy or skills
or budget to enjoy calling people. I personally wold not buy huge amounts of leads unless I knew
the quality of them, they were fresh, and I was willing to use the phone to follow up. If I am
marketing or "fishing" in a pond of internet marketers, like I get in safelists, then they have an understanding
of what they are seeing in the ads...especially after years of having there own business. But...leads that are
for people looking at the net for a business are such that if an interest is expressed, one must get on it
"while the iron is hot"......and I believe one must SPEAK with them to clear up misconceptions, and
guide that person in while their interest is peaked.

Now........after that marketing talk......theres the issue of support from spouses, and partners, and freinds and
family. I find that the "negative" people types will be negative if you start anything that is "alternative",
whether it be a lemonade stand, or an internet business. They almost all want you to go down the
prescribed road of getting a standard job, and going the traditional predictable route. One of the ways we can
help this is to watch how we frame, and watch how we communicate this to others.

If you put out a lot of fanfare to others as you start, they will want to see results that week, or quickly,
and say "See, I told you so!" when you dont get results right away. But any understanding of
business will show you that any business gets built slowly, and that you have 5 years to show a loss.
Well, we dont have to go that slow......but be careful.....and start quietly.....and share just successes,
and not your frustrations......and be wise as a serpent....! Believe me...Ive had my share of arguements
about the internet.....and Ive gained some wisdom along the way. If you really had an understanding of
the guts and glory you have to undertake an online biz......and if you understood the power of MLM.....
you would be really proud of your decision to start an online biz.

MLM means that as you grow...your recruits will market under you and earn you money while you sleep!
Your line will mean that for every 10 hours that your downline will have one day times 20 people...
tha means 200 manhours of work for YOU and YOUR POCKET! Theres NO OTHER BUSINESS MODEL
that has that much power!

There are those birds that are huge,and live around the waters in Africa. Youve seen them on TV!
In order to fly, they have to SLAP AND SLAP AND SLAP THE WATER with their wings till they take flight.
Its messy, and noisy, and hard to believe that they will take flight. But after a period of all that tumult.....

Are you SLAPPIN THAT WATER?.......If you stop, you'll go right down in that water again, wont you?
Ya gotta slap that stuff till youre in the air.....and ITS MUCH EASIER AFTER THAT! Once you have
others under you, and the can cover a lot more ground. There are some in GDI
that are makin thousands of dollars a month.....and there are thousands of members! Thats all the proof
you need that its universally possible for ANYONE!

I say...get the word out every day in every way that your budget and creativity allows.

Ask your upline or someone who is successful what to do.....and model their excellence.
The same practices will yield the same results.

Stay positive, and in touch with your recruits. They are your GOLD. Listen.,........Most people
dont believe that there is help.....and enthusiasm, and success......If you work hard, and are cheerful,
and endlessly helpful......they will see it.....and their heart will open.....and they might try a bit,
because they saw you taking action. Your store isnt going to make you a millionaire with two customers
in the real world.....and neither will your downline. If they sense you are down.....after your first two
customers....they wont even open the doors to their store!

Go to the forum.....squeeze it for all its worth!

Go to the calls, and the radio!

Read books and ebooks on ad etc etc. Develop relationships with other
marketers. Remember....60% relationships......40% business!

Ive got two recruits, my first week.....and one coming today......if I can do that in one week.....
I can do it in any other week......

Are you in the mood to slap the water with all your to me.....and take flight
with me!????? lets do this thing!  Who cant afford $10 a month!.......I used to pay $120 a month!

Yee hah!

Hope this helped!.....Im available to anybody anytime......
My nickname is Smilinsteve.

Your Friend In Success,

Stephen S.

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: David_Diaz on October 11, 2005, 10:34:42 PM
Hello Folks,

Here are some thoughts that came to me as a result of reading the posts on this topic.  I hope they make some sense to someone.

It's one thing to believe in your business, yourself, your spouse, or your God, it's actually another to have faith (trust) in them. 

Someone once said, "Belief is a grasping --- Faith is a letting go"   

Believing is an act of the intellect, it's only the beginning. It is the 'bud' that preceeds the flower of Faith.  Belief can co-exist with doubt and fear, but when the seed of belief matures and sprouts into faith, faith will dispell all doubts and concerns.  Faith is the state of comfortable 'knowing' which repells it's enemies, but faith can be lost if it is not nurtured properly. Belief is often found in the company of irrational expectations which is evidence of its immature nature. Belief is helpful, but it is only when it has matured into faith that it becomes truely useful.  So, belief is for newbies and faith is for Pros.  Strive to trust the things you believe in.  Live as if you couldn't possibly fail.

Finally, do you remember the first time you attempted to drive a car?  Wasn't it nerve racking? Weren't you all excited but also tense, stiff, nervous? You had enough confidence in yourself to get in and try, but you also had enough self-doubt that you kept thinking about everything that might go wrong.  But now, do you even think twice about getting into your car and driving off somewhere?  Probably not.  The reason is that you persevered through the anxiety of belief until it became faith. Somehow you even developed a healthy amount of faith in others on the road even though their actions are beyond your control. And the result?  Your driving experience is now more relaxed, fluid, and second nature to you.  Your perseption of yourself has gone from 'I can drive' to ' I'm a driver'.  So, don't give up and one day you will go from thinking, "This is what I want to do."  to  "This is my business, it's part of who I am.'  And that is called Commitment.

God bless you all,


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: DanEvans on October 15, 2005, 02:58:31 AM
I think alot of people have these same problems including myself. Here's a saying that keeps me going.

You Only Fail When You Stop Trying!   So whatever your going through just stick with it and keep trying!

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: James_Hagarty on October 23, 2005, 08:27:44 AM
In reference to the above discussion :

1.  Successful people are those who do what unsuccessful people are unwilling (or unable) to do.

2.  Some will, some won't - so what! WHO'S NEXT?!


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: GaryTolhopf on November 01, 2005, 10:54:14 AM
Don't give up before you have had an HONEST attempt people. You only have to be HONEST with yourself.

Ask yourself this; Have you really done everything that you can to get new prospects to your websites?

I don't know if everyone has seen the new website but I think its a great improvement on the last one. Thats where I'll be sending my prospects. I'm sure it will convert a lot higher, only time will tell. Remember that this is a duplcable system, so if you can teach others how to do it right, at the end of the day your income is going to benefit.

The snowball effect once you have 10 fully trained downline is going to blow everyones mind.....look forward to that for sure!

I can't say Ive had any help from my upline, but I'm pretty self motivated when it comes to things like promoting something I truely believe in. This is a great, well thought out, SYSTEM!

If you really believe in this and you really want to succeed at being stinking rich, then treat this as a carreer and learn what has to be done to be the top earner.
The only way you can fail is 'give up'

I'm not sure if I'm permitted to post a link for the best affiliate course I have ever seen. The guy that wrote the course is one of the top earning affiliate marketers on the internet, and he doesn't treat you like a mushroom (left in the dark and fed bullsh@t) He tells you EXACTLY how it's done. Now, I can hear you saying 'Yeah Iv'e heard that before' Well take it from someone who has read just about every "Guru's book. This is different.

If anyone wants the link to it just email me and I'll send it to you - I have just started implementing some of the tactics he reveals and the results are starting to speak for themselves. After all....this is a numbers game! If you like it or not, there's always going to be drop outs, but they're normally the ones that can't be bothered putting in the groundwork to get the 'snowball' rolling.

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: J_Hall on November 19, 2005, 12:48:46 PM
This thread is Awesome and needed a little bump...

What I wanted to point out this is a people business. You need to treat these people like people not downlines! Tell them about the things you have done in LIFE like enjoying a movie, trick or treating, what you have planned for thanksgiving. They don't want to hear about your struggles and you should NEVER EVER tell them you are having a hard time with this business. In the long run anyone that you help make say $5,000 a month is going to be your friends Treat them like your friend now and you have a WAY better chance of keeping them around to get to that $5,000. I make a fulltime income online before GDI and I will with or without my downline. But GDI is helping me CHANGE PEOPLES LIVES!!! Talk to them like people who you TRULY want to help. People you would like to be friends with after all they are your BUSINESS PARTNERS! Treat them like it! They will and do respond all the time!

Warmest Regards
Jim Hall

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: HowardMartell on December 10, 2005, 07:27:46 PM

I agree with you the key is not to give up, because who can you place the blame on?

When you look in the mirror who was the person said this wouldn't work.

We need to surround ourselves withh postive, uplifting material, books, friends who share the same vision, and finally you must have the backing of your family.

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: P_Gringel on December 19, 2005, 12:17:23 AM
This thread is Awesome and needed a little bump...

What I wanted to point out this is a people business. You need to treat these people like people not downlines! Tell them about the things you have done in LIFE like enjoying a movie, trick or treating, what you have planned for thanksgiving. They don't want to hear about your struggles and you should NEVER EVER tell them you are having a hard time with this business. In the long run anyone that you help make say $5,000 a month is going to be your friends Treat them like your friend now and you have a WAY better chance of keeping them around to get to that $5,000. I make a fulltime income online before GDI and I will with or without my downline. But GDI is helping me CHANGE PEOPLES LIVES!!! Talk to them like people who you TRULY want to help. People you would like to be friends with after all they are your BUSINESS PARTNERS! Treat them like it! They will and do respond all the time!

Warmest Regards

Jim Hall

I like your style of thinking  J.Hall. I wish you great success and I have a strong feeling you will  achieve it. 8) also would like  to congratulate you on your lovely website and beautiful products quite unique.  :)

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: J.Grandstaff on December 19, 2005, 12:14:02 PM
Hi All,

I wanted to chime in and add something if that's ok...

I have certainly read a lot of great stuff here and some
not so great stuff...

But the reality is -- starting a post like this may be interesting
to read because as humans we are all guilty at times of being
drawn toward the negative aspect of things.

Where's the post that says "Why people are staying in GDI"
(if it does exist I didn't see it) Hang on, I'll start it...

My point is this...

Like many before me have said...

Who cares why people quit?

You will never be able to figure it out. And it's my stance that
spending any amount of time on this topic is just plain insane!

Instead, why not ask those that are staying, why they stay?

Find out what is working and pass that crucial bit of information
along to the newbies.

Why they stay is the only real thing you can possible know unless
you are emailing those that quit and asking them why (which you
should be doing anyway) -- but most don't reply.

Try this... find out why people like GDI, why they work this
business over other businesses out there and then use that
info and apply it to your prospecting and teach the same to
your team.

If you ask me "why" I like GDI I would answer like this...

GDI offers a simple product with mass appeal :-)

There is no potential of government agencies like the FDA
coming in and shaking things up because a few of the affiliates
made bogus claims about the product curing some kind of
disease. (my business is safer with GDI)

It's low cost.

If I build a team of 10,000 and 100 quit... I just lost $100
dollars per month (no big deal) If I was in a company where
I earned $10 per month from each person in my downline
versus $1... what would that mean if 100 people quit? I
would lose $1,000 in monthly residuals or 10% (big deal -
no thanks)

GDI's compensation plan rocks; it rocks because they only
pay us $1 per person in our team and with long term effort
that will equal a much more secure income stream.

That is just a small list... I have many more reasons why.

Find out the reasons first, then seek others who want
the same. You'll save tons of hours of frustration and
start to have more fun :-)

As Jim Rohn says...

"Some Will...

Some won't...

Who cares...

Who's next!"

Happy Holidays!

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: gdi on December 19, 2005, 02:33:46 PM
Very Positive info, James!

Creates the 'right' mindset for a great 2006 and beyond.


Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: B Chappell on December 21, 2005, 02:12:44 PM
I have taken to attempting to contact the next person up from my direct sponsor as I have sent 4 emails to him with absolutely no response. BUT, I must thank Howard Martell who has been more help than I could have ever expected seeing as I am not in his downline at all. It's people like him that will make this company work.


Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: HowardMartell on December 21, 2005, 06:57:34 PM

I wish you the best of luck with your Business since you've shown your serious about GDI.

May you continue to learn and grow as you mature in this wonderful rewarding home business.

God Bless

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: Joseph J on December 23, 2005, 04:07:54 AM
It only make sense that in order to get we have to give. So in terms of GDI when you really look at it,
those of you that really put an effort to make something of your business and help others to help transform
GDI, can only be given what you trully deserve.

WE have to sometimes sacrifice all for the greater good of others to then be rewarded in full.
It is a journey, not an easy one but, I think if we stick together we can overcome any obsticles.

Your Partner in Success,


Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: B Chappell on December 23, 2005, 12:47:41 PM
I believe that success in this business, as in ANY business, is meaningless if it doesn't come from a place of integrity.  Personal and corporate integrity are paramount in my mind for a succesful venture. If in my mind I view gaining more money to be simply an avenue to being able to help others than, in my mind, I have a healthy attitude toward wealth, but this MUST be met with a healthy relationship with a company that ALSO views wealth in those terms. This is my primary reason for partnering with GDI. I have been involved with a couple of companies in the past that proved to be, shall we say, "shady' in their dealings as it turned out, and this is the attitude that has given the Affiliate Marketing industry a black eye. The 'anything to make a buck' mentality is arcaic and harmful in the long run, which is why the GDI mission statement was so attractive to me. We DO help ourselves by helping others.

"Work can provide the opportunity for spiritual and personal, as well as financial growth. If it doesn't, we're wasting far too much of our lives on it."

~James Autry~

This is a wonderfully practical spirituality taught by don Miguel Ruiz in his book "The Four Agreements" which have been abbreviated here: 

1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don’t Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.

What this has to do with people quiting is; we need to be, people expect us to be, rolemodels for success. If we bring them in and simply orphan them without taking them under our wings and nurturing them along, then we can never be surprised when they stray off discouraged and following the next shiny pretty that comes along. We are making friends, and friends don't give up on friends.

Sorry to be so long winded and philosophical...I'm getting over a cold. Yeah, we'll blame it on that.


Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: HowardMartell on December 23, 2005, 11:47:20 PM

I am very impressed with you vast knowledge of such motivational teaching.

You will be a future leader within GDI.

Take care

Howie Martell

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: AhmedQ on December 24, 2005, 04:43:16 AM
I so feel your pain people the problem is that people dont want to work
we gotta come up with a plan on how to get people motivated, and start working hard for this

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: B Chappell on December 24, 2005, 02:09:30 PM
It has come to my attention that I need to concentrate my efforts on the product. We have a great package to offer, what with the multi-faceted web hosting (complete with the web design tools), domain name, complete back office at your fingertips 24/7. All this (and much, much more) at an unbelieveable $10.00 a month. Have you priced all of these individually? This is a wonderful service we are providing, and one that anyone with a computer and network access would LOVE to take advantage of. And yet, I haven't found one of our splash screens that is geared toward that audience (which is fine as it allows me the opportunity to get creative myself) but rather stresses the Home Based earnings aspect, which is marvelous beyond words in itself. The problem, as I see it, is that if people ONLY see this as a Network Marketing Opportunity they will be less likely to take it seriously as the wonderful, fun filled package of creativity it ALSO is.

For an example: I have set as my immediate goal to find five dedicated, motivated, honest people to pour my time and energies into in training them how to train and motivate five people to train get the idea. I am therefore looking at, realistically, at the end of a year, an income of around $4,000.00 a month. This is very comfortable for me (my wife and I choose to lead a very simple lifestyle). But at the same time, as I am seeking those 'chosen few', I can also be providing a wonderful service to EVERYONE I come into contact with that has a computer and a product, whether it be the local flower shop owner, the family accross the street that would like an inexpensive way to keep in touch with their family on the East Coast...whatever their product (physical, intellectual, spiritual etc) I have the perfect service.

So say in the first year I have trained my five people through the five levels and through local adds I have 1,000 families that are taking advantage of this wonderful product (and absolutely loving it because they ALSO have a personal guide (your's truly) and a zillion new friends at the forum which they will never have anywhere else) and I am bringing in about $5,000.00 a month. And that base will grow exponentially by word of mouth as the families are thrilled with the product. This is very do-able and realistic.

In my mindit works like this; get excited about the product and the company, work with a few to get them excited and share the product with anyone that has a computer.

Good luck, Brad

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: Craig S on December 24, 2005, 07:46:44 PM
brad  nice to see possitiveoutlook simplely put....yes followed these simple rules to the letter with a smile,and walk  in paradice ....looking at the nay sayer's  they just don't get it, great mean's the one's that do are on my downline .
craig says have fun & enjoy

Title: August posters of Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: K Erickson on December 28, 2005, 04:05:29 AM
For the folks who posted in August, how's it going now?

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: HowardMartell on December 31, 2005, 08:50:58 AM
Hello Team,

When  we get someone who is interested in the business we first need to qualify them for are time and to make sure GDI is the

business for them.

If a person is not afraid to talk to their premuim leads via the different methods go for it this will not only impress potential business

partners but add rapore with them.

Set goals and understand that humans naturally want the easy way out.

If person quits don't take it personnel it takes a special person to be in home business and remember lead is only as good as the


God Bless

Title: People Quiting
Post by: RMcMillan on December 31, 2005, 04:51:49 PM
Hi Y'all - I've been reading about people quiting and I'm sure it's hard to keep your focus sometimes.  I'm a REAL newbie - no downline yet - no business cards yet - no 800# yet - but I'm advertising and talking to everyone I can get to listen.  This is such a terrific opportunity I can't imagine why anyone would not want to stay a part of it  - after all - where else can you get a website with hosting for $10 - not to mention opportunity for additional income to boot!  What a DEAL!  Anyway - I'm trying to stay focused and thanks to a terrific WELCOME letter from Howard Martel (thanks H) I feel encouraged.  Reading this forum really helps and I'm learning more new stuff everyday.  Thanks again.   

Roberta Mc - Texas

Title: Re: People Quiting
Post by: AntoniaM on January 03, 2006, 03:34:19 AM
Hi... I am also a newbie. Just joined yesterday. I've been advertising and have had 48 hits to my site already but no sign ups. I also can't imagine why anyone would pass up this opportunity. How long have you been a member?

Title: Re: People Quiting
Post by: Carlos S on January 04, 2006, 12:54:53 PM
I am somewhat of a newbie.  However this should be considered a long term effort.
Risidual income is a building not a tent.  I am just now finding out what a great opportunity this is but you really need to support your 10 downline people.

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: B Chappell on January 09, 2006, 01:53:45 PM
Hello fellow GDIers,

Lets not lose track of the parable of the seed. You plant it and leave it to grow. If you stand over it and watch, it will seem to take forever and you will have wasted your life as you cannot MAKE it grow.

I find that if I plant the seeds(send out leads through my autoresponder, pass out cards, talk to everyone I meet) and sit in front of my computer flipping through my email boxes all day, at the end of the day all I will have is sore eyes, and whatever responses I would have had if I wasn't being silly.

There is an old proverb from the Old Testement that states, "The heart of the King is in the hands of the Lord". How this has taken shape in my life is the realization that I need to recognize that there are powers outside myself that mold and manipulate peoples responses to my messages in life. If I introduce 100 people to this opportunity it may take weeks before someone has an 'aha' moment and seemingly out of the blue have it come to their mind that I had just the thing they needed. You know, the "If you build it, they will come" sort of thing.

Plant the seeds, put out your intention to the Universe and move on to the next plot of land. It will grow as you don't fret.


Title: Re: Lost two downline.
Post by: VictorCordova on January 16, 2006, 11:59:40 AM
I think you are always going to have downline that doesn't respond. I think it's just human
nature for people to join things without knowing what they are getting themselves involved in.

The ones that don't respond, I woldn't could on them for the LONG run.

Stefani Partin

Well which is worse...the downline that doesn't respond upline that does nothing???

Title: Re: people quiting
Post by: AlanZ on January 16, 2006, 12:49:18 PM
Well which is worse...the downline that doesn't respond upline that does nothing???

The upline that does nothing is worse.


Title: Takes too long
Post by: ByronD on January 22, 2006, 06:35:03 AM
I talk to people after they have seen the red ferrari presentation,and some them tell me that they like the concept,but it takes too long to build a business.I give them my own answer,but I would like to hear how some of the other members would answer this.Any suggestions?

Title: Re: Takes too long
Post by: MarvinD on January 22, 2006, 08:07:20 AM

I know exactly how you must feel when you hear that as someone's answer.  Usually I have to bite my tongue before I speak next because I am afraid of realy getting the other person "pissed off"

Of course after biting my tongue and gritting my teeth I am ready to start a conversation.  I remember that I am the one who holds the "aces" and they are the ones who need them.  With all that said I try to establish some rapport by finding out what they are looking for in a business.  I then listen and continue to ask questions about them and what they want.  Then I can determine if my opportunity is right for them and if it is not I SAY NO FIRST!  What I mean is that I usually say something like the following;

"John from what you just told me I do not think that this business is for you, at least not at this time. You seem to be chasing after that all elucid get rich quick opportunity and I hope that you find it.  Thanks for your time and happy searching."

I do this because it helps me stary in control and handle the rejection factor better.  Try it and you will see what I mean.

Now Byron, I am also making an assumption that you first and most importantly started your conversation with getting a little rapport built.  If not than perhaps it is your leading the prospect into seeing this opportunity as one that has such little payoff that it isn't even worth their time to TRY IT FOR 7 DAYS to see if it is or isn't for them.

Hope this helps.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes

Title: Re: Takes too long
Post by: Robert Neaves on February 03, 2006, 02:17:18 PM
Hi my name is Bob Neaves and I have just started this month.
Perhaps this may help if someone tells you it takes too long to build the business.
If they compare it with a private pension plan which a lot of people don't actually have because the premiums are too big for a decent pension then you can say:
"You know, even if you only sign up 5 people each YEAR and they did the same as you, after 5 years you will have an income or a pension of $3900 PER MONTH, which will continue to grow month after month, right?  Did you know a man age 40 wanting to receive a pension of $3900 per month at the age of 65 would have to invest over $600 each month and every monthy to receive that kind of pension, and wait 25 years before he gets it!!!  Even then he might not live to receive it. So if it takes a little time to build up your business have patience and enjoy having a great website!"

Does that help your thinking?

Bob Neaves

Title: Re: Takes too long
Post by: CarolaMeyer on February 03, 2006, 02:52:49 PM
Wow, Bob - that's excellent! Five signups per year really isn't unreasonable 
- and though your downline may not all sign up five, you can sign up a few
extras yourself to make up for those.  I joined GDI last year, but haven't put
much time into it. This year I'm making it happen - and that pension plan idea
is a great incentive!

All the best

Title: Re: Takes too long
Post by: HowardMartell on February 03, 2006, 07:27:12 PM

All New and Old members wanted to add a post since think this is important for all members who are serious.

How many of you have a plan 30- 60 - 90 day and a 2 year or 5 year?

How many of you think getting 5 new to join your business is hard if so this is reality we are in a business.

No one said it would be easy but with a very supportive team globally you can take what you learn in the forum and hopefully from your upline and educate your downline.

So if you haven't contacted your upline on all 5 levels ask for help if not their plenty of serious minded individuals who willing to show you the right way to run a successful business with resources.

So stay postive and focused and don't let anyone say you can't reach your goals.

Title: Re: Takes too long
Post by: E Roach on February 06, 2006, 03:14:19 AM
Bryan:  I read your post and just had to chuckle.  I returned to school late in life.  I had to go to school 5 years full time.  My education cost me a lot of money.  And the time I went to school cost me a lot of lost wages.  I did from 40 to 60 hours a week of homework.  I am now a degreed accountant.  That was a long hard journey and took a long time.  You might bring it to your new recruits attention that every business takes work and more important time.  What kind of income would he get from his boss if he did nothing.  Being an accountant I work for many companies.  These people put in much more than 40 hours a week and are struggling to make a living.  I too put in a lot of hours and still struggle.  All that education, a degree, and debt.  I am new to GDI but I too am looking for something that will help my future.  We don't stay young forever.  Maybe you can use my story to help in your recruits.  Most of us aren't going to be given life on a silver platter.  Oh that it would be so.  LOL   E. Roach     ::)

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: T Catalan on February 07, 2006, 03:17:37 AM
Hey Logan...I have a lot of the same problems you do.... I also have:                                                           

- Unsupportive spouse
- very small budget
- Currently paying monthy for bulkmailer & I've bought 2,000 leads a day for a year.... not to mention lost tons and tons of money on a previous home business we tried... and totally got burned... after that my spouse doesn't support any type of home business - he's always on my back about this... and the more time that passes and I dont see results, the worse it gets.

I try to do all of the things on your positive list... the posts in the forum really keep my head up though! You guys are awesome!

Hi KLopez,

      I've been using the GDI services for almost 5 months already but i haven'y gone into sponsoring yet I just started last January 2006 when I analyzed that there's money in GDI. You know what I did, I placed an ad on a cheap newspaper here in our country for 4 weeks you know what I got? 15 prospects or leads they all watched the flash presentation, 1 signed up (I don;t know her) and she's already telling her friends about GDI.

     Print Ads works, do some offline advertising to get online prospects they are so many of them there looking. Remember MLM is a numbers game, the many people who see your GDI link the more you can get downlines. I'll run another ad on February 15, you know I stopped it just to check where my leads arecoming from and now I have no leads coming or seeing my GDI link. Do Print Ads it works.

timothy catalan

Title: I'm not getting any conversions...
Post by: LynchR on February 12, 2006, 08:47:12 PM
I've been promoting through traffic exchanges, and safelists.
So far: Total Records: 3147 Unique IP Addresses: 448 - But NO sign-ups  :-[
Wadda I gotta DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO???????

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: HowardMartell on February 12, 2006, 09:20:09 PM
To become a leader you must have a solid game plan.

Next you must not quit when you get discouraged because your business will not grow overnight without some effort.

Mainly, you must be willing to do above and beyond what your currently doing.

You should make contact with your upline or leaders within GDI.

To start must find a duplicable system which has been tested by other members examples located at

We at the G0-TEAM try to help not only are team but other members who use the resources and educational tools.

If we didn't have great results we wouldn't put the information out to all affiliates.

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: ArtKight on February 13, 2006, 09:06:11 AM
 ;)Hi everybody, I have been with GDI for 3 months , so far no sign ups. I agree with Amy most people want instant gratification in every aspect of life , when it does not come they quit. But I believe in the pit bull dog mentality don;t let go even when your dead.
Its a long  term business, its okay to get frustrated, thats normal,but Rome was;t built in one day.I have no idea why I said that, but if it helps great. Remember in year and half or two years when you are making the big money,you will be glad you did not quit. And now I will tell something that I am sure you have heard all your life. WINNERS NEVER QUIT AND QUITERS NEVER WIN. BE A WINNER.
                                                                                               Have a great 2006 everyone.

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Linda R on February 13, 2006, 05:07:31 PM
I want to thank all of you that have expressed how you are feeling about working hard or not getting anywhere and I want to thank those who have given advice and words of incouragement because I am in the same place also with not having the back up from family or friends. So I have to be bold and honest with myself. I did something stupid I quit and canceled my membership. I received a e-mail right away from my upline. Asking me what was I thinking by doing what I did? He told me what I was missing out on and he was right! I tried to contact GDI support right away but I didn't receive any reponse. So for the next 2 days or so I fretted and worried that I really screwed up and I wouldn't get a another chance and I didn't hear anything from them so I really got worried more. I kept trying to enter my business sight and I couldn't get in. I would receive a final notice later.  Today I got that notice whether to stay or quit. Boy! did I hit that right button to stay! It took my worst depression away and made feel that I was doing the right thing. I don't regret it!  Quitting will make you feel like you have given up.  I'm glad I decided to stick it out.  I should always take the advice of my mother who always says. It  could be worse.   THANKS!!! Linda Rich

~Life is to big to be resolved in one day.            ~Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the                         
  Just take the challenge's that come your             by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
  way one day at a time.~                                                      So throw off the bowlines.
                                                                                       Sail away from the safe harbor.
                                                                                     Catch the trade winds in your sails.
                                                                                                      Discover.         ~Mark Twain~




Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: RobertaL on February 14, 2006, 02:31:36 PM
My name is Roberta and I have been doing GDI off and on since October and I have yet to get one real person to join my downline. I have use the email leads and the only thing that happens is that I get a lot of hits but no info put in to the system so there is know one to contact. I even get repeat hits from the same number code but know way to find out who the propect is. Can you please give me some advice on what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Charles Karolewski on February 15, 2006, 12:06:30 PM
I've read thru all six pges.
I've read some posts more than once; some depressing "stuff" here.

I need wonder aloud . . . "why are we stil here"?
The simple answer is that we all recognize the potential.

The majority of us are frustrated & concerned (myself included) that no matter what we have done, or what we have tried . . . our downline is minimal, or non-existant.

I keep asking myself why I became an affiliate, and the answer is always the same.

I truly believe that if I can (somehow) convince a handful of people to INVEST thirty-three cents per day in THEIR future, and they (each) in turn can do likewise, all of our futures are secure.

I too am still searching for methods to "awaken" others; when I do discover it, you will all know.


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: HowardMartell on February 16, 2006, 12:21:23 PM


I understand how people feel if their business hasn't taken off, but how many of you have used any of the resources which some of

the members have mentioned in the past and present.

Truly, I  can tell you having a home business is not for everyone this is why we need to be very selective in who we bring into the


Advertising this is must  to have more people to call or email then you have time for and qualify the serious ones for your time.

If you don't the people who you try to force into the business will backfire on you not everyone is cut out or disciplined to work from home.

Remember their is numerous trainings available from different GDI Leader attend them or listen to the archived radio show or

G0-TEAM recorded calls.

For you who want to treat this like a business these tools their to give back and help you have a edge.

Take care

Howie Martell

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Charles Karolewski on February 16, 2006, 05:14:19 PM
I've (only) been involved since mid-January.

When I opted-in the total "enrolment" was (I believe) less than fifteen-thousand people; we now have an affiliate group of over seventeen-thousand people.

Obviously some of us are doing something "right".

"Our day" WILL come.

Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Charles Karolewski on February 18, 2006, 12:15:48 PM
I read this on a site offering "hot leads" -  (they claim) you need " . . . 60,000+ leads per month in order to close an average of 5 to 10 sign-ups a month . . . "; this was part of their PROMO, part of their reasoning as to why one shld buy "hot leads" from them!

I do NOT believe that.
I DO belive that the "quality" of the leads is the primary consideration.
By "quality" I mean what the "leads" interest/intentions are/were, and how they relate to OUR business.

I could send a million email invites to people who are interested in (home-business) opportunities involving organic gardening, and I might recieve a few positive replies, perhaps even a sign-up or two, when they "discover" the website-building potential (to foster their gardening preferences) . . . but, I'd bet that if someone contacted ME, about an ad they read regarding domain names & website building tools & email addresses & "hosting svces", etc, my "closing" rate would be much greater.

I'd further "bet" that folks who contacted ME seeking a " . . . simple, free-startup, inexpensive, no-selling, no-inventory, deliverable, in seconds, anywhere in the world product, Inc500 listed . . ." home-based business, my "closing" rate would far exceed ANY "opportunity seekers" who's names might be included in a 60,000+ names "opportunity seekers" DB.

CERTAINLY this IS a numbers "game" - but pure numbers are not going to put bucks in our pockets.

I "think" part of OUR problem is our inability to seperate the two distinctly different, yet necessarily co-joined aspects of our offering; wanna' build a site? we have that; wanna' make some money from home? we have that (too).

These are two distinct & seperate potential "reasons" to cause someone to opt-in . . . or, opt-out.

A small business owner might be interested in the potential, at $10/month, for creating a website & email addresses & hosting services . . . but then "discovers" the MLM aspect of our business & "sees" scam.
A work-at-home prospect might "see" MLM as a potential income but is frightened away by the "build your own site" aspect . . . because he/she has no HTML "knowledge".

It's a "tuff nut" to crack  . . . but I do believe WE can do it.
I've not yet learned "how", I've not yet earned dollar-one, but I look at what we have to offer & I KNOW there must be a way, a "simple" way.


Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
Post by: Matthew Green on February 18, 2006, 04:03:00 PM
Global Domains International (GDI) is the BEST and EASIEST way for ANYONE to make money online.

This is a bold statement I know, but I believe it to be TRUE.

How to make GDI work   ???
There are 3 distinctive markets for GDI
    1- People that are seeking their own website but are inexperienced.
    2- People that are seeking a Reliable Web Hosting service.
    3- People that want to earn money online
    or a combination of the above.
    All 3 markets command a different approach OBVIOUSLY, but you can use the same Marketing Systems to Promote to them all. (see other posts by mg247)

    1- People that are seeking their own website but are inexperienced.
    This group provide the lowest earning potential for you because they are less likely to Promote GDI, but the Product is attractive to this Market for 3 main reasons.
    1- The Website Builder is extremely easy to use which means that they can build the Website they want without having to buy extra software or use any other service. As far as I am aware there is nothing else online with the same capability.
    2- Freedom to choose their own DOMAIN NAME. (web address)
    3- 10 Email Addresses

    2- People that are seeking a Reliable Web Hosting service.

    GDI make it simple to Upload files instantly to the server. Many other services take days to upload. The SERVER is NEVER OFFLINE and NEVER has been, EVER. GDI boast the quickest SERVER.

    3- People that want to earn money online
    The combination of the 3 Markets and the fact that the INTERNET is EXPANDING at a phenomenal rate means that GDI has a HUGE and I do mean HUGE Market. Better yet there is NO COMPETITION you see .com has all but filled up with Addresses and there are many companies trying to sell the last few.  GDI still has most Address combinations remaining and there is no competition.
    GDI also pays commissions for 5 levels of referrals which is good, add to that the idea that your first level is as big as you make it and you are laughing all the way to the bank.
    The initial investment is minimal (free for 7 days, then $10/month) but for every new referred you make you receive $1 of their monthly fee. You refer 10 and its FREE. If they also refer 10 you will be $1000/month better off and so on through 5 levels.
    GDI actually sells it's self. All you need to do is introduce people to the System and let it do the work for you. To start with there is the Call Recording. On the same page there is a FORM that has to be completed in order to see a FLASH MOVIE and then the SAME FORM activates a series of personalised emails containing other MOVIES and useful information.
    The System works really well and all you need to do is refer to 1 link.

    Once people subscribe under you it is vital that you offer your SUPPORT, be prepared to teach them EVERYTHING YOU KNOW.
    As soon as you have helped them to reach their FIRST 10 they will NEVER LEAVE because it will be FREE FOR THEM FOREVER.

    It is vital that PROMOTION MATERIALS and STRATEGIES are passed DOWN the LINE otherwise not only will you get very few leads, the ones you do get will QUIT when it is costing them MONEY for too long.

    Backtracking slightly I said all you need to do is Refer to 1 link.. This is TRUE, but the way that you do that is a far bigger task than it might sound.  You can't just expect someone to log onto the internet, find your link via GOOGLE and BINGO another Dollar in the Bank. The beauty of GDI is you can use a combination of your GDI Website and other INTERNET TOOLS to SELL, not just GDI but your ENTIRE Marketing System.

    For example, you may choose to PROMOTE GDI by HOSTING an FFA.Net Page and adding your GDI Link to the Auto-Response email. If you then introduce your new GDI MEMBER to FFA.Net, a System they know worked for them to join YOU will GET PAID and you also know your NEW MEMBER will be getting NEW LEADS also.

    If you incorporate your entire Marketing System into your GDI Website you can just REFFER back to the SITE and let it TRAIN your DOWNLINE whilst at the same time EARN YOU more COMMISSIONS. NOT to mention attracting NEW MEMBERS for YOU.

    What you end up with is Multiple Income Streams and a STRONG DOWNLINE  :wink:

    Please refer back to the mg247 - SITE INCOME PLAN (my website) for further info about creating your Marketing System.  ;) ;)

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Linda R on February 18, 2006, 09:09:21 PM
     ::)Matthew, I read what you had to say and it sounds great. Thanks for the all that info, I briefly checked out your website and will get back to it. You were alot of help to me and offered alot of great ideas. You seem to have alot of energy! LOL! and full of excitement! Wheeeeee!! I want that energy!  I was kind of down in the valley there for awhile but I am headed now in the right direction.  Keep giving what you have. I appreciate it. Thanks, Linda Rich

                  Obstacles are those frightful
                     Things you see when you
                  Take your eyes off your Goal.
                                      ~Henry Ford

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: JMcConkey on February 19, 2006, 05:29:52 AM
    You know I realize this is my first post ever in this fourm and I hope you will bear with me to the end of it, because at the beginning it might seem like I am being unduly hard on GDI but if you read right through it you will see I am not.

    Ok, IMHO the idea of marketing GDI soley online is fast becoming harder and harder to do. Why you ask? Well let's look at a few numbers and I think it will make more sense to you.

    GDI will cost you $10 bucks a month, for that you get a domain name, hosting and 10 email accounts, there are some other features of course but for the sake of keeping it simple I just want to focus on these items... we...

    You can buy a .ws domain name from any number of registrars for under 10 bucks a year. You can purchase webhosting for less than 5 bucks a month in any number of places. These accounts often also have website building software built in and they will allow any number of email accounts...they also have graphical file managers to upload files, etc..etc...

    So let's do some math, GDI = $120.00 a year.
    Other guys = 10 + 60 = 70 bucks a year....

    So the question that begs to be answered is why would anyone pay an extra 50 bucks a year for the same thing more or less?

    The answer is I don't think many savy online people would do so for the domain name or the hosting, but they would for the payplan, which TOG (the other guy in my example above) does not offer. So the reality is, they know that if they can get say 1 person a week to join them and if those people do nothing else, but pay their ten bucks, that 50 bucks in earnings now makes the two of equal the online people that might be wise enough to see the value in the long term of GDI have likely for the most part come on aboard already.... of course I am speaking in general terms..

    BUT and this is a very BIG BUT.... what about in your home town? I mean think about it for just a second. I know the city in which I live is not very big... maybe 75,000 people. But how many of them have their own websites? I would bet a pretty small %. How many of them would like one? I don't know, but if I can show them a place that they can post their vacation pics, a place where relatives from a distance can keep up with the family going's on, a place where they can have their own email addresses, a place where they save pics for those auctions they love to tinker with, I mean the uses are simply endless, you probably don't even need to push the commission side as it would just be a complete and total bonus to them. So looking at my city because, well because it's my post :-)

    I will assume that of the 75k in my city 10k of them are under 18 and are either not interested or too darn net savvy as it is and have their own stuff. To be fair let's say another 5k are over 70 and not interested, being the old stick in the muds that they can be. :-) That leaves me 60k people as I am sure not all of them have computers or care about the internet but it's a numbers game... if only 10% of them joined up, I'd have a 6000 person downline... what if each one of them only told one person? I think you see where I'm going... to me the biggest untapped market for this business is off line. The face to face, the people sick of hotmail and yahoo and the people that don't even know what html or server side includes are....

    You don't have to live in a huge city, what about the people that live in a small town of a few thousands, well if you got 2 or 3 hundred people I am sure you'd be happy with that as a starting point?

    The bottom line is this is a business unlike the usual lotions and potions and pills and so forth, something that you can proudly take to your friends and family. Everybody pretty much can afford ten bucks a month. They can get use out of the product to any extent they wish. They will find new ways to use it the more they have access to it and try it out. You don't need to stock anything, you can use your included site as a model to show them what can be done and you can do it with a lot less competition than to keep blasting the same message to the same people online over and over again.

    Don't get me wrong I'm sure there are still signups to be had online, but why do so many people seem to miss the obvious?

    Anyway, that's my sermon for today, sorry for the longwindedness (is that a word?) of my first post, but it just seems so obvious to me...

    Take care, good luck one and all,


    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: RichardUriegas on March 01, 2006, 02:19:49 PM
    Hi Gina my name is Richard to answer your question I don't know because everybody is different,
    when it comes to making money, meaning it won't come over night. Please try to focus on athletes
    that worked hard for one Michael Jordan right him did you know that in high school he did'nt play even though he was on the team,also in college he was not a starter but his persitants got him where he is now, he practriced 6 to 8 hrs a day now that's hard work. Keep working you'll get there
    be PATIENT!!!! 1 DAY at a time. You don't know this but at one time I was an alcoholic but one day at a time with Gods love got me here 20 years later. PATIENTS!!!!

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: ScottPrice on March 04, 2006, 08:47:13 PM
    When you start making money with GDI your spouse will support you. It takes time. Don't be a program jumper. Stick with it.


    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: KLopez on March 07, 2006, 09:08:57 PM
    I now realize what I was doing wrong thanks to Nicole and a few other people on this wonderful forum. Now I'm getting tons of responses. I'm actually getting signups now, even though it's just beginning. I can't wait to see what's going to be happening for me within a few months with GDI. GDI is awesome... if your not getting results, try something else until you find what is right for you... but I assure you that it does work... just dont give up so quick or you will never find out.

    Anyone can feel free to contact me if you want sugguestions.  :)

    Kaci Lopez

    I'm still getting several messages from people desperate for help/suggestions even though it's been nearly 7 months since I've posted this. Well, I just need to let everyone know that my success has not continued. Infact, I have  had to take a break from working with GDI. Yes, things were going great for a little while, but then everything has been downhill from there. My luck quickly faded away. With my current financial situation, I am in no position to market GDI properly. I also have several limits to what I can do and how to promote/market GDI (whereas others don't) so here's another problem. Anyway, anyone can certainly feel free to contact me still - I love hearing from you. I just wanted to go ahead and follow-up on this post and let everyone know that things have not continued as hoped. 

    ~ Kaci

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Nicole Taylor on March 07, 2006, 09:53:05 PM
    Hello Kaci,

    I haven't talked to you in a while. It's nice to see you here at the forum!

    There's free advertising methods that are effective and will help you build your GDI business. You just have to be persistent and not give up.

    In your search engine type in "free business cards." You will see several sites that will only charge you a small shipping and handling fee or will allow you to print them out right at home.. for free! Same thing with flyers. We all receive junk mail in our mailboxes. Save the postage paid envelopes and stick your flyers and business cards in them and send them back! I've had quite a few calls from people who have received my business cards from using this method.

    Put up a post on bulletin boards. Join free communities/forums on the Web and make your GDI business known.

    Word of mouth is probably the best free advertising there is! Talk to people about GDI. For $10 a month, anyone can afford to do this business.


    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: MarkR on March 14, 2006, 09:59:12 AM
     I am still a newbie but, I had my mother join and she is already talking of quitting.  I think that someone on another topic mentioned there are still many places on Dial up services.  So we have 2 things happening in my mind that can be solved by the same ideas discussed in recordings from

    1.  People have slow connections and don't like to shift throuhg all this old message info becasue it takes along time to listen to Audio and video on dial up. 

    2. People including myself are busy and don't always have the time

    3. New people may not have a clue about BLogs-Audios-and the techie stuff eventhough interested in earning $$$.  We have alot of babyboomers out there that barely read e-mails but, need our help financially and so are initially interested.

    I think we can solve this by creating a CD that can be recorded on your computer withyour voice and steps you took when you joined to start business networking and learning.  I am brand new so maybe the DVD covers alot of this?  CD's are dirt cheap now and there are free sound recorders that convert audio to mp3,s that can be burned to a website or CD like  Audacity.  If interested I also have software very inexpensive that helps create screen capture videos and you can burn those to CD's showing others how to do the GDI business if you have not hear of this new service to hold online meetings visit to see how to hold training sessions wit htose who have ig Speed interenet and windows PC.  Feel free to e-mail me with questions about any of the above.  Hope this help you all.

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Matthew Green on March 14, 2006, 12:05:16 PM
    Hello Mark,

    Welcome to the FORUM.
    I want to expand on your CD idea a little.
    First of all anyone can get free software needed to create MultiMedia CD's chances are most people have already got it and didn't know it was installed.

    I think GDI have done a GOOD JOB already with the DVD's but it is up to the individual Sponsor to find resolve for clients with insufficient Bandwidth etc ... If making CD's works for you, do it... There are other ways of getting the Message across without watching all of the Movies. A plain TEXT email works fine with Dial-Up as do web pags that do not contain Images etc... E-Books too can be downloaded once and accessed as often as you want...

    You added a link for HotConference;
    Was this a bit hasty??  Yes a GREAT PRODUCT, but the link will feed the Company, not us affiliates that deserve the commissions... Many newcomers do not fully understand how Affiliate Programmes work so they will see a link, join and the person who introduced them, in this case - YOU miss out..

    Maybe I am being too influenced by the notion of personal gain but is that not the aim here?

    BTW The Wealth411 site opens a Pop-Up on exit and the Size is set wrong.. Only the top half can be seen.. Not sure if this is your website but it needs a tweak...
    again welcome,

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: ScottPrice on April 09, 2006, 10:11:19 AM
    There are a lot of tire kickers. If they are not interested in GDI, or are afraid of a little hard work they go away. If you can't afford to spend $10 a month for a website and a excellent affiliate progam then they are never going to make it in any program.

    It takes time for advertising to work and people to see that you are in it for the long haul.

    It took me months to get my website to be ranked in google. Right now its at a 5 on the page rank meter.

    Set a monthly advertising budget and stick with it.


    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: KimberlyF on April 19, 2006, 10:09:11 PM
    I have been doing a lot of research online about home businesses and the top picks, and I have been reading tons of reviews and honestly, GDI hasn't gotten very good ones.  I am getting very skeptical now because there are about three home businesses that are actually cheaper than GDI and have gotten really good reviews from tons of different sites.  I was just wondering if anyone else is feeling this way.  I mean, I would like to hear from people who are in this forum and making a substantial income, and not just the top sellers that are making all the money.  Thanks!!! (Just don't want to waste anymore time or money!)

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: AlanZ on April 20, 2006, 08:31:39 AM
    Hi Kimberly:

    Every company/opportunity out will get bad press.  This is because every company/opportunity have
    affiliates who lie, who are lazy and have unrealistic expectations.

    I met a woman online recently who responded to one of my ads.  She told me she was in GDI, but
    she quit “because it is a scam” (in her heart she really believes this).  She told me her sponsor promised
    her $4000 a month after 4 months.  She was heartbroken and told me she can’t reach her sponsor. 
    She has nothing nice to say to GDI and never will.  This is not GDI’s fault, but the affiliate who promotes
    their business this way.

    I know another person in GDI who promises the people who join him that he will build their business
    for them.  Affiliates have to stop doing this.

    I share these stories with you Kimberly because where ever you go, it will always happen.  It doesn’t
    matter what opportunity you are in, it will happen.

    You must follow your heart.  I know in my heart GDI is the easiest opportunity out there.  Besides
    the unique and easy to remember domain name, I need hosting service so I can upload business
    building presentations which can be played 24 hours a day.  Also in my 10 year experience, I do not
    know of a better business building tool than the 7 minute Flash Presentation.  It is short, entertaining
    and easy to understand.  It is the best and I feel it every day.

    My honest advice, if you are not happy here and feel the grass is greener on the other side, GO FOR IT. 
    Follow your heart but ALWAYS keep your options (and eyes) open. 

    I hope this helps and wish you the best,


    Title: im a new member. please help me out
    Post by: TahaRashik on April 26, 2006, 08:37:10 PM
    hey guys, i just signed up a few weeks back. so im pretty new to this stuff. ok now to the problem.
    i worked verry hard and emailed a lot of people and finally got 7 people to sign up in my first two days. i thought i was doing great. however, now a week has passed by, and most of my member have not put a credit card on file and are no longer active. i tried to contact them to ask them if they wanted any help. but most of them are international and the rest have given a phone number wich takes me directly to a voice mail, what goin on ? am i screewed, does this happen a lot. because i worked verry hard in the first place to get them signed up. and now this. i dont know if all this is worth it. 

    please give me advice on what i can and should  do.

    thank you

    Title: What is the major reason why new affiliates drop out?
    Post by: Roux M on May 02, 2006, 09:13:47 AM
    I want to build a good team in GDI therefor I would like to get your ideas on what you the the major reasons are why new affiliates drop out of a program like GDI (or any other affiliate program for that matter).  You answers would help me to look at those areas more closely and reduce the drop out rate in my team.  Hope not this question has been asked before.  Did not have the time to check.  Thanks.

    Title: Re: A downline quit, now their downline is un-contactable by me!
    Post by: RaymondTran on May 12, 2006, 10:06:07 AM

    What a great issue to discuss. It take work to grow your organization, but you will loose your sales team if they are not presented with the tools and knowledge to get the success they expected. They never make the transition from customer to sales rep.

    What makes a person leave?

    What could have been to keep them satisfied enough to stay?

    Is there anything you can actively do to prevent this problem?

    Let's have a brainstorm session and list all the reasons an individual
    would leave the GDI program. Get down and dirty. Tell us everything
    bad about the program. Everything that could be improved and
    then get replies about ideas to make it better. Much better.

    There are a lot of us. Let's team up with our brain power
    and plug the leak in the boat!

    A downline quit, I thinkd that it's not he /her wants to save $10.00/month. Maybe the website or the mails boxes are not working  as desired. Myself, most of the time , when I click on INBOX a blank screen showup with error message: UNKNOWN Error. I rarely have this problem with Yahoo Mails Plus.

    Title: Till the end of the month
    Post by: LisaWestberg on May 12, 2006, 10:53:41 PM
    Well, GDI member, I am sorry to say that i am given it till the end of may. I have had enough...I have worked hard Even to the point where i had my baby fall asleep on me while i was posting adds.  I have done alot to promote GDI.. I put a flyer in the local news paper and flyer a round town. I have done the internet and nothing. in the last week I have had 22 hits on my GDI websites and nothing. zip.

    I have emailed my upline for help and i haven't had ANYTHING back WHAT SO EVER. 

    I have done some research on GDI and most of the reveiws that i have found haven't been all that great. Some good. but not great.

    for those of you that are making a income from this I wish you the best of luck. and more.

    all the best.

    Lisa :'(

    Title: Anyone actually making any money?
    Post by: Don_Wilson on May 19, 2006, 08:40:51 PM
    Hi All, been a member for a few months now and have promoted the site in numerous places and no action as of yet. It seems that you are pushed to buy the DVD's to make things happen. Is anyone having any success?
    take care,

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Paul Birdsall on May 22, 2006, 08:11:41 AM
    Here's my 2 cents!!!

    This opportunity like any other opportunity is about mindset first!  Remember this quote "Whether you think you can or you think you can't...YOUR RIGHT!"

    If you have a negative mindset it will do two things to make you fail everytime:

    1) Lead you to other failing, blaming, negative and unsuccessful people on the Internet!  What can you learn from those type people other than being lead down the wrong path.  (If you listen to other failing people you will fail too - no brainer)

    2) Keep you from seeking out and learning from more positive and successful people, which will teach you the most powerful ways to be successful on the Internet! 

    If you think about it....Why does an opportunity work for some people and never work for others?  The answer....YOU!  Your not failing because of GDI, your failing because of you!  And you will continue to fail with a negative mindset evrytime, whether it's with GDI or any other opportunity!  A negative mindset prevents you from seeing or finding the right answers and direction for success because you are spending all your time trying to find other people who are failing so you don't feel like your the reason it's not working.  Cause if others feel like you then your right!  Think about it and try creating a mindset using "the captain & crew method".

    Listen I hate to see people who could totally have anything in the world that they want, be held back just because they can't control there own minds!  Your mind is the most powerful thing in the universe and it's the only thing you really have true 100% control over.

    So here's my suggestion for all the people wanting's the SECRETS TO SUCCESS.  Find and seek out people who are successful instead of people failing and follow and learn as much as you can from them.  Do what they do!  You would be suprised how many people who are successful would be willing to share there knowlegde with you at no cost ;-)

    To Your Success,
    Paul Birdsall

    Title: I am just about to cancel my membership.
    Post by: Gladys Ayala on June 16, 2006, 01:52:26 PM
    Hello Everybody.
     It has been about 9 months that I've been a member in GDI, but after not success at all; I am thinking about cancelling soon.  I got only one downline, but nothing else.  Can anyone tell me a tip for success and that I could try before I cancel it?  Thank you very much. :(


    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: RMcintosh on June 16, 2006, 11:53:59 PM
    How many flyers are you passing out each day ?.. How many business cards are you passing out each day ? How many people do you email per day? How many people do you talk on the phone with each day? If you are not going to work it then it don't work it's self.. Do you ever see the top leaders on here? Not many.. Because they are out there working their butts off for there GDI Business.. Getting people signed up. There are lot of tools to use from this fourm.. Alot of good answers to questions on this fourm too.. I make my own business cards, flyers etc.. I pass them out everyday I leave home.. I mail some to people I dont know... and put them in the return letters of my bills... There are alot of different things you can do that don't cost a lot or no money at all....

    Title: Any ideas?
    Post by: PieterP on June 23, 2006, 09:41:59 AM
    I have tried this thing for more than 2 months and have signed one person so far.  I have e-mailed hundreds of people, used leads, advertised ALOT, ect.  I am at it EVERYDAY!!  Also tried "Lucky List", "Top Surfer" (seems you get hits from people that open and close your site to receive credit!! - I get about 30 JUNK e-mails from that per day) Obviously I must be doing something wrong.  Any helpful ideas would be greatful...

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: KSwanson on July 02, 2006, 08:14:13 PM
    I have been in this forum for over 2 hours reading the mail posted from last summer to current.  Lots of info given and lots of frustration vented.  I have been with GDI for 6 months and finally got my first $100 check last week.  I have sent out thousands of e-mails, but I think the one main thing that got me there was my upline gave me a couple good leads.  That is one key, the upline sharing their leads.  I don't know why they don't do more of that, they still benefit, they lose nothing by sharing.  It is such an encouragement to the downline.  One post mentioned that that is in the training manual, that the upline should use the 'spillover'.  Are you upline reading this?

    Title: Please Help
    Post by: Vicky Stillwell on July 08, 2006, 07:39:12 AM

    I have been an affiliate with GDI for 2 months now and I still dont have a downline.  I dont know what I am doing wrong and I cant buy the DVDs until I have earned the money to pay for them. I am starting to get a bit frustrated now.

    If anyone has some helpful advise please help.

    Eternally Grateful


    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: David_J on July 21, 2006, 09:14:31 AM
    its hard work trying to get a downline i agree,there doesnt seem to be much intrest in what gdi have to offer. i do like the url and email forwarding as i can use my gdi domain name,which i think is attractive! ive submited my domain to the main search engines and am allready recieving hits.

    if i can possible help you with anything feel free to email me


    uk england

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: CherylF on July 26, 2006, 02:29:33 AM
    me no downline either. I would even know what to say them.
    I contacted mind upline. and got a response , but that is it.,
    I am trying.  ???

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Peter Torgusen on August 13, 2006, 06:30:35 PM
    Hello All,

    I have been reading the forum for about 1 hour now and see alot of people discouraged and giving up!  Get back to the basics!  You're first step should be to find likeminded people and work together!  A friend, family member, or both!  If you can't afford to buy leads then share the cost!  It seems to me that everyone is making it too hard.  After all, it's people helping people!  I have 2 family members, my g/f, and 2 friends working with me!  We spend $40 a month on leads and split the cost!  Less than $10 a month.  If you're serious about growing your business you must invest.  And at these prices you could do it over and over again. 

    If you send out 5000 leads a day that's Great!  But if you have 5 people doing the same thing, that's Excellent!  If you only get 1 signup a week, it's not bad.  But 5 of you working together doing the same thing multiply's your efforts.  That's 5 a week!  If your leads don't seem to be working then try something new.  Trial N Error!  Learning for yourself and helping your downline when you find what works!  Word of mouth is the best if you can't afford leads.  Talk about your business like you would if your team hit a game winning homerun last night!  Think long term!  Imaging yourself 1, 2, or 3 years from now and what the possiblities are.  Think, Talk, and Dream Success.  Remember: " Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes,  If You Keep Doing What You're Doing, You'll Keep Getting What You're Getting"!  Nothing comes easy and if it did,  you didn't learn anything from it!  I know GDI is a great company with good people!  Ask for help and you'll get it. 

    We just need to stay the course and not let outside influences bring us down.  We will all end up on top!  Persistance and Consistance!

    Good Luck to All!

    Your Partner in Success,
    Pete Torgusen III

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: RMcintosh on August 20, 2006, 08:44:48 AM
    Well said...

     If you not working to hard with this then its not going to happen.. If you put alot of effort into then its going to work.. Talking to afew people isn't going to do it.. If you hand out flyers, businesses cards  and emails to afew people its not going to work... Hand out cards, flyers etc to everyone you meet, Like at the grocey store clerks, fast food clerks, leave your cards in the gas stations, put your cards in business magiznes... Leave them in the bathrooms at walmart, kmart or and store that has a bathroom.. Ask people if they want to make money... hand them a business card or a flyer... Drop them on the floors at stores...

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Onyinye U on August 31, 2006, 10:31:52 AM
    Nice suggestion about inserting business cards in Magazines, how do you do it?

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Marcus McCullough on September 09, 2006, 09:24:53 AM
    I do not have any upline support in the Business, but I really never thought of it as much of problem because of this Forum.  What can you get from your upline that you cant get here, except maybe a little spillover, and lets face it, if you are waiting on spillover to get going you are in for a rough ride.  You have to market this yourself, if you are low budget use the flyers and business cards method along with email to your family and friends.  Don't exclude anyone, you cant predict what circumstance anyone is in and you may hit them at just the right time.  At only $10 a month you can afford for it to take a little while to get going, but be persistant, it is easy to fade out on your marketing.  Engage people in the opportunity you have found and see how many people are interested in it.  Don't barage them with the business side right off the bat, inform them about how great it is to have your own personal domain forever, and by the way I am making a little money with it as well.  Work it into the conversation if someone is interested in the initial proposal of getting their own domain.  The DVD's are cheap and they do a great job of explaining everything, or at least send people to and give them your access code, so when they are done watching it they can get going.

    Be persistant if you want to succeed, Keep your chin up and talk talk talk about it, you may be surprised who is listening.

    Best of Luck all,
    Marcus McCullough

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Marcus McCullough on September 09, 2006, 09:24:53 AM
    Here is a snippet of a light hearted article I wrote on what lessons we can learn from Forres Gump, use it as a little motivation to keep on trying... :D

    Marcus McCullough

    I Was Running 

    When Forrest put his mind to something he always succeeded.  When he felt like going for a run, he ran and kept on running.  Eventually, a little at a time, people started following him until he had a small army behind him.  The same thing that will be happening to you when you go to (access code:________) and decide to run with the opportunity.  When he said he was going to be a shrimpin boat captain, and Lieutenant Dan told him he was crazy, he succeeded at that.  In fact Lieutenant Dan ended up being his first mate.  Who knows how many Nay Sayers that tell you that you will fail, will eventually be working for you when they see your success.  Forrest wasn’t a trained runner or a captain, but he set his mind to something and didn’t let anything or anyone stand in his way.  He even got Jenny with all his persistence and loyalty.  By the way, if you haven’t seen the movie you should, I loved it.  Find the Faith of Forrest in you and don’t let anyone or anything keep you from making a better life, or maybe even a fortune, for yourself through (access code: ________).

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Jumoke_O1 on October 11, 2006, 03:57:03 AM
    Thank you all for great information Yes I bought DVDs no sign up really, I bought leads and have i sign up I have been in this for 9 months now and I do receive from the upline (basically information on how much money they are making) so that really does not help me. I just wonder is there something like an adcoop that help people recruit? :(
    thank you

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: S_Alcoya on October 11, 2006, 05:42:44 PM
    I just wonder is there something like an adcoop that help people recruit? :(

    GDI doesn't have a ad coop. If you and your downline members get together and run a ad coop program.
    You all can put in a share. You can get a advertise pool together.

    It's just like the football pools.

    Hope this help,

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: RobertChoi on October 26, 2006, 04:45:51 AM
    Advertising pools are great if you have more than five people.
    But beware, your money will fly out the window if you don't
    have good ad copy.

    You need to have advertising that can actually bring results,
    otherwise don't do it.

    Hard selling can work, but it is VERY difficult to repeat.
    Remember, this is network / relationship marketing and
    not sales.

    Building your business will not happen overnight, and
    being pushy will definitely backfire over the long-term.

    So even if you have one member in your downline, be
    a good sponsor. Stay in contact and you will be more

    Aren't we all in it for the long haul?
    This is about 'residual' income, and treat it that way.

    Have a great day,

    Robert Choi
    Wealth Vision 2020

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: BeverlyB on November 12, 2006, 05:39:41 AM
    Iam enjoying what Iam reading very encouraging. Can some email me a good letter to send my downline. I have just started and email my upline and no response.
    Thank you whoever sends it to me.

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: PamelaR on February 15, 2007, 05:38:14 AM

    I love this forum!  Just wanted to get that over with.  ;D I realate to most all of the posts in this topic.  My spouse is NOT supportive at all.  He says it just a pyramid scheme.  Don't waste your time.  But I do believe in this system and am not ready to give up!  Since my upline does not respond to any emails, I have found my help and support in this forum.  Thank you everyone!


    Title: Not getting help fromthe person above me.
    Post by: Shaun Potgieter on March 23, 2007, 08:56:52 AM
    I don't know if there is a post in here like this somewhere, When I work out what type of money I can eke when I get at least 50 people on my first line and they only get a average of two people under them the amount you make is very little. Now this brings me to the next question is it not better for the person that is above me to maybe get the first five people under him and then start signing people under those people under hims name and then he will make more money that way? I hope I make sense. Any way I have been doing this now for about three days and the only place I've been getting hits from is my site and people that I talk to and no other place. So this brings me to the next conclusion there are people out there that are doing just that they start their first line of 5 people and then they help those 5 sign up another 5 each and the they really start making money fast. But I guess not all of us realize that till later. Or maybe the that is above me is also battling to get his 5 and he might be a new member too.

    Any way would like to see what you guys think. Please comment

    To your success
    Shaun Potgieter   

    Title: Re: Not getting help from the person above me.
    Post by: Pamela Hutchison on April 25, 2007, 02:48:51 AM
    I don't know if there is a post in here like this somewhere, When I work out what type of money I can eke when I get at least 50 people on my first line and they only get a average of two people under them the amount you make is very little. Now this brings me to the next question is it not better for the person that is above me to maybe get the first five people under him and then start signing people under those people under hims name and then he will make more money that way? I hope I make sense. Any way I have been doing this now for about three days and the only place I've been getting hits from is my site and people that I talk to and no other place. So this brings me to the next conclusion there are people out there that are doing just that they start their first line of 5 people and then they help those 5 sign up another 5 each and the they really start making money fast. But I guess not all of us realize that till later. Or maybe the that is above me is also battling to get his 5 and he might be a new member too.

    Any way would like to see what you guys think. Please comment

    To your success
    Shaun Potgieter   

    I can understand where you are coming from. The people that would be more likely to consider passing a member to you would be level 3,4 or 5 above. They should have been doing this long enough to spare a member to help out the downline. Doesn't always work like that though. Would be great for the newbie if it did. Although don't hesitate to get tips from your upline or im other members, or hit the forum.

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: KBraun on April 25, 2007, 01:40:59 PM
    Hello Shaun,

    Your thoughts are like mine...give and we will ALL receive. :)

    Some people are "greedy" and sadly enough if they are putting 50 people on their 1st level without helping ALL of them...they will continue to think that programs like this are a "scam".

    Run your business to the way your "heart" talks to you. :) Mine tells me to bring as many people with me on this journey. :)

    What a change in the world if we ALL thought like this...actually got down and personal with the people we bring in and really meant it when we said that we are here to help. :)

    I believe it will's a BIG world and to bring change into people lives who "fear"...the odds are against us...but I feel if I can help lighten the daily burdens in peoples lives a bit...than I will be in it for the long haul because that is worth it to me.  :)

    Take away the "greed" and build a community of everyone helping each other = teaches duplication and achieves longevity for everyone. :)


    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: GaryPhister on April 25, 2007, 06:35:31 PM
    The tools that GDI has given us to use are amazing. Take for instance being able to move downline members. No other company that I've seen alows this to happen. With this in mind, you can make money quicker. Why don't we as Affiliates join hands and really make this business grow as well as our pocketbooks. Don't be so greedy and keep everyone that signs up on your first level. If you're just starting out keep five people in place and then go on down to each of your next levels and start helping your downline by using the move downline link in your downline area of the members section. You can only help out to your 4th level members but if everyone does this, it won't take long for you to fill your 5X5 matrix. Then if you want to make more money, do the same thing with 5 more people. Everyone you help helps you too. As people sign up you only have 7 days to move them, and you can only move them one time, but it is real easy to do. I am doing this with my downline as people sign up this will keep encouraging them to do the same. If you have more than five members on level 1, start placing all your new people that sign up on your next levels under people you already have and you will bepaid even bigger.

    Here’ how to get Started.

     Get familiar with the members’ area, and especially familiarize yourself with how you can move your downline members.  Go to the downline link in the members’ area. You can now see all of your downline members. The new members are the one’s that you can see in blue and will be automatically placed on your 1st level. You can move them anywhere in your down-line, but only during the first seven days of their trial period. You will need to be quick to move them once they sign up or they will be stuck on your 1st level and you won’t be able to move them to help your downline. Members that are green have been signed up past their 7 day trial and they cannot be moved. IMPORTANT, you can only move members in your downline only once and only during their first 7 days in which they have signed up, so please learn how to move them. Don’t be scared, it is really easy to do. Once you access your downline area, there is a link that says, Move Downline Members, click on it and it will show you how to move them, step by step. Once you have 5 Affiliates on your 1st level, pay special attention to the Username column and the Sponsor column, this tells you how many people are sponsored by an individual. Make sure that you don’t place someone in a sponsors’ downline that shows that they already have sponsored five people because this will give them more people on their 1st level. To do this go to the first column of your downline members that shows the names and find the 5 people you are keeping on your first level. If their name is colored green then they are not moveable from your 1st level. You have no choice but to build under those affiliates that are green on your 1st level. After you find their name go across and see what their username is. Now look for that username in the sponsor column and just count how many times their name appears in the sponsor column, if it appears 5 times, then move to another person on level 1 and do the same until all 5 have 5 affiliates under them, then go to your level 2 Affiliates and do the same thing until you have filled all of level 2. Once it’s full, continue down to level 3 dropping people into open spots and so forth until all 5 levels are full. If you don’t find a username in the sponsor column, that means they have nobody under them yet. You can put up to 5 people in at a time by clicking on multiple people to move. Be careful though, if you see that they have sponsored 2 people, then you will only place three people under them at that time.
    Remember that as new Affiliates sign up, they will automatically be put on your first level. This will help you to stay organized. If you tried to place someone clear down to your 5th level, but it is full, Congratulations, you can now start a new downline if you wish. As I said earlier this is what I am encouraging my downline to do also and it's amazing how fast it grows.
    Hopefully everyone else can share this with your upline and downline Affliliates

    Lets help build Fortunes for Everyone,

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: B Lum on May 29, 2007, 03:05:47 AM
    I think it would be great that you give out your phone number by email personally to your downlines so that they feel that they would get help. It would greatly stop the quiters

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Art Wilson on June 08, 2007, 05:57:43 PM

    I experienced the same problems when I started my MLM career 30 years ago. After 6 months I quit my job on the day I said I would and all of those people who said it was just a "pyramid" watched me walk out the door with a $10,000+ a month residual income! I bought a new motorhome and we traveled for over a year throughout the US. Guess what? When people heard our story they couldn't wait to join us. You need to ignore all of your spouses negativity and move foreward. He'll feel different when you bring home your new BMW convertible, he'll be begging to help you.

    Good Luck
    Keep the Faith ;D

    Art Wilson

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Linda M on June 12, 2007, 03:14:32 AM
    Hi, I know what you all are saying about no downlines, I have been with GDI for 3 months and I finely got one of my friends to join but she is getting very upset because she can't get anyone to sign up under either. I have done everything that my upline has told me to do and yet still nothing. I have also gotten her to do the same and we are both on a bad end here. Everyone we send an invite too just trash it and don't care to even watch the movie. What in the heck are we doing wrong?????

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: HowardMartell on June 18, 2007, 06:54:12 AM

    I was reading your post today.

    We can all relate to what your going thru with your home business.

    But let my ask you this?

    When your premuim leads are viewing the movie and presentation how are you following up with them?

    Do you use email or do you prefer to call them and introduce yourself and answer any questions they may have?

    Understand most people need to know that they will be helped starting off during the initial stages running their home business.

    Success will be determined by how much following up you do with your prospects.

    People don't need to be sold on the idea of financial freedom.

    Do you also use other methods which have discussed on the internet radio show and the marketing and training links in this forum.

    To your success,

    Howie Martell

    Title: Re: people quiting
    Post by: DTerri on July 01, 2007, 01:55:12 AM
    Hey everyone,

    What to I say to a person to try and get them to stay? Does anyone have tips or tricks to use?

    thanks chris

    Explain to them what they will be missing out on! Where can you invest $10 mo/ to earn hundreds even thousands? Point out that it is in the likely hood that they spend $10 in one day on miscellaneous stuff like coffee, chips, soda, etc. Let them know that they have to work just as hard for themselves as they do for their guaranteed paycheck they get from their jobs every 1 to 2 weeks.

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Joel_P on August 11, 2007, 06:23:08 PM
    Hello Shaun,

    Your thoughts are like mine...give and we will ALL receive. :)

    Some people are "greedy" and sadly enough if they are putting 50 people on their 1st level without helping ALL of them...they will continue to think that programs like this are a "scam".

    Run your business to the way your "heart" talks to you. :) Mine tells me to bring as many people with me on this journey. :)

    What a change in the world if we ALL thought like this...actually got down and personal with the people we bring in and really meant it when we said that we are here to help. :)

    I believe it will's a BIG world and to bring change into people lives who "fear"...the odds are against us...but I feel if I can help lighten the daily burdens in peoples lives a bit...than I will be in it for the long haul because that is worth it to me. :)

    Take away the "greed" and build a community of everyone helping each other = teaches duplication and achieves longevity for everyone. :)


    I agree with you, that’s the way I think it should be done (ex: help 5 get five each before going wider) this would build a stronger team, if there would be an incentive to do so maybe GDI would grow even faster!!!...More duplication,…more active members,…more income!!.....More Income = more motivated members = more action = more duplication = more results = Bigger GDI...(

    Build it right


    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: KaraM on September 17, 2007, 03:37:21 AM
    I have had 2 of my downline members quit after only giving GDI a month-one said and I quote,"it doesn't do what it says on the box",how do I answer that?!
    The second gave his reason for quitting as saying it was way too much work for little return.

    Their direct sponsor ,who was my first GDI signup is fantastic,the kind of person you want on your team and refuses to be phased by such negativity.
    However at the moment it seems for every positive comment I hear whilst promoting GDI I am hearing three bad ones and it seems people out there are looking for 'get rich by next week' programmes,which we all know don't work-or we'd all be doing them!

    I just wanted to know how fellow GDI members keep their focus when hitting a bad patch?
    Need some motivation tips guys  ;)

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: SallyK on October 09, 2007, 04:18:29 AM
    Hi Kaci,

    I'm BRAND NEW (1 day) and would love to know what's working for you and what wasn't working for you before (if you're willing to share the information). 

    Everything is a bit overwhelming at this point but I truly want to get off on the right foot so any advice/suggestion will be taken to heart.

    P.S.- What is the Red Ferarri flyer and where do you get it?  Are there things available after your seven day trial membership that aren't available during that time?  I'm a bit confused about this.

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Mustafa H on October 12, 2007, 03:07:47 AM
    Hi Sally,

    Go to  You will get all the tools you need to build your site and to market this program.


    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: DPro on October 12, 2007, 05:57:26 AM
    Hi Sally,

    After login to GDI member area, go to this link

    You can order the Red Ferarri flyer from there.

    I'm BRAND NEW (1 day) and would love to know what's working for you and what wasn't working for you before (if you're willing to share the information).

    Everything is a bit overwhelming at this point but I truly want to get off on the right foot so any advice/suggestion will be taken to heart.

    P.S.- What is the Red Ferarri flyer and where do you get it?  Are there things available after your seven day trial membership that aren't available during that time?  I'm a bit confused about this.

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: DTerri on October 13, 2007, 06:39:36 PM

    Hi Sally K,

    The first thing you want to do is treat this as your "business"! Work hard & don't give up! Even after being rejected 100 times! If you are a full time employee, work just as hard 4 URself as you would for your emloyer! The concept is simple, great, affordable, and the company is a member of the DSA! Next, Get some business cards (for the days you may not want to talk 2 people). While GDI offers business cards, you can get many more for the same price..I'm talking thousands! IF you design your own, you will first need approval from the support department b4 u get them printed. Finally, keep in mind that networking is a "relationship" business..So don't be afraid to strike up conversations promoting the GDI opportunity! I don't want to leave my email address here, but if you have any questions go to my website at, scroll down and click on email ur sponsor.

    Good Luck

    Hi Kaci,

    I'm BRAND NEW (1 day) and would love to know what's working for you and what wasn't working for you before (if you're willing to share the information). 

    Everything is a bit overwhelming at this point but I truly want to get off on the right foot so any advice/suggestion will be taken to heart.

    P.S.- What is the Red Ferarri flyer and where do you get it?  Are there things available after your seven day trial membership that aren't available during that time?  I'm a bit confused about this.

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Carmel B on April 17, 2008, 09:22:11 AM
    Hi Everyone,

    I just want to say few things about GDI........

    1. i joined sometime back in 2007, my sponser blasted me with emails immediatly after i joined, i trusted him and t hought i was going to be successful , but i was a newbie to internet marketing and so i just followed on everything he told me to do, well, to my dismay and several restless night not to mention maxing out my credit cards and getting no where, i gave up!

    2. But not completely.

    3. Heres what happened, my sponser decided to blast me with other income opportunities that he was using.....i didnt know what he was doing so i joined so so many programmes , i got lost............completely.

    4. i stayed a member of GDI......well it is only $10 a month, and that is around€6 in my country (im from Ireland)

    5. i had bought the business cards and left them in my cubboard for all that time not using them or even knowing how to

    6, i spent all my time learning internet marketing researching it.....talking to experts....etc..........and i learned a lot

    7, now back to basics with GDI

    8, 2 weeks ago i got out my business cards

    9. i passed them to some of my work colleagues........friends....busssiness associates.......etc

    10. i left them in shops, post offices, pertro atm 's etc

    11. i joined online team of professional internet marketers..........and entered my primary business (GDI)

    12. and its worked

    13. from my offline work done, i received in 2 weeks...............30 paid members

    14. from my online team membership , i receive 3 or 4 members per day ............yes per day!

    15. this business is better than anything else on the internet.......

    16. This business is quality , and will make you rich over time.........(months-years) who knows. how hard you work

    17, This business will earn you no money............if you are not willing to work at it......

    18 , so people , those ofyou who are n ew.........those of you who are dissapointed , start again like i did

    19. THink of it as a growing business that you will be proud of..........

    20 and my last word is, when you get sign up's or referrals, or clients whatever you can call them, DO N OT SPAM THEM WITH OTHER INCOME OPPORTUNITIES

    Chances are they do not know what they are doing, and they will get lost just like me, email them and introduce yourself, make sure you send your address and telephone number, online contact details.......let them see that you are real peson, show them your blogs, your websites....etc. and then

    LEAVE THEM ALONE, unless they contact your for help

    that is my entry for today...............WISHING YOU ALL MUCH SUCCESS WITH GDI..........

    and have a great day!

    Title: Re: Lost two downline.
    Post by: Linda M on June 05, 2008, 08:45:54 AM
    I think you are always going to have downline that doesn't respond. I think it's just human
    nature for people to join things without knowing what they are getting themselves involved in.

    The ones that don't respond, I woldn't could on them for the LONG run.

    Stefani Partin

    I just want to say something to this and its not to be mean or rude. But if my upline tried to contact me, I would not respond unless I needed direction. You see some people are just born to do things there way and there good at it. They just would preffer to be left alone to do what comes natural to them. If they need direction then they will seek you out, but other than that don't count them out just because they don't contact you back. That is there way of doing things. Trust me if they want direction then they will contact you. Now I am not saying stop communication with them, NO. Keep letting them know that you are there if they need you. But don't be discouraged if they don't. They are just doing things there way.

    Title: Re: Lost two downline.
    Post by: Izabella Julia_G on June 06, 2008, 06:26:54 AM
    I just want to say something to this and its not to be mean or rude. But if my upline tried to contact me, I would not respond unless I needed direction. You see some people are just born to do things there way and there good at it. They just would preffer to be left alone to do what comes natural to them. If they need direction then they will seek you out, but other than that don't count them out just because they don't contact you back. That is there way of doing things. Trust me if they want direction then they will contact you. Now I am not saying stop communication with them, NO. Keep letting them know that you are there if they need you. But don't be discouraged if they don't. They are just doing things there way.

    You're absolutely right. I have similar experience with my downlines. I keep in touch with them, I send them e-mails on a regular basis, but seldom they do respond. Just a few of them responded.

    But: when a problem occured, even if I am not their direct upline, they contacted me with their concern or question, because they already knew me from my previous e-mails, and they trusted me.

    So, at first after the welcome e-mail - if they do not get back to you - they just have to be left alone, to work in their rhythm... Not bugging them with e-mails like: you did not responded to my previous e-mail etc...

    How ever, it is preferable to write them at least one e-mail per month - it is even best one e-mail every 2 weeks: with encouragements, promotional tips,recommendations and congratulations for every referral that they make. This keeps their moral up :)

    Kind regards,

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: EricC1 on June 11, 2008, 11:51:24 AM
    Save the postage paid envelopes and stick your flyers and business cards in them and send them back! I've had quite a few calls from people who have received my business cards from using this method.

    That's a great idea, but I have to this even legal? I'm just starting out and the last thing I want is to be investigated for mail fraud.

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: P_Gringel on July 14, 2008, 07:09:19 PM
     ::)so how is it workingout fo ryou now?

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: RivetC on July 16, 2008, 04:56:09 PM
    I also send out welcome emails to all my new members but not many respond.. except a few..

    It's normally the few that are willing to work with you.. and I have others that never say anything

    but just build their downlines and thats fine too.. as long as everyone is having success

    and by success I mean staying patient , persistent and focused

    If you can do that you will have success.. I have found patience to be the hardest

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Joel_P on September 16, 2008, 03:27:16 AM
    Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere can be a huge challenge for many of us!!
    Practice, patience, persistence, dedication, repetition, duplication and to Never Give-Up will gradually lead to Success some day!

    Never Give-up!

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: JaapVerduijn on November 15, 2008, 04:51:14 PM
    Ninety five percent of all internet entrepreneurs fail, and that's a conservative estimate: some researchers believe it's ninety eight percent. They all fail for the same reason: they give up. There's no other way to fail in internet marketing than by giving up. The solution is simple then: don't give up!

    My second advice is: don't expect anything from your downline (or from your upline, for that matter). Whatever program you're with, including GDI, you'll usually find that your downline will do absolutely nothing. It's a fact of life. A cosmic law. Same goes, probably, for your upline - at least it goes for mine.

    Third advice: do not expect all of your downline to stay on. Accept that for every three new members, two old ones will leave AKA give up. Well... as long as the balance is positive, I'm alright with that.

    Fourth advice: be realistic. GDI makes very few people rich, but even for the smaller fry it can easily produce a fine return in investment! Think of it this way. Say my small downline constantly hovers around 30. This means that every month I send 10 dollars to GDI, and every next month they send me back 30 dollars. That's an ROI of 300 percent! Not bad - not bad at all.

    Be well!

    Jaap Verduijn.

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: Michael T1 on November 28, 2008, 03:02:09 PM
      ??? I'm having the opposite problem. Got greeting e-mails from a couple of uplines . They said to ask them questions. Did so. Heard nothing but crickets!

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: GThomas1 on January 19, 2009, 03:16:12 AM
    just a word of encouragment.... I think it is important to remember that not everyone is as enthusatic or determined as we are to prosper on the internet. if i had not found gdi myself i probably would have stopped surfing the net for a while.So i think it is impertive that we remember that we are dealing with people from all walks of life annd we can only lead  the horses to water but we can't make them drink.


    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: MAndrew on August 06, 2009, 12:41:43 PM
    I am also from Ireland and have just started in GDI a week ago.  So far i have bought business cards to go out and distribute. I just wanted to say i think your article was very helpful.
    I am always very skeptical as to how people will take to this business and your article has reassured me that my flyer campaign will go well.

    Title: new since near begining of 9/2010
    Post by: AllanC on September 16, 2010, 10:01:03 AM

    Registrant Name: Allan C of CSN, Inc.
    Registrant Email:

    Administrative Contact Email:
    Administrative Contact Telephone: not listed

    Registrar Name: .WS Registry
    Registrar Email:
    Registrar Telephone: ---
    Registrar Whois:

    Domain Created: 2010-09-06
    Domain Last Updated: 2010-09-06
    Domain Currently Expires: 2010-10-06

    Current Nameservers: .............. ........... ............ ..............

    Thats my whois info for a .ws domain (I also own a whois server which many hosters have.)
    So the creation date above is the day I then Joined GDI. I have not got a signup yet. I have had 1 start registeration then stopped I did capture a email address but they never replied to my very friendly email invitation. Also everything that shows in my upline is always offline , well when I log on anyway. I don't have any downline. Different here but when I register a domain for a user, its the traditiional 1 year or so like for .com .net .org .edu .us etc. I have never seen anyone doing it by the month before. That is domain registers like myself and all the others out there. Is it because they host too? but then many of the other registers most of them will also host a site for an extra fee including me. But getting back to the issue no one in my up line is ever online when I am and they never have replied any of them that I have tried. Anyone else have this problem? I am an ole compter and network engineer so anything techie i have no problems with just can't contact anyone about getting a downline going if its possible. Anyone have some Ideas? ::)

    Title: Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere
    Post by: AllanC on September 16, 2010, 01:03:37 PM
    Just one thing else I see someone reminded me of, whether we are working with GDI or any other Intermet business, even a brick and mortor business; we are still dealing with the same world and the same people. You are going to have the same progress the same setbacks the same whatever, because its the same people we have to deal with. Just a thought. ;)

    Copyright © 2025 by Global Domains International, Inc. · All Rights Reserved
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