Great post, David.
I've read this several times and finally had to comment on this.
You are so very right. And not just about the GDI forum (although, that in itself is a great opportunity for several reasons).
There are so MANY places with which you can share your website, the GDI opportunity and anything else you might be involved with. In fact, most social sites, places to list comments like blogs, forums and etc. give you the opportunity to share your website and/or URL.
And I think one line might be missed be some. In it you said, "
If you have quality comments to share, people will want to see what you are doing..."
What's the trick to using forums, social sites, blogs and many other forms of sharing and connecting? What's the big secret shared by so many but practiced by so few?
Now, you don't have to be a David Minns or an Anthony Robbins or a Tim Sebert to provide value. But you do have to be you. A person dedicated to helping others and caring about others.
And if you do that then you will begin attracting attention where you really didn't try and attract any attention at all.
You will find people
coming to you and
asking to join you.
Without needing to spam, trick, push or prod.
GDI chose Zig Ziglar's famous saying,
You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want,
NOT by accident.
Think about it.
And hey, thanks David.
Vincent Parker