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Author Topic: Ads, Flyers and Business Letters  (Read 311589 times)
Amy Derby
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« Reply #60 on: July 27, 2005, 12:04:10 PM »

Thanks Nicole.  Grin

Gail, to answer your question about edits to graphics, you'll have a basic paintbrush program that comes with windows, under start, programs, accessories.  Right click on the saved picture, then copy, then paste into paintbrush and you can use the erase feature to get rid of old text, and the text feature to replace with new text.  There are more advanced graphic edit programs, but those you most likely would not have unless you purchase or download them.  Hope that helps, and if you're still having trouble, if you want to send me the graphic and tell me what you want it to say, I'll help you.

Norma, your ad is just so funny!  Had to read it again.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy


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Jason Smith
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« Reply #61 on: July 27, 2005, 03:02:05 PM »

Hi Gail,

I think I saw someone else here answer the question but I will say it again.
Unfortunately most pictures that have writing on them you really can't edit. Your best bet is to find a picture you like that hasn't had any editing to it. Save it to your computer and use the paint program to add whatever text you want in it. Then just upload it to your photo manager and start posting it with the ad link.

Good luck to you!

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« Reply #62 on: July 27, 2005, 03:06:41 PM »

Appreciate you, Amy.   I had just sent you a PM and then went back and read your reply again.
I will be GLAD to send you the graphic, as it is only a very simple text change that I am attempting, but cannot get the PAINT feature to edit for me.  I DID get it to erase though, thanks to your quick reply and advice.   See my PM and then e-me when you have time and I will send the graphic to you.

Thanks again,

Gail Smith

Posts: 16

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« Reply #63 on: July 27, 2005, 03:07:59 PM »

I have been doing a lot of reading on prospecting/advertising methods, what the amateurs do and what the top money earners do.  What I found is that it's not what you say, it's how you say it that makes the difference.

Which ad would you respond to?

"Join my company XYZ and make 6 figures in 3 months!"  ( Does this look like all the other ads being places by everybody else: "Mine is better than yours" game?)


"Revealed: How I built a million dollar business from my home on a shoe-string budget.  Step-by-Step Instructions."

If you're like most people, you would choose ad #2.  It holds a higher perceived value and it's generic.  This is not a real ad , but the point is that it doesn't exclude anyone.  It's helpful and hopeful, so it will get a much higher response rate.  Not to mention that you already went down road #1.  It sucked.  You lost money, time and possibly valuable credibility.

REMEMBER THIS: The fastest way to make money is to solve other people's problems.

Don't market GDI.  That's just selling people.  It's marketing AT them.  In his book "Unleashing the Ideavirus", Seth Godin says stop advertising AT people. 

Market a solution!  Fix their problems.

Most people don't really care about how many gigabytes GDI's service has.  They want to know how GDI will solve their "lack-of-money" problems. 

I didn't join GDI because of the hosting, I can find hosting cheaper on the internet, I joined for the opportunity!  Those other hosing companies don't and won't pay me to build a 5 level organization, much less pay me commissions EVERY month.

Steve Farber
Lake Charles, LA

Steve Farber
Lake Charles, Louisiana
Jason Smith
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« Reply #64 on: July 27, 2005, 09:46:20 PM »

"Revealed: How I built a million dollar business from my home on a shoe-string budget.  Step-by-Step Instructions."

Steve Farber
Lake Charles, LA

Now I don't want to put anyone on the defensive and I am not meaning to offend you Steve.

I know you said it wasn't a real ad, but I have one problem with using this kind of statement in my advertising. Most of us beginners have yet to make a million dollar business. So I wouldn't want a group of my downliners thinking I'm some kind of internet guru when in fact I'm not much better off then they are. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't want to mislead anyone cause more then likely it would come back to bite me at some point in time.


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Roxanne G
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« Reply #65 on: July 28, 2005, 11:24:00 AM »

Most of us beginners have yet to make a million dollar business. So I wouldn't want a group of my downliners thinking I'm some kind of internet guru when in fact I'm not much better off then they are. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't want to mislead anyone cause more then likely it would come back to bite me at some point in time.

I must agree with Jason.  Maybe it could read "Revealed:  How I am building a million dollar business from my home on a shoe-string budget.  Step-by-Step Instructions."


Have a great day, after all, today is the first day of the rest of your life!!

Angela M
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« Reply #66 on: July 28, 2005, 03:42:40 PM »

I designed a flyer (and GDI approved it) and I put it in mailboxes around my block.  I only did 50 so far, since I always have my three little boys "helping" me.  (This includes one on my back!)  Anyway, I have had a lot of hits in my "hits log" that I am pretty sure are coming from that, because I don't know what other source they would be coming from.  I have 20+ hits since I put the flyers in mailboxes that came from unidentified source.  Previous to this I was getting VERY few hits so I'm certain this is the source.  I used the www.my.ws website, but so far none of these hits have produced movie views.  Also, nobody has emailed.  I am going to alter the flyer to have my personal .WS website because I think people will see it's a real person and be more likely to email me or watch the show.  I'm excited that it has, at least, produced hits.  Hopefully with a few alterations it will start bringing people to the movie and to email for me info. 

Hope that is useful to you!  I'll post results after I try the next batch of flyers!


P.S. I think I will put that flyer up on my website too......I'll try to do it this evening.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2005, 03:43:02 PM by Nicole Taylor » Logged
Hero Member
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« Reply #67 on: July 28, 2005, 09:47:31 PM »

I am a fan of the solve the problem theory but I don't like the word million here. A million dollars is pie in the sky for a lot of people who would prolly just shake their head and go right on by.

I personally prefer:-

Revealed:  How I am building an extraordinary business from my home on a shoe-string budget.  Step-by-Step Instructions.

The word "Extraordinary" introduces an element of mystery so it makes people wonder "what is this guy doing?"
« Last Edit: July 29, 2005, 12:56:10 AM by RodB » Logged
Jason Smith
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« Reply #68 on: July 28, 2005, 10:06:32 PM »

Could you post a copy of that flyer so people that are looking for ideas might gain some insight?


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Kyra Tuey
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« Reply #69 on: July 29, 2005, 05:44:11 AM »

I agree with Rod, also.
I think for me, personally, I would be much more willing to look at an ad with a title like

"Revealed: How I am building an extraodinary business from my home on a shoe-string budget. Step by Step Instructions"

Than if it said, "Revealed: How I built a million dollar business from my home on a shoe-string budget.  Step-by-Step Instructions", only because of the wording....it's a more interesting topic to me.


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« Reply #70 on: July 29, 2005, 08:45:07 AM »

Hey Andrew-

First off- congrats on even coming up with a cool ad to post. You're already going to go far.

Now for my honest advice-

#1) Less is more. Not too wordy with the ad. People, in general, have very short attention spans. As others have said in their posts, and I agree with this, keep them curious, keep them nosey, don't tell them everything in one shot.

#2) And this is an ABSOLUTE- Please check your spelling and your grammar. THIS IS IMPERATIVE. You want to look as professional as possible. If you want to be known as being associated with an INC 500 company, then your ad must have proper grammar and spelling. I am not a great speller by any means whatsoever, so I type up all of my ads in MS WORD at first, it has an automatic spell checker. When all my spelling checks out, then I run my ad.

Also with your grammar and spelling you say, "...Global Domains International are one of Americas fastest growing companys."

It should read- Global Domains International is one of America's fastest growing companies.

Not trying to be nit-picky, but you MUST come off as a professional and there are MANY people who will pick up on this and judge you wrongly on your spelling and grammar not knowing that you are a cool and smart guy just trying to run an honest business.

Hope this helps. Keep up the good work.



PS: If there are any mis-spellingz in my post feel free to correct me on it. I can always learn and improve  Smiley
Angela M
Posts: 12

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« Reply #71 on: July 29, 2005, 08:53:05 AM »

I'm not sure how to put a copy of my flyer in my post.  It is in .pdf format right now.  I probably will not be able to do it for a couple of weeks as I am going away, but I will eventually.  There is a copy of it on my website.  You can find my website in the "showcase your site" topic. 

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« Reply #72 on: July 29, 2005, 09:24:23 PM »

Think about why you joined GDI,what sold you,and capitalize on that as a selling point.
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« Reply #73 on: July 30, 2005, 09:03:54 AM »

Yes I must  say I agree  with Rod's version  as well! Something strange happens in my head whenever I see  those "how I made a $million or $millions. and I now will  show you how! If the  net is populated with millionaires .....why arn't they somewhere enjoying the fruits of their labours instead of still trying to sell to me.  Roll Eyes?
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« Reply #74 on: July 30, 2005, 09:42:17 AM »

Here's a few ads that might help. I haven't used them yet though.

Step by Step instructions for AMAZING Home Business with Personal web presence for $10/mo!!! Call
1-800-MY-DOT-WS (www.my.ws) then enter *username* for EXCLUSIVE ACCESS!

FREE!  500 Inc business offers INCREDIBLE INCOME OPPORTUNITY for "Stay at Home Parents"! Call 1-800-MY-DOT-WS . Then visit www.my.ws  entering username: *username* for EXCLUSIVE ACCESS!

The .COM names are quickly filling up!! .WS is still in it's infancy! Find your personalized web presence for $10/mo at WWW.MY.WS ! Enter *username* under 'username' for PERSONAL ACCESS!

Wish you could get paid to recommend a movie? NOW YOU CAN! Call 1-800-MY-DOT-WS then go to www.my.ws and enter *username* under 'username' for EXCLUSIVE ACCESS!

When I come up with more... I'll try to remember to post them!

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