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931  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: One Payment Method PayPal for more than one account? on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM
Just checking in to see if you received the answer and understood my message. It seems that your on the right path at this time.
932  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: About GDI premium on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM
just checking in to make sure you have received an answer to your question. If you need someone to help you navigate to your answer, just contact me via Skype.

I believe in showing others navigational skills to answer GDI questions. It's all here if you mastered it. That is worth more than just giving you the answer. This way when a new member of yours has a question. You will be able to masterfully navigate with them to show the answer. Duplication of navigation skills is a key to any business. Sharing the love....
933  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Uploading Personal Photo Failed on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM
I see you still have not loaded your picture. Give me a call on Skype and I will walk you through it step by step. No worries.

Welcome again to GDI.
934  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: GDI Script on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM
I do no selling what so ever. It depends on the person on how and what I will say to relate our movie with their lifestyle. It has always been to address a need and make our platform the solution.

I hope this helps all and look forward for you reply.
935  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Hello, the frenchy is here on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM
Hello there

I see your having issues with the multilingual market.

Just hang in there for a short while. The team here at My-WS (including me) are working on something that can take that problem away. Providing affiliates with full control over a POWERFUL site that will be user friendly to users all around the world.

Keep checking back on this forum. I will be posting more info soon.


Nav, I wonder how far in the development stage are you guys. This is truly amazing to hear the dedication of others being applied to GDI. This its self is motivating.

I await to hear more on this awesome subject.

Hello William

We are still firmly in the development process but hopefully, will be done soon.

Here's a little more info.

What we're developing is something that could help EVERY GDI affiliate who suffers from web development issues, GDI affiliates who know how to get the correct traffic, but don't know how to satisfy the traffic.

Unfortunately, I cant give too much info out just yet.

But I'm just going to put this as short as possible.

What we're developing, is NO ebook, SEO software, Traffic "Boost" software or any other useless product promising users a guide to help them achieve their online goals.

What we're developing is something the affiliates WILL use on a day-to-day basis, something that provides tools to help affiliates grow their downlines with no web skills needed, something that users do not just read and learn from, but something that lets them earn, while they learn.

This product requires two things in order to function. One of witch will require a good amount of effort to get.

1.) A Domain....
2.) The correct target market, at your sites doorstep.

^^I'm pretty sure you can work out for yourself which one will take a fair amount of effort^^

We're looking at something that provides support to users who do not consider English as their primary language. Something that will allow affiliates to take FULL control. Something "Ready made", but not like a replicated site. Something that's only for GDI affiliates, and last but not least, something that's affordable.

I'm afraid I cant go into explaining the products features at the moment, but i can tell you this, this product will be able to do things that you GDI affiliates probably never even thought was possible, the developers (including me) are focusing this product at GDI affiliates and GDI affiliates only.

Guys, be ready.


Nav, you cannot sell product within GDI that are not GDI. This is against all TOS?

I understand and award of your new project in development. It will help any business. However, please stay within the TOS for GDI. No selling of non GDI product or services.

This is not going to turn out good. I wish you well yet why pay for something that is free? No tool or services that you create will be a one of a kind. Knowledge is powerful yet there are services and products that you not aware of. They will not be placed in the public and only a selected few will ever have access.

I love the people such as yourself within GDI. You are imagine things and then make the manifest such as all have that power. You are one of our great visionaries in our industry. Yet, be very careful of what you say within these forums and make attempts to sell. They have nothing to do with GDI and growing our business here. That is just for self gain and promotion. There is nothing wrong with that. Yet, not within the forums or message system is it authorized. '

You can send me and everyone else this type of development and progress report to our personal and business emails. That is allowed. You know this based on the time you have spent in this business? Be smart and share from the heart within GDI. Continue to help people gain motivation and empower them with free tools to generate more traffic to their GDI business. Help them understand the power of attending all the Webinars GDI supplies for our GDI business.

Nothing for it, yet I invite new and exciting information on products and project to my email. That is why I supply all my real contact information. Just not in GDI forums or message system. Let's keep it real and clean in the future.
936  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Ive been on GDI for 3 weeks now and don't have 1 signup someone help? on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM
I have been watching and reading every worthy comment in our forum. Everyone who ask for support. They loose focus on believing someone is going to but in the hours to build a real business. This is a not going to happen for anyone.

You write to have someone help you. Well we offer free help to not allow anyone within GDI to fail. The next step you should do. Contact me day or night. It should not cost you anything with real supportive people helping you daily if it takes that. You must learn how to attend the GDI webinars and master the navigation in all areas within GDI. Then you will grow you business. There is no quick way to do it. The right way will keep people in your membership. There is key activities that must be done on a weekly, daily and monthly basis.

This is all we are making an attempt to get everyone on the same page. Attend the Webinars and even listen to the prior taped ones. It only makes since to know what you doing and why.

I look forward to receiving many more request for the guide and support. I live to serve others with a real servant's heart.

Welcome to GDI.
937  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: New Members Daily Help... Look No Where Else...Keeping It Real. on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM
There has been a huge response for the GDI Step By Step Wealth Guide. This is amazing based on it's free. This is a simple booklet that was created in the early days of GDI. It is a goldmine and it's your for the asking. Contact me today so we all can make GDI united. Unity is the key to any platform.

No one needs to be left alone. We all will support your business at no cost. Hey, all you have to understand is that this is a lifetime journey. Make it you lifestyle to help people daily and never expect anything in return. You will change you life and attitude for the better. It will add character and make you transparent. People globally will know your a good person. One people will search to be in business with. Spread your message that everyone has a story. Just learn how to tell yours. Be unique and contact me today.

I am just giving them away. This is huge and well worth my time. It's all free the way it is to be.
938  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: New Member on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM
it is a pleasure and honor to be supporting your GDI growth. I look forward in our next meeting and pray all is well with you and family.
939  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: New Member From Uganda on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM
Charles, checking in and praying all is well.

You have much on your plate. I would love to support your projects in anyway you see fit. Please, contact me day or night. It's all about giving to others and not expecting anything in return. I look forward in doing my part of this worthy cause.
940  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Starting a new journey...Newbie here!! on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM
some people ask for help. Some people need it. The first step is always the hardest. Do not allow another day without support. No one can create a business and be successful as they determined alone. This has nor will ever happen.

Just knowing we all are here to serve you in making this GDI business work. You reached out and asked for support. Well, read your messages and there we are. Still waiting for you next move.

It's all up to you. We can only hold out our hands and lift you up. Make that move today!
941  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Forum posts? on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM
I pray all is well with you and your family. If there is anything else we can support your GDI business growth. Please, contact me day or night. I hope that the information that was provided to you helped.

Welcome again to GDI. No one should be left alone. We will not let that happen.
942  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: new mwmber on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM
hello everybody!! i'm new and i want to makin' cash flowin'  Wink i need help!!

I have issued an email to respond and message. I understand your needing help and we have provided you with the solution. Please, contact your sponsor and if that doesn't work. Locate their support team. After that, then you may contact me. I look forward in supporting your GDI growth. No hidden agendas and no cost. GDI is a family where no one should be left alone.

943  .WS Business / Team Building / GDI Step By Step Wealth Guide on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM
Welcome new members and we want you to stay excited and request this one of a kind free guide created by GDI and for member only. This has all the things you can do and not.

Just my way of saying help is here when you need it. Just like any platform ever created. There is a procedure when you need help.

A) Contact you sponsor
B) Contact their support group like their upline
C) Forum help after all the above did not provide any support.
D) Contact my team and I if all fails to get it done. We have gain a lifestyle that supporting all members without a cost is what we enjoy. Just to see smiles on each person face is payment enough. I love helping others and getting things done.

We will support your personal and business growth for no cost. We give without expecting anything nor will accept anything in return. That is how we get things done.

Just do not call upon us if your not understanding that GDI is a lifetime journey. This is not a hobby and not a race. Your not going to make millions of dollars overnight. Let's not be under any false information about GDI. It is a tool that will get your message heard globally. Set up a blog and get with us so others can generate traffic with you. That will increase your members and get you branded as every great leader, coach, mentor and visionary in our industry understands.

It's all about you and not some company or products. Hey, GDI is willing to pay you to get others to watch a movie? That is all you need to do as far as activity. Your mission with GDI is to get people to watch a movie. Get people to attend a Webinar. That is all. There is no selling needed. Once you understand that all you have to do with a new member is have them master navigation on GDI system. Then duplicate activity to get others to watch a movie. You will grow your business and membership.

This is just a tool/platform to start your business. If you are not aware of that. Now you are. Any questions just ask me day or night.

I look forward in building a real relationship bonded on trust. I believe in giving first. This is the most awesome gift, Knowledge and direction.

Again, welcome to GDI.

944  .WS Business / Team Building / How about real support daily? on: September 13, 2011, 08:23:18 AM
Welcome to GDI and no one is ever left out from gaining true success as they determined. We beleive in helping all within GDI at no exstra charge. You are under allot of pressure as it is. We love supporting our members and would not expect anything in return.

There are going to be allot of times that make this GDI thing hard. Do not give in to fears. Instead contact your sponsor and support team. Learn from our training materials. I understand that most people are in the habit of wanting short cuts. That is something in business, that will not payoff. You will need all the daily training given.

Attend those Webinars and learn techniques. The more you learn about GDI and our industry. The more you will understand your not going to make a million dollars overnight. That is false and no one should allow you to believe that. This is a lifestyle and journey. It takes time and when done right. You will have a huge membership that stays with you. Each day is a adventure. Just take one person a month and share all this wonderful information with. They will join and you can train them one person at a time. They will duplicate just one person monthly. Before you know it, your membership will be huge based on leverage.

This is not a race. You should learn this now. The faster you place people into GDI without building a real relationship. Training them on how to navigate. Duplication is key. If you do not know how to build a site or host a blog. If you do not attend the Webinars and live all the training. How do you think they will stay active. Yes, you may have 100 people join in 30 days. Yet, you will never see a profit or have anyone stay to pay even the first month due. They all will join by the hundreds, so. None will stay and you will be all to blame. Not your sponsor who pleaded with you to train and attend Webinars. Learn all about GDI and product. Learn how to build an site and blog. You did not listen. Hey, your recruiting hundreds and never generated a dime.

That is why you must prepare first. Then train others and they will duplicate your activities. This is a journey for life. Not a quick race to get people just to join GDI. All people have something that they love doing. Show each person how GDI will get them to share that love to the masses. Get to know each person and they will learn to do the same. You will have loyal members well trained and paying.

This is proper and professional levels you will gain as time goes on. You can continue to do the same thing with no results. However, now you can manifest the hunger to achieve great things.

Get with me if there are any questions. I love GDI and upon your contact. I will issue the GDI step by step Wealth Guide. No you do not have it. It is the correct activities to do and never will be out dated.

I look forward in growing a wonderful passionate business with you here at GDI.

Welcome to GDI and all the real hands on support we have waiting. All you have to do is ask and you will receive. No cost and hidden agendas. No gimmicks just support from real reachable people. All way complete due diligence before doing anything. Then never give up in doing it.
945  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: new mwmber on: September 13, 2011, 08:23:18 AM
hello everybody!! i'm new and i want to makin' cash flowin'  Wink i need help!!

did you contact anyone who sponsored you? What about their upline who are part of your support team?

If you have made valid attempts with no assistance. Contact me day or night and we will help you with your GDI business. This is what GDI is all about. Everyone must be successful as they determined and no one is left behind.
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