Hello I really need some help. This web site building is really getting to me. I built my web site with web builder. I down loaded FTP software as stated from GDI e-mail. It also indicates I must set the HTML to my home page. I do not know what to DO. Can someone please help me get my web site up and running as I have been at this for almost a week now.
It is difficult for me to continue. I want ot promote GDI and get my business off the ground. but until the website is running I am screwed and very fustrated. PLEASE HELP ME. I have viewed so many things and watch videos that I am so confused now.
Please respond asap.
Thank You
Darryl did receive my support and still is. He is fantastic and a huge asset within our group. He makes huge progress in short amouont of time. It's all about aksing the right questions and never giving up. Why not have unlimited support from real people who care? Just reach out to one of us and we will be there.