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Author Topic: Marketing Methods/Ideas  (Read 163920 times)
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« Reply #75 on: August 13, 2005, 09:02:05 AM »

Thank you Norma.
You know this is a business and like any other business, you can't go in thinking that you will be making thousands in weeks. But you must apply your self and like any other business must have a vision and realize is a numbers game! The more people you get to the movie the better for your business. It is like a mortal store, if you can get 100 people to come to your store every single day and have a product that you know is good and will benefit "those interested" chances are that you will get sales, add some personal touches and constant contact with your downline and persistence are the recepie to success. I have been in it a month have 13 sign ups, only 4 stuck! Not bad for a beginer with no money to advertise. Every single person is a prospect and everything is an opportunity to market the business! For example I know of some one that is having a baby next month, she wants a baby shower but her place is not big enough for that, so I volunteered my house! I don't care about the party, no expense to me. But you can bet that I will be making some inexpensive little gift packages "from the dollar store"  for everyone single person that is coming. In it, they will find my GDI business cards.!, I will make sure to befriend each and every one of them and collect some emails without interrupting the purpose of the party! Wink

P.S. Guys if you have not bought leads from GDI you are missing out! These leads are hot. I have made a budget to spend at least $50.00 every other month. Do it you will not regret it!

I am already planning my garage sale and have invited some family memebers to join me in the sale and pass out my biz cards!

" There is no such thing as staying the same, you are either working hard at being better or allowing your self to get worse" 

Ingrid Vargas

Kyra Tuey
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« Reply #76 on: August 13, 2005, 01:32:35 PM »


I also wanted to compliment you on your ideas....reading your ideas gave me some of my own ideas, as well!

With that kind of thinking, you will surely go far in this business! Keep up your great efforts!  Wink


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« Reply #77 on: August 15, 2005, 11:55:59 AM »

Thank you Kyra,
I will keep you guys posted!
Thanks for the support, it means a lot to me!
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« Reply #78 on: August 15, 2005, 12:04:30 PM »

Thank you Kyra,

Let me tell you guys what I did yesterday, I took the kids for pizza and a movie. I left business cards on the counter next to the register and also the bathrooms in both the pizza place and the movies. My kids started school last wednesday and of course brought home a zillion papers for me to sign, that was my weekend home work. I signed all the papers and since my kids go to differrent classes, I signed them all, put them in envelopes and of course I inserted 3 GDI business cards in each envelope for each teacher. I also snailed mail 13 biz cards to those people that are in the attorney's letter (you know the chain letter) These letters also have the name and addresses of companies that sell names and addresses of opportunity seekers! I will keep you guys posted. thank you guys for your ideas and support, it helps to do this, it lets me know that I am not alone in this, plus helps me see my progress. This week I am going to start marketing to new businesses.  Thank you all for your support!

"There is no such thing as staying the same, you are either working hard to be better or allowing your self to get worse"

« Last Edit: August 15, 2005, 12:04:56 PM by Nicole Taylor » Logged
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« Reply #79 on: August 19, 2005, 02:41:51 PM »

Hi everyone!

This forum has great marketing ideas.  However, for those of us who are starting out or who don't have a lot of sales as yet, the prospect of spending big bucks is not very appealling.  Can anyone offer suggestions as to how to build the business with a limited budget?  e.g. suppose someone has $25/mo, $50/mo, $100/mo for a marketing budget.  Thanks a lot.  I am looking forward to reading your clever replies!

- David Zagorski 
Gina Stone
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« Reply #80 on: August 19, 2005, 05:15:16 PM »

Hi David,

One way is to print your own business cards to start. Print some to target opportunity seekers and some to sell the website package.

Whenever you visit a merchant, introduce yourself and suggest how great a website would be for their business. Suggest they offer it to their customers. If they aren't interested, ask if they would mind if you placed some of your cards on their counter. They will be looking at them all the time, and maybe it will change their mind.

Face to face is definitely the way to go on a limited budget!

Gina Stone

Gina Stone
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« Reply #81 on: August 19, 2005, 05:32:53 PM »


I feel your pain, the business cards are the way to go,buy them or if you can make your own, a diff must!  Flyers are also cheap to make, you can hang them around town in super markets, laundry mats stuff like that, Chat lines, no spaming of course and talking to people about gdi is prob the best no cost tool we can use. hope this helps out.
Andrew Harris
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« Reply #82 on: August 26, 2005, 10:11:46 AM »

I am a new starter but I've been involved in MLM before.  I am a service engineer and I have been handing out the business cards to my customers.  I haven't had any signups yet but people are looking at the site.  I also leave cards at petrol stations.  As you're filling up the car, stick a couple on the pump.  The next person will definately see it.  I am also looking at having a stall at a local computer fair.  I'm going to print off some flyers and make a banner etc. promoting the business.  Along the lines of telling people they can have a totally free website.  Sign up for the 7 day free trial, then introduce 10 people and you have your free site.  Easy!

I'll post the results soon
Christopher Cooley
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« Reply #83 on: August 26, 2005, 09:11:45 PM »

I had an idea a moment ago while talking with a possible prospect. While we were talking he mentioned his need for extra money and he was having trouble like he didn't have such things as long distance and was having trouble with his comp for accessing the site but i explained the business to him and he really wanted to join.

Well that doesn't have anything to do with my idea i just wanted to give background first. But I was wondering if anyone thought that offering to help him promote his business for alittle while, like advertise his instead of yours to get him going sense he is in such dire restraints would be a good idea as a general recruiting possibility, cause in the end your just helping them succeed and you will be to in the process, so what does it hurt you know? I was just wondering about everyones opinion on this.

christopher Cooley
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« Reply #84 on: August 26, 2005, 10:36:21 PM »


Welcome if person is willing to be coachable, trainable, and teachable show him the different ways to advertise using the power of word of mouth.

Encourage him and give him the resources to be successful.

If you have any questions please contact your upline, or sponsor and or send me your question be glad to share with you what doing to be successful.

take care

Howie Martell

Doug Mann
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« Reply #85 on: August 26, 2005, 11:22:53 PM »


  There is a saying in Network Marketing that goes "find people who WANT this business and not people who NEED this business."  From my experience, only people who truly WANT what this business can provide will likely ever do anything.  You will be doing this person's work forever, or...you will stop in hopes of him taking over and it won't happen.  You want to find people who will DUPLICATE what you are doing; that is the way to make money in MLM.  Duplication!  Doing his marketing for him is not duplication.  You would be giving him a fish and feeding him for that day, instead of teaching him to fish for himself.

  Many times in this business, and especially if a person is new to MLM, the affilliate wants his business solution for other people more than the other people want it for themselves.  They think, "boy, this person really NEEDS this right now."  One of the many keys to success is finding people who truly WANT this business (because of what it can do for them to realize their dreams) and not NEEDERS.

Hey, that was just my two cents...



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« Reply #86 on: August 26, 2005, 11:24:02 PM »

Wow Amy, great job. I for one appreciate you sharing. I am going to try this myself. I work in the wholesale picture framing business and I deal with business owners everyday. I've just been too afraid to approach them. My ex-wife owns a frame shop but don't have a computer so I just figured she wouldn't be interested.(We still get along). I will talk to her this weekend.

Thanks again
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« Reply #87 on: August 27, 2005, 09:58:03 AM »

For those of you looking to market your GDI business in a variety of ways, here's an idea:

I recently had a local merchant create a car sticker for my back windshield.  You know, like a college sticker, only this one makes me money, rather than costing me big time!  It doesn't take up much space, is eye catching and only cost me $10!  I designed the font and color (white seems to work the best) and chose the size, as well.  The gentleman who designed it said he'd be willing to do it for anyone with Global Domains and mail it to them (postage shouldn't be much, as they are really lightweight).

The sign is working for me!  So, if you are interested, e-mail me and I'll pass on his information to you.

Just another way to tell everyone about GDI!

Shelley Dennis
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« Reply #88 on: August 27, 2005, 12:40:43 PM »

My experience has been that whatever YOU do, your prospect/downline will try to duplicate!

You need to ask yourself, are you teaching him to sit back and do NOTHING while YOU do the work for him? (Oooops! He will most likely expect YOU to do this for HIS downline also.) It sounds like you would be teaching him to be a lame duck and somehow still hoping he will be wildly successful?

If you TEACH him to be lame will he ever be able to do what you are doing? When and how will he get the skills and knowledge. Will HE spend energy and time helping his downline or will he be overwhelmed and quit?  My experience has been they find it too hard and quit. I like what Doug says... find people who WANT the business not those who NEED it! If I had heard that earlier it would have saved me years of heartache talking to, sponsoring and focussing on the wrong people.

My Dad taught me that "Sitting there just wishing, makes no person great! The Good Lord sends the fishing, but YOU must dig the bait!" I find opportunities rain down endlessly but each person has to be absolutely DETERMINED to look for them, and then study to be successful.

"The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason is a story about a slave who ended up fabulously wealthy. The same principles apply even today. It may inspire your prospect (and others)!

I've always been fascinated that the people who tell me they don't have enough money to invest in their own financial future, still seem to be able to afford all sorts of other things that they want.

It truly is a LOT MORE FUN and FINANCIALLY REWARDING working with people affluent enough to have no problem paying for anything they want. Mix only with POSITIVE people! Negative people will always try to drag you down.

GDI is so great because you don't have to spend much money promoting it. My thought is if they can't afford $10 a month for GDI, then they are definitely NOT what I am looking for. Honest, people spend more than that in a month on coffee, icecream, or the price of one movie.

Just look around in your local community for those who need what you have to offer.... businesses, clubs, groups, individuals. Get your prospects excited enough about GDI so they can't help themselves and want to tell everyone about GDI!

Those are just my thoughts...
Best of luck

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« Reply #89 on: August 27, 2005, 01:53:14 PM »

Any way you could post a picture of your sign?

Gail Smith
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