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886  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New GDI Members: 2011!! on: December 19, 2011, 01:33:48 PM
Greetings from Norway new member Smiley

Welcome to GDI,
keep navigating through GDI and the you will master it. Make sure you get to the awesome Webinars.

If you run into trouble. Please, contact your sponsor and then try your support team. If no one get back to you. Just contact me 24hrs a day. We believe in leaving no one behind. I have updated my 24hr contact help.
887  .WS Services / WebSite Development / GDI Newbie or Returning Member Need A site built for free! on: December 19, 2011, 01:33:19 PM
Hey, we all are here to help one another make the most of GDI. One of my the things I have a passion to accomplish daily. Would be to give without question, assistance to resolve and issue to all who just ask.

Everyone who is serious about making GDI the best platform to support the foundation of your business. I will walk you through setting up a real site/blog in now time. Hey, it will not cost you a dime. We believe in doing something for other and never excepting anything in return. Why do people think you have to do something to receive something first?

Just make contact with me only at the 24hr request contact area below. That way you can pick a day and time with the method we will communicate. I will not keep you for long. I have been doing this for a very long time. It only takes minutes and no cost. My way of welcomming you to our family GDI.

Looking forward in building a real relationship bonded on trust.
888  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: NEW AND NEVER BUILT A WEBSITE BEFORE on: December 19, 2011, 01:33:19 PM
    I am brand new to GDI and I have not ever built a web page before. I am able to use the website builder but I have no clue what I am supposed to be doing with my web page. Can anyone give me some helpful tips or advice on what it is I am doing. Thanks for the help -SHELL-

Welcome to GDI. Find my contact information for 24hr request contact below in my signature. I will have you a blog/site built for no cost in a few minutes. We will create it so fast together. I believe in leaving no one behind.

Alls well and look forward in learning more of you. Just make the next step and contact me.
889  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: NEW AND NEVER BUILT A WEBSITE BEFORE on: December 19, 2011, 01:33:19 PM
GDI has a site builder tutorial that helps you step by step.

If everyone who joins GDI would attend the Webinars and receive help. This would save allot of hype. Also, understand that GDI is a platform for your business. Your business is sharing what your passionate about. Getting with other who create a team around you. Thus, training and support is provided to all new members. There are so many factors and only key thing of GDI is it is a tool. Read my blog without all the hype and nothing to sell. Real content on a global area.

The GDI tutorials are great for training. Just master navigation in every area of GDI. Then you will understand how money is generated and how to maximize leverage within GDI. So much and all information is free.
890  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: MLM on: December 19, 2011, 01:33:19 PM
I am a week new to GDI and am excited.    However i must say that GDIs program is VERY similiar to Amways sponsering etc. I did Amway twice and was nowhere near successful.  The first time i was in for about 2-3 years the other about the same.   My concern is, will i have the same issues with GDI as i did Amway.   One of the biggest tapes functions etc, which all cost money that i did not have and were "taught" to almost sell your soul to buy tapes and get to these major functions which were every other month which were $200+ a ticket not mention lodging, food, gas etc., which is why my ONE downline quit b/c they including me could not afford these "optional" tools.  I was SOOO stoked after seeing the Amway plan, but could hardly sponser pple as the "A" word was poison and pple would not give me the time of day. I did meet some of the big wigs in Amway that was cool.   Anyway, if anyone can relate or has ANY comments on this issue you can email me at randyfewkes@peoplepc.com , id LUV to hear them!


Randy the key to any platform is to understand how to master navigation before you can even start to explpain it to others. Then keeping in your mind this is a tool to support your business. What are you passionate about. That is what you creat a  blog and write about. Sharing valid information with people. Then you will build a following who each person will have gained a trust bond. That is how you create  more members.
891  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Are You Hungry For Success? on: December 09, 2011, 09:25:08 AM
There has been a massive growth and many people are still not understanding the key to GDI is to get to the training and webinars. If you need to have someone walk you through each step. Contact me day or night.
892  .WS Business / Marketing / Are You Hungry For Success? on: November 17, 2011, 12:41:43 PM
Hey, first you have made it to GDI. That is an accomplishment and you are on a lifetime journey with ethical supportive people here all for your support.

Getting to the building of your business. Choose what you passion is and make in generate revenue utilizing GDI as the platform. That is keeping it simple. You will be getting your message out to the masses. Building a loyal following of people globally that want to read about you...your passion.

This is how you build a group of people that will want you to show them how to do the same. This is not a race, but a lifetime journey that you will need a supportive team to accomplish anything. Think of GDI as your platform to spread your ideas and messages daily to the global audience. That is the starting point.

For more, please attend all the Webinars and watch every tutorial on how to make GDI work for you. Keep it simple.

I will be around daily if needed. Just shoot me an email via my business account. Just ask me for help. I will respond and get you going in the right directions. All for a lifetime of support without every a cost for it. My team and I are here for all GDI member to never be alone.

Welcome to our GDI family and may everyday be enjoyable. We have made lifestyles that allow us to give and support to all without ever accepting anything in return. That is what makes GDI perfect to getting your business growing.
893  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Overwhelmed, no help...until now! on: November 17, 2011, 12:41:43 PM
I would like to have people subscribe to me then I will teach you to be a member of GDI for years.

Contact www.suparak.ws.
All GDI training is here for no cost. We have two Webinars and tutorials to view for all the training needed on GDI. You have your sponsor and their support team. You have us as members that will guide you to success as you determined it to be.

You just bring that hunger and we will help you achieve the rest. Welcome to our family, GDI.
894  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Having Problems Hosting? on: November 11, 2011, 08:51:05 AM
Hey, we all have been there. You want to host a blog on your site. You have done everything and no luck. You are getting very confused with all the loops.

Rest, and contact me day or night. I will hold your hand and in less than five minutes. You can have a beautiful fully operational blog that you will know how to setup for future members you train.

Hey, this is all a part of giving back. Living a lifestyle that helps me give to other without wanting anything in return. Allow my team and I to get you on the right tack. It saves time and money we all do not want to waste. I teach you so you can do the same.

This is how wonderful our industry can and is. Lets keep it real and share the love. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
895  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Help me for my website!!!! on: November 11, 2011, 08:51:05 AM
Hey everybody i have a website ranked 3 in bing and 3 in yahoo and i dont seem to be getting any clicks or traffic can anyone help me please the website is orderxbox DOT com

can someone tell me where i am going wrong?

Thanks guys

Those of us who have been in business more than 27 years understands. Your ranking is fine yet if you have not people leaving comments and purchasing goods. Your site is standing all alone with high rankings. There are thinks that work.

Have you ask for help from your upline and their support team? If that fails then just contact me with email and request help. My team and I will not leave any of our GDI family members alone. You can't build any business alone and that is your problem.
896  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: New Members Daily Help... Look No Where Else...Keeping It Real. on: November 10, 2011, 09:14:16 AM
i have no downline and i need more signups to me

I will always will be here to support you and your business. You have made all the valid attempts to locate your upline and their support team. Well, fear nothing and make contact with me day or night. Your never alone within GDI.
897  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Want To Make Sense Of All .... on: November 10, 2011, 09:14:16 AM
That is exactly what I want to do make sense and get rolling.....I think I have done most of what is suggested to do I am a quick learner and am willing to take advice and use it. having some one walk me through and explain things to me would be wonderful. Are you up for the challange?

Sharon, make contact with my team and I. I will personally walk you through each step. I feel passionate about GDI and all our members.
898  .WS Business / Marketing / Overwhelmed, no help...until now! on: October 31, 2011, 10:09:46 AM
Hey, we all start within GDI with eyes wide open. All seems so exciting and new. You never thought of this as a platform?

You can and will succeed as only you can determine. Just, do not make the mistake of thinking and acting alone. No one in our history of this industry ever made things happen alone. You need a dedicated team of professionals with passion and determination.

No one here within GDI will be left alone. You do not have to understand everything in one night. This is not a race, it is a lifestyle and journey. You will make lifetime friends and change your life and environment. Remember, all that you have desired up until now. You can and will achieve. Your only limitation is in your mind.

Let us get together and support your personal and business growth within GDI. This is a family that you will never look back when done right. Ethical people helping others without all the hype and gimmicks. No hidden agendas with smoke and mirrors.

Look around and master navigation within GDI. Learn from global leaders by listening and attending Webinars. This is key with daily learning. Your a lifetime learner and teacher. If you remember just that, your going places that your imagination only dreamed about.

Together everyone achieves success as you determined.

Looking forward in growing with you and learning the qualities being shared. Just do something daily and all will be well.

Any question send me and I will personally answer them or find the solution. I personally respond to all inquires at my business email within GDI. It is my way of supporting all our members.
899  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Making Sense Of GDI on: October 31, 2011, 10:02:38 AM
Navigation and visualization is key within GDI. If anyone is looking to really make a difference with GDI. Contact me or my team and we will have you understand and leverage you time. This will benefit your overall bottom line. Let's talk and get you on the right path to gaining our lifestyle that only a few of us in our industry has realized.

If one can, why not you?
900  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: GDI Step By Step Wealth Guide on: October 31, 2011, 10:01:01 AM
I just wanted to address that there is no time limitation. Just ask and you will receive. I am not going anywhere and will be within GDI.

Best way to contact me is via GDI business email. I will answer all your questions no matter the method of communication. I am a real person here to support all GDI members.
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