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Author Topic: Questions about GDI  (Read 281001 times)
Farrington D
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« on: June 25, 2006, 09:33:07 PM »


I would like to ask a few questions before I decide to move forward or not  .

How good is this programme overall ?

How reliable is it ?

Is it likely to last 20+ years ?

How honest has it been so far ?

In what format do you get paid ? (check , or is it credited to your credit card or another way)

Thank you  Dianne &  Craig
« Last Edit: June 25, 2006, 09:33:29 PM by Nicole Taylor » Logged
Posts: 27

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« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2006, 06:41:24 AM »


I would like to ask a few questions before I decide to move forward or not  .

How good is this programme overall ?

How reliable is it ?

Is it likely to last 20+ years ?

How honest has it been so far ?

In what format do you get paid ? (check , or is it credited to your credit card or another way)

Thank you  Dianne &  Craig

Dianne &  Craig,
Hi! My name is John and I've been an affiliate for quite awhile and I would like to try to answer your questions. I'm sure a lot others will be adding in their comments too.

First, the program is great! If you give it time you can build a good foundation on which to build a really good business. The company is fantastic. The forum is the best.......you can say what you want as long as you don't get out of line. The members area is state of the art. Once you get use to it you'll be amazed at how it keeps your records. There is a lot to learn but it's one of the simplest business to understand.

Reliability: It's like having a job with a good company. How reliable are they? You can expect to get paid when you're suppose to.

Is it likely to last 20+ years ?: This company and it's product are great! I truly believe this company will be around as long as the internet is around. How long do you think that is?

Honesty: I haven't seen any dishonesty. Anything is possible here but it's up to the person how far and big they will take this. It requires work, dedication and persistance. There is no free ride. It's not a get rich quick thing. It will take time to build. Some do it faster than others and others give up. My advice is don't spend any money where you don't have to. There are plenty of ways to promote this opportiunity free. Talk to your sponsor. Ask them for advice. Search the forum thoroughly. You'll find a lot of information.

Payment: Bonuses are paid through Paypal. Commission payments are made through various methods (ie. Paypal, Check and more.) Study your members area. Check out all the tabs on the left and see what they are all about. Check out the FAQs Tab at the top of the members area.

If you are really serious about building a business, I think you may have found just what you are looking for. Think long term.
John Phillips   

Have a Great Life Starting Today!
Leon Aldrich
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« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2006, 01:20:30 PM »

I've tried several programs online with mixed success/failure.  You will find, just as I have, that for $10.00/monthly, how can you go wrong with GDI?  Even if you simply experiment a couple of months and decide this isn't for you, what have you lost?  A few bucks at most.

I read through these forums for kernals of wisdom:  the Secrets of Making GDI Happen Fast (smile).  There are no great hidden secrets, but if you keep researching, you'll find amazing insights to move you forward with this opportunity.

I try NOT to ever HYPE businesses.  With GDI, the video really does say it all.  Followed up by the well layed out website of information and you have available all the information you should need.

Best of luck to you.

--Leon Aldrich

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« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2006, 08:12:58 PM »

Hello first excume for my english. im from spain and I got very important questions.

1. Why my upline referer got access to view the mails from my direct affiliates?

He can send mails to fishing my people. Tell to him than delete cache and rentry for with another mail account. I will like take privacy for my new user and hidden to my upline.

2. I got some user than use false emails. I will like to know if is possible to place a validate mail system for autentificate the members.

3. Now we are a lot spanish people and we need a spanish interface for get new user to win money money Wink

4. Is possible to place a whois protect. All people are vulnerability to spam attack and scams attack. Is very important and i mean for 10$ to month we must to have.

5. Another point is the ssl certificate is not validated and a lot people left because fear got scams because they are redirected.

Thank You.
Posts: 2

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« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2006, 05:56:15 PM »

Hi to everyone!

Well, at first I thought that this was going to be easy, but, it is not!. I am from Mexico, and sent the invitation almost to 150 friends!, but seems no one trust the internet homebased buissness or something. I have zero in my downline, I have not sent the documents, I am not certian about recieving comission because I  have no expirience in net marketing, and well, been from outside US, i am not sure of the payment. Any way, can anyone help me here?, Is there a form to accelerate the success here?, Is there an strategy?

Thankyou all!!   (sorry for my english)
Posts: 1

Dream Deeper!!

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« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2006, 08:06:57 PM »

Hello all!  I'm a week into this opportunity and my enthusiasm is growing.  With some experience in home based businesses and network marketing I can honestly say this opportunity seems to have all the advantages of network marketing and none of the drawbacks.  The only limitation is your personal belief system.  Now, if anyone can come up with a surefire way to inspire others to:
1) Believe anything is possible, 2) Dream Deeper!, and 3) understand that true and abiding affluence comes from genuine giving to others while letting go of neediness and expectation of a particular outcome... THAT's the person who'll make 6 figures monthly!!
For me this business opportunity is more of an opportunity to offer help and hope to those with unforgotten dreams, true empathy and compassion for others, and a solid work ethic.  All together I consider this a blessing in no disguise!  Smiley

THAT said, an important question:  Doubtless integrity in all facets of this business is a crucial factor for everyone's success.  ANY Joe Shmoe business selling something on the internet has a SECURE ORDERING SITE!  People are extremely concerned about protection if their personal information, particularly SSN and CC info.  WHY in the world is the signup/payment area NOT SECURE??!!  I need to feel comfortably prepared to answer all questions from prospective affiliates.

To continuous realization of your dreams and worthy goals,
Posts: 3

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« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2006, 04:04:01 PM »

Here is a question from one of my new  downlin member:

If I delete my accout before the 7 day free trial, will I be able to join in again in future?
Do I have to wait a few mounts before signing up again?
Can I use the same sponsor?

What do you think about this?

Regards asbjorn

Dennis K
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« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2006, 04:04:34 AM »


of course he will be able to join again, but why does he want to cancel his account?
You can sign up immediately with the same sponsor again...Probably he just
wants to change his domain name?!


A Edwards
Posts: 6

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« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2007, 05:08:26 PM »

Hello Everyone,

I have questions.  My first involves domain registrations.  Most registrations last for a specific amount of time 1 year, 2 years, etc. and then you have to renew.  What is the story with .ws domain registrations, is it a one shot deal or will the domain names have to be renewed after a period of time?

I'm only dreaming about building a website now.  However, one thing I think about is visitors to my site having the ability to search for a domain name on my site, i.e., Find a new domain name:  "enter the name you want" .ws search box.  Can I build my site do this?
Sr. Member
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« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2007, 11:11:08 PM »

Try this link


Replace your_username with yours


Want to install a blog for your GDI domain name?
Send me a private message to get help
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« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2007, 11:17:37 AM »

I just signed up for this program and was wondering a few things.

1. Are we selling adspace or selling job position for GDI
2. How is everyone else getting people to join? tips would be nice! i dont want to buy anything
3. Are there any marketing tips out there that dont cost money.
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2007, 04:45:34 PM »

I just signed up for this program and was wondering a few things.

1. Are we selling adspace or selling job position for GDI
2. How is everyone else getting people to join? tips would be nice! i dont want to buy anything
3. Are there any marketing tips out there that dont cost money.

Hello and welcome to GDI.  I will attempt to answer your questions:

1.  No, you are not selling adspace or a job position.  Once you become a GDI affiliate you are a seller of .ws domain names.

2 & 3.  To grow your business, place the names/email addresses of those you know into the invite system, which is located in your Member's area.  Also, you can send people directly to your 7-minute movie.  Both of those tips do not cost anything at all.

The key to GDI is to keep it simple and invite.

Oh, one more tip.  Invite guests to the Tuesday/Thursday night conference calls.  Here are the details:

GDI Opportunity and Training Calls Every Tuesday and Thursday Evening
Opportunity Call is at 9:00 PM EST/6:00 PM PST
Training Call is at 9:30 PM EST/ 6:30 PM PST
The Number for all calls is  212-990-8000  PIN  8821#
To Join Online: go to www.ronrubino.com/conferenceroom   Access Code:  success

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« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2007, 03:39:21 PM »

Hi all, i'm new to global domains international.

1) ive managed to set up my first email account.  how do i set up microsoft outlook to use it? what is the pop and smtp servers etc...

2) now i want to move on and build my own website to start hosting it. where do i start?

3) how much webspace do i get on my domain? what is the data transfer limit?

4) what are the limitations of my website? (I want to use it for a privately owned business)

thanx for your support...
« Last Edit: April 17, 2007, 03:41:54 PM by Frank_M » Logged
Posts: 9

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« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2007, 06:12:05 PM »

GDi Affilliates Help.

How do I make the following tract me or trace to my access code.


I assume the following tracks to me automatically even though there is no place they
have to enter my access code, right?


Thank you,   Dale
Posts: 1

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« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2007, 01:26:19 AM »

..... i though this was a business that revolved around making a website to sell the companys product?  all we have to do is to try to get people to purchase a domain for $10 a month???..... oh man .... i am so confused right now....   
 i keep hearing the word product so i though it meant actual items for sale.... can someone plz tell me what is this biz about?
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