Perhaps you would give me the honor to walk you through all of GDI. What you have done is duplicate what has for years been within GDI family, support hands on real human interaction.
Although Google Groups is free and not needed when you joined our GDI family. What you have done is duplicate something that works and was not broken? OK, creativity can be used in other areas. Like walking people through all of GDI?
Just Saying...
I just found this on Youtube, did register, but are they really paying people? Are the earnings potential true?
This sound too big to be true...
"Welcome To GDI Family"
Perhaps you did not read it fully? All earnings are individually based. This means your understanding of all GDI. Hey, it is a foundational key tool. How it is used for you and a possible new company you desire to create. That is based on your hunger. How much do you desire to manifest your vision of a future self?
Consider allow a walk-through of all GDI. Then, you will have clarity on how to apply all of GDI to your unique vision. Along with a lifetime of free support. You will grow more than just revenue. How about consistent client growth and retained. This is my personal experience only after learning all GDI.
What is it you seek, leaving out money...If you only focus on speed and money you accomplish nothing. Sure you can sign up 100s yet never no one will stay based on you get what you are...
If you lack passion to learn first and then earn forever. Then, you will only be about numbers and never have anything worth while. So when you desire to get this right the first time. Reach out...
Just Saying...