Hi everyone here at GDI.
I get asked all the time - how can I get more traffic to my .ws site?
Where can I find new people and tell them about GDI?
The answer to these questions is varied, I could [actually I have] write a book on the subject.
Anyway today I have a doable solution for most - and one where you can actually get paid BIG money to do it.
Become an ambassador for your local community.
Step1] Join the social site at:
http://mikode.netThe membership is totally free always - no upsells or sales pitches whatsoever.
Step2] Check to see if there is an established community site for your postcode/zip code.
If there is join the site and start to interact with your community.
If there is no community site established for your area get in touch with admin and ask them to build a site for your community.
They will build the site for you - for free. If you want to become the admin for the site they build for you, they will pay you $500 up front and share 10% of advertising revenue with you.
Your job as an admin is to become an ambassador for your local community - in other words let people in your community know that there is a site that addresses issues within their own community and encourage them to take an active part. There are no techie skills needed to become an admin - as the main admin takes care of all the technical aspects involved in running the site.
You will meet many new people at this social site, you could form your own GDI group and forum on this great social site - all at no cost to you and adding links pointing back to your .ws site will get you heaps of traffic.