Alright so first off I'm new so take it easy on me. Just curious after quick search I notice a site in that I canregister .ws domains for 34.00/yr and here I'm registering for 10.00/mth??
whats the verdict?
You may be able to register a .WS domain for that price but that does not include any type of hosting. Network Solutions offer hosting as a separate package. The cheapest hosting you can get from there is £5.81/month (which is $9.20/month).
So, If you went with Network Solutions, you'd have to pay $34 a year and almost $10/month for hosting. But with GDI, you pay $10/month and you a domain with a hosting plan.
Also, you get online support from some of the greatest coaches, mentors, leaders and visionaries in our industry.
Next. 10 emails to setup your business or club.
Lots more and that is the amazing plateform you have with our GDI. Unlimited journeys.