Wow! I just had to pop on here and give kudos to Tim Sebert for the AWESOME help he gave on tonight's conference call.
For those that were on the call, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
For those that weren't make sure you go to the recorded version which should be up in a couple of days and listen.
THIS is why we attend the calls.
Brian also gave some wonderful tips and clued us in to a WordPress plugin I am definitely going to be trying out.
Seriously folks, if you are interested in building an income with GDI you should make every effort possible to be on the calls. Some cannot, and I absolutely understand that. But if at all possible, try and attend. Make sure your team also understands the importance of these calls as well.
For the motivation, for the tips and for the updates on what is happening in our company.
Going back again to tonight's call, if there was a single conference call I would want my team to have been on this was the one. Some of the advice Tim gave tonight was outstanding (and is fuel for a new blog post too so thank you again, Mr. Sebert.)
Hope to see everyone on the next one!
Vincent Parker