This is a duplicate of another area that I created some helpful guidance. I would like to do my part in helping everyone in our GDI family so please take a look through the link below. I look forward in serving you if you ever have a need of support through one of your daily challenges. This would be an honor and what I have a passion for. Serving others without a cost and giving them the hope, empowerment that was given me many years ago. This helped me accomplished so much for others and that is how my life is formed. A real life of serving others without cost!
There is always those who would love to dream while we are helping them face reality now. They leave our support they thing, with bad attitudes based on their wrong thinking of someone doing the work for them. You can not put a time on what will happen and when. What happens to others has nothing to do with if they will even work for you. You have to believe in what your doing and it has nothing to do with who is mentoring. You are responsible to learn and grow by your actions which you can never give up. If you love what you do, there is not stopping.
Take a look: