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1  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Marketing Methods/Ideas on: February 28, 2008, 01:50:06 PM
Does anyone know if we can run radio ads? Has anyone tried?
2  Administration / Announcements / Re: Forum Commitment... on: February 04, 2008, 03:14:54 AM
Honestly, it depends on YOU!! How much work are YOU willing to do to grow your business? How much time are YOU willing to devote to grow your business? How much success do YOU want? YOU are in control of YOUR business. To keep things in perspective on how much money YOU can make, look at the Weekly Leaderboards. This shows where our fellow affilliates are making extra $$$ EVERY WEEK in BONUSES alone! There is money to be made, but how much do YOU want to make? This is a GREAT & AFFORDABLE BUSINESS!! Best wishes to your SUCCESS!
3  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere on: October 13, 2007, 06:39:36 PM

Hi Sally K,

The first thing you want to do is treat this as your "business"! Work hard & don't give up! Even after being rejected 100 times! If you are a full time employee, work just as hard 4 URself as you would for your emloyer! The concept is simple, great, affordable, and the company is a member of the DSA! Next, Get some business cards (for the days you may not want to talk 2 people). While GDI offers business cards, you can get many more for the same price..I'm talking thousands! IF you design your own, you will first need approval from the support department b4 u get them printed. Finally, keep in mind that networking is a "relationship" business..So don't be afraid to strike up conversations promoting the GDI opportunity! I don't want to leave my email address here, but if you have any questions go to my website at www.sparechange.ws, scroll down and click on email ur sponsor.

Good Luck

Hi Kaci,

I'm BRAND NEW (1 day) and would love to know what's working for you and what wasn't working for you before (if you're willing to share the information). 

Everything is a bit overwhelming at this point but I truly want to get off on the right foot so any advice/suggestion will be taken to heart.

P.S.- What is the Red Ferarri flyer and where do you get it?  Are there things available after your seven day trial membership that aren't available during that time?  I'm a bit confused about this.

4  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Trying to get set up ~ Help! on: September 27, 2007, 12:50:50 PM
LOL..I thought I was the only one that wanted to do that! When u g 2 my site, the movie starts playing immediately. However, I had to go into domains. Under  DNS Setting, click on URL forwarding. I have my site forwarded to "http://freedom.ws/youraffilliatename/show_dvd" The only catch is that you have to have the forwarding option on. And, unfortunately, you will have to forward your email to somewhere.

OK.. I introduced myself. LOL NOW i need a little clearer instructions on how to forward my domain name to the GDI server?? (or something like that)
The link I clicked on (the one that caught my spirit) was the one where the movie automaitcally started playing?Huh I want my link to do the same???  Hmmmmmmm Am I missing something??
Any help would be appreciated Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley

To OUR Success!!!
5  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Can somone help me? on: September 27, 2007, 12:50:50 PM
Hi, Sittichai Amphairath

I am a newbie and am in the middle of restructuring the way I promote the business. There is potential in GDI, so please don't give up! Start promoting the benefits of being an affiliate. Let's face it, you could earn $100 bonus money in one week! That's practically the cost of the program for one year! Don't be afraid of rejection!!! If you don't like talking, consider giving out business cards. There are many companies out here that will mass produce 5000 biz cards for $100-$200. Give your Business TIME! Hard work will definetly pay off.

I'm discouraged.. Will am I give up for that ?
2 weeks ago .. I've been finding downline
But don't have just only one person to registing with me

What should am I continue to doing ?

I'm very tired
I'm Stress

I think I'm diligent to found the downline
But Thai people're fear this business
Becasue It's very compilicated in register to paypal and It's must pay 10$
Thai people fear that won't fail any money
6  Administration / Announcements / Re: Additional Domain Extensions are Now Available on: September 08, 2007, 05:35:22 AM
Will GDI make the appropriate changes to the DVD/Website Presentation to reflect the change? IF so, then when?
7  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: people quiting on: July 01, 2007, 01:55:12 AM
Hey everyone,

What to I say to a person to try and get them to stay? Does anyone have tips or tricks to use?

thanks chris

Explain to them what they will be missing out on! Where can you invest $10 mo/ to earn hundreds even thousands? Point out that it is in the likely hood that they spend $10 in one day on miscellaneous stuff like coffee, chips, soda, etc. Let them know that they have to work just as hard for themselves as they do for their guaranteed paycheck they get from their jobs every 1 to 2 weeks.
8  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: HELP NEEDED ON ADVERTISING MY BUSINESS!!!! on: July 01, 2007, 01:55:12 AM
Hi Karen! I too, am a single mom. Please don't cancel! Think of it this way, "Rome wasn't built in a day"! It has only been 2 months. Typically, do you receive a promotion in two months on a job?? Most likely, the answer is NO! B4 u cancel, think of what u will be losing out on...Residual Income!! You have to work hard! Some people will get the concept others wont. U have business cards? If no, then get some! IF you cant' afford business cards, guess what?? The most powerful form of advertising is Word of Mouth!! Hit your local colleges, restaurants, retail Stores. Don't be afraid to ask people if they want to earn extra $$$!! The system will sell itself. Be enthusiastic! Look, $10 a mo...Most people spend that in 1 day on Breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This is the most affordable business a person could ever have! You can't afford not to continue! GOOD LUCK and DON'T BE AFRAID OF REJECTION!!!! Give it some time!

HI,  My name is Karen.. I have been w/GDI for almost 2-Mths. and I still haven't
gotten any sign ups. I am really getting frustrated, I too have been doing the invite-emails but, I still haven't gotten
any.. I don't know what to do, because my money situation is getting really bad, I'm on Social Security which is not
much and one child to support, that's the reason why I joined GDI, I know its a very good business, but, If I cannot
get anyone to sign up soon, I'm afraid that I'm, going to have to cancel, and I know I don't want to but, Money is
really getting scarce for me.. I need all the help I can get right now, So, if anyone has any ideas on how I can get sign
ups fast. Please, let me know.. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
                                                                                           Karen (Mi)
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