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Author Topic: Are all your eggs in one basket?  (Read 33548 times)
« on: September 26, 2006, 12:06:48 PM »

Whether an Affiliate program, advertising or marketing method,
to truly succeed, you must create multiple channels of activity. The
result will be that each complements and helps develop the other.

.WS & GDI offer an outstanding 21st Century Communication tool that
is a natural for all network marketers. Combine the ability to cost-effectively
have a worldwide presence on the Internet, along with products that are
consumable and you enhance the geometric growth of all your efforts.

Those building a dynamic, evolutionary online business are creating
and developing every day by expanding the number of baskets they
are filling, all the while growing their overall results!

Jr. Member
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« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2006, 11:10:22 AM »

Yes! That's some great info Chip.

You have to put in the time and effort to reap the benefits.
You will enhance your growth. Be Successful

Your Success


Take Care,
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« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2006, 06:44:01 AM »

Great post! You hit the nail on the head Chip. The only thing I would say is Don't Give Up! Give your advertising a chance to work for you. Most people don't just jump on with you and start working your business. People have to trust you. Stick with it. Follow up with everyone that signs up with you as soon as you see them in your business. With the tools GDI offers, and your personal help to new members, you can't loose.  Smiley

Pam Carroll
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« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2006, 06:44:01 AM »

What a great topic is : "Are all your eggs in one basket?"

I remember years ago when I first started in network marketing, offline. We were trained to be so focussed on our opportunity, it was almost sacrilege to talk to anybody that was in any other opportunity.  And if we didn't follow the method of promotion well............ we were traiined that -  this is the way you promote - and don't dare to try anything different because it doesn't work.

How things have changed.  Now there are so many opportunites and so many avenues of promotion that you are just about viewed as a person with two heads if you are not diversifying.

I love the saying "Diversify or Die", however, I still believe new people to the industry should learn one step at a time.  Focus on one opportunity, learn the basics, learn their product, learn as many different advertising, marketing and promotional techniques and strategies as possible and take action to become successful.

Perfect one opportunity and then, when you are making a substantial profit, then and only then, is it time to diversify.

To everyone's success
Pam  Cool
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« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2006, 08:23:43 PM »

Good Advice Chip.  There are many complimentary opportunities that you can easily use along side GDI. 
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« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2007, 07:31:32 PM »

Whether an Affiliate program, advertising or marketing method,
to truly succeed, you must create multiple channels of activity. The
result will be that each complements and helps develop the other.


I think the best term for this is hitting the nail on the head. While simplistic in what you have stated above the complexities, involvement and outcome could not be more critical.

Clive Anderson

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« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2009, 06:28:59 AM »

Great Plan, Chip!  For exponential growth.  Thanks!
Cynthia A
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« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2009, 03:07:17 AM »

Hi everyone,

My Name is Cynthia, I have had much luck with recruiting and have a question: Has anyone had any luck with 'Traffic exchage' websites? Do they work or hype?

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« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2009, 06:16:20 AM »

I was wondering the same thing. Has anyone had any luck with this?
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« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2009, 08:13:33 AM »

Yes! That's some great info Chip.

You have to put in the time and effort to reap the benefits.
You will enhance your growth. Be Successful

Your Success


I agree with that... Many of the GDI affiliates (and other affiliates in different programs) ALWAYS look at the BIG PICTURE and CASH CASH CASH! That what makes most of them hit FAILURE LEVEL. Because we always dream and we never put hard work on it. DREAM + HARD WORK + DISCIPLINE = SUCCESS. Use that formula.

I am a newbie and also new to internet marketing. and Today is the end of my TRIAL. BUT never did I waste time. In a week, i studied and learned what is needed to be successful in this opportunity. I still have many things to learn. And i am looking forward for every learning day.

Wrote all the GOALS needed to achieve next week. And everyday, i will look up to this list and do it with all my might and with all the will. It might take a few months for this to work out BUT I KNOW, it will still work.


 To all the newbies! Let's take baby steps... one at a time.. slowly but surely... all information here at the FORUM are all overwhelming. Take note on what you think might help you. Ask for other members, we have a very helpful community, they are very much willing to help you out. And never ever work everything at once. TAke baby steps... you'll never know where your baby steps will take you...

love and support


Learn the "ATTRACTION MARKETING"! Where my team and I will teach you how to attract people to you instead of chasing after them, and have them PAY YOU to do that!
A Satriyo
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« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2010, 06:01:12 AM »

I remember years ago when I first started in network marketing, offline. We were trained to be so focussed on our opportunity, it was almost sacrilege to talk to anybody that was in any other opportunity.  And if we didn't follow the method of promotion well............ we were traiined that -  this is the way you promote - and don't dare to try anything different because it doesn't work.

This is a good post, I agreed with him, do we have to focus and concentrate on matters that we face, familiar with our facility, we understand the market design and more.

Beau C
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« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2010, 06:41:39 AM »

That's right Chip, well put! If we don't diversify and spread our "eggs" around to different techniques and strategies then when a rock falls on our basket of eggs we will have lost them all. Everyone will have different marketing techniques, and while one may work well for you it may not for someone else who has a different successful method. There are many excellent suggestions and ideas in this forum and we all have something to gain by sharing knowledge. It's up to us to apply that knowledge and find what works well and what doesn't. If you're experienced and already have something working well for you, then keep doing that but also, don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Someone, somewhere is looking for what you have, it's just a matter of introducing it to them. Newcomers to network marketing should definitely try new methods and techniques to find what will work for you. It's not easy just getting started, but with a little determination, motivation, and some work you will find what is best for you and you're goals. If you've been applying a strategy that hasn't produced results then maybe it's time to tweak your strategy and/or change it altogether. Educate yourself, find out what other successful people are doing and duplicate.
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« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2010, 09:21:56 AM »

Hey Chip and everyone, just dropped in to check my back office today and saw your post.  Chip and I met over ten years ago. 

Here's an article I just posted to my coaching blog this weekend about focusing on your purpose -  hope it helps in creating your brand!

Are U Sometimes Your Worst Enemy? Copyright © 2010 by Sue Seward.  All Rights Reserved.

Today I picked up this little book and started reading through it again.  It’s called - Conquering An Enemy Called Average by John Mason 52 “nuggets of truth” that will put mediocrity and unfulfilled dreams where they belong – out of your life!   

That very same morning I started a study with Joyce Meyer listening to one of her tapes about being focused on your purpose and stop allowing distractions to steal you away from achieving your dreams!  It was amazing how one message led to another. 

So think about this.  Are U sometimes your worst enemy?  Do you sometimes allow other people and circumstances to control you?  Isn’t it time to start living your life on purpose and stay focused on your calling?  Whatever that may be.    God has an assignment for you, a specific purpose for your life.

Our lives today are so filled with distractions from faxes, beepers, cell phones, emails, voice mails, television, and advertisements, not to mention all the Internet distractions!  All of these distractions can tend to steal us away from our real purpose.    People, circumstances and life in general can sometimes keep us away from doing what we are supposed to be doing.   Multi-tasking can often cause confusion and distraction from what we set out to do in the first place.   

Does this ever happen to you?   You set out to do something that day and then end up doing so many other things and that one important thing you really meant to do never get completed?     I set out to do some laundry, then see the dishes in the sink, then see that the floor needs vacuumed, and then my plants have to be watered and go make some phone calls or post to my blog and come back to realize I left the washer going and forgot to take the clothes out and put them in the dryer to complete!

Do you go on conference training calls and then multi-task while listening and end up not absorbing anything of what you heard?  Ok, will admit to this too, guilty as charged!    In fact, I have to stop myself and focus on the task at hand so I can actually learn something.   

Just the other day I was listening to one of Dani Johnson’s spiritual equipping messages while online checking some other website and email at the same time. Dang, now I’ll have to go back and listen to it again and this time really focus on the message to put it into action!   

When I get away from the computer and go into my quiet room and listen to cd’s or tapes with a notebook in hand it’s a different story.  I actually absorb everything I’m listening to because that’s all I’m focusing on at the moment.   Wow then I’m ready to put what I learned into action on purpose.

When we multi-task too much we can actually waste more time because we end up not completing an important task that we set out to do in the first place.  Make sense?

Now I’ll also admit I’ve always been a tad ADD and when I do actually take time to focus intently on priorities positive things start to happen.  Sometimes this means saying no to many good opportunities so that we can say yes to only the best opportunities.   Sometimes it means getting away from certain people who distract us and steal our time.

In the bible Moses had to get away from everyone he knew for years just so he could focus on the purpose or assignment that God had for him.  The disciples were called away from everyone they knew including their own families.  They dropped everything they had including their well paying careers to follow Jesus on an important mission.  They had a purpose and they were intently focused on that mission and nothing was going to distract them.

When we are not focused we tend to sabotage our own purpose and end up being our own worst enemy.  John Mason wrote, “I believe you will only find happiness when you are in a position of going somewhere wholeheartedly, in one direction without regret or reservation.  Do what you are doing while you are doing it. The more complicated you are, the more ineffective you will become.”

In the bible Paul had a purpose to run the good race.  He was focused on his calling and most importantly the purpose was to finish the race for which he was called.

How will you respond to the call on your life?   What will you stay focused on to completion?   Do you know your purpose and assignment? 

Sue Seward is an entrepreneur, author, online marketing coach, loyal friend and servant team leader who has been networking, connecting and building relationships online since 1996 and a full time career earner in Network Marketing living at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons and enjoys bird watching, lake activities, gardening and gluten free cooking.  Pick up more online marketing coaching, blogging tips and resources at – Branding U Online - http://www.sueseward.com

Sue Seward
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« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2010, 02:10:51 PM »

Diversify. Yeah.
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« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2010, 10:12:41 AM »

Hello Chip

you're right that is why Consistent Stream of Income Is Important

A lot of network marketers make a very big mistake in their business. They don‟t develop multiple streams of incomes and they rely only on making money through one source which is the company they are in. What do I mean?
Let‟s say I am with XYZ Company. I feel that XYZ Company has the best reputation in the world, the best product, the best marketing plan, has helped millions of people in the world with the product and opportunity (you get the idea). Because I am so engrossed with my company, I refuse to engage other streams of income like buying or endorsing the other products of other companies. Some even go as far as to learn only within their own network marketing community only.
Let me emphasize once again. Network Marketing is a BUSINESS. You must be receptive to new ideas and constantly learn (even from other network marketing companies!)
As a businessman, you must be savvy enough to adapt to situations and do WHATEVER IT TAKES (as long as it is ethical) to get the job done.
This means that your thinking must be flexible enough to come out with ideas that accomplish the following steps:
Generate endless leads so you will have a large name list Create consistent Cash Flow to stay alive in Network Marketing Recruit downline and train them to execute all these steps

How do we accomplish the following steps?

(1) Adopt the mindset of abundance. Help other people to get what they want and next time, they will definitely help you get what you want. Go all out to help others and don‟t be stingy or calculative.
(2) Focus on developing a customer base by servicing them through the product. Focus on solving their problems with the product. Even if you have to spend time to build the rapport with the customer, remember that when the customer sees fantastic results from your product, they will sell for you willingly. A satisfied customer‟s testimonial is very powerful. Repeat sales from the satisfied customer (and the people around them) will ensure a consistent cash flow.
(3) BARTER TRADE your company‟s product with networkers from OTHER companies! If I have loads of stock from my company (either through purchasing in bulk or from my auto-ship), chances are, there are networkers in other companies are more than willing to trade with you since they have loads of stock also. With new types of stock in your hand, you are able to tap into other markets and build rapport with them so you can introduce them to your main opportunity. (If my company only sells cosmetics and no supplements, I can find a networker in the supplement like and exchange products to tap the supplement market.)
(4) Join affiliate programs online that generate cash flow if you are Internet savvy. Find affiliate programs that let you participate for a very low cost or free. Remember the principle that you want to generate cash flow and help other people solve their problems. This puts you in a position to once again, build rapport with your potential prospects and generates you leads. Viral marketing using e-books or e-mail is a good way to divert traffic to your affiliate programs and they cost very little.
(5) Give away free information on network marketing (there are lots of free or low cost e-books or viral marketing tools around the net) or write free articles on your products and post them to your friends, associates or families. For example: If you are in the health industry, write (or interview an expert) an article about general health issues or health supplements that will give your potential prospects awareness on their health and when they are curious they will ask you for more information. You can share your product with them afterwards.

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