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Author Topic: GOODNESS--Where do I start? Part 1  (Read 53951 times)
Posts: 21

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« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2011, 04:56:09 PM »

Hi New members

I cant place to many links here because of the forum policy, but sent me a private message and will have a personal training
with all I do to get GDI referrals.

Best regards
Luis Villasana

Marquise Nichols
Posts: 7

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« Reply #31 on: November 19, 2018, 02:26:38 PM »

The following is not "canned", remember personal touch, we are "growing" together.  Let's make that the "hallmark" of OUR $uccess.

To get off to the right start, and momentum, requires, guess what, a bit of organization--the more successful you are, the more this will be needed, as I am sure you can imagine and desire.

What to do you say?

1. Sit down (stand, kneel or whatever makes you comfortable) and write the name of anyone, and everyone, you can think of to contact about the fantastic .WS mission! Everyone--no pre-judging though, which you find, as you get really involved, will not always serve you well.

How many should I put on the list on the list? 20, 30, 100 Not the right question, is it?!  Some know more people, some know less--just do ALL you can think of and then, supplement as you go through your daily/weekly routine--@ work, grocery shopping, visiting friends and family, socializing, etc.

2. Next since we are internet driven, I think it best to get email addresses and send them "your" link. You may have to call and request but, that is your way of saying you are sending them  info for their "review" and request their "feedback". You will be well-served by NOT getting into the detail on the phone until they have visited the site. Also, be sure you have a "clear" feel for the FAQs you have been provided--they will help you address most all issues.

3. Send "your" email to the "prospects" you have identified. I try to make as many contacts as possible each day. Why? Some will like, some will not, some will respond, some will not, but the more you have in "motion" the more "SOME-thing" you will be getting and, guess what the more that will be getting involved. I should point out at this point--this is the stage where you should call upon me if you have any issues, questions, etc, from you prospect. In fact, I would like to extend to you the offer that you send to me a copy of your prospect emails and follow-ups. In this way, I can be aware of what you are doing, where they are and offer advice and guidance as necessary.

Remember, C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-I-O-N is a two-way street!

4. Create folders both paper  and, if you are comfortable with it, in your computer. Classify your prospects in a way you are comfortable with,  options I suggest are, either use:    A, B, C & F quality; Hot, Warm, Lukewarm & Cold; or the 1,2, 3 & 0 system (yep, 0=not at all interested). With this organization you can then "rank" your prospects. All of this takes time. For some of you, the decision was made within 24 hours to "come aboard" but, for many it took some additional time--you may see it clearly NOW but, be empathetic to your prospects and "walk" through it to address their observations. It is up to YOU to inform, educate, motivate and at all steps of the way, convey "your" excitement!

5. Take a break. That's right--stop here. Get up, walk around, think about what you have just read and come back to the balance of this email  in a little while. Why? Remember, info overload? Make sure you always are aware, you can send out a lot fast and people begin to "feel" overwhelmed. Often times, they subconsciously make adverse decisions from, that "anxiety", and not from a rational/logical review of the merits.

6. You are back--good news: we have just a little more to go and then go forward with controlled, focused, and energetic initiative!

7. Set the days, times, etc. best for you to "spread" the word. Yes, you can do it in your head but if you really want to be fair to yourself, and your success--write it down on the calendar, put in your "planner" (whether written or, in your computer), whatever will "prompt" you to.........................

8. ACTION!!! That's it? #8, is just one 6 letter word that is ALL the difference in whether you stay motivated, excited and successful, or not!

9. As you embark on steps 1-8 keep a notepad near that you can write down thoughts--I guarantee you they will start "poppin'" in your head faster and faster, as you get "into" it more and more. Write down anything that comes to mind and review later that day--let the subconscious "contribute" also!  I can tell you it is going to be many of these thoughts you are going to "draw" from to run past others...this will be your creative "juices" at work.

10. Results come in all shapes and sizes: BIG, small, negative (-), positive (+), HIGH , low, on, off and I am sure you can throw in a few others. The bottom line is,  don't be too harsh on yourself as far as setting "goals" at this stage. You want a goal (?):  go to the .WS calculator site, plug in your numbers--print it out or, "write" it down ( which I like better--can almost feel the "power" of the economic "thrust"). As for other goals, such as number of contacts you make each day, week, etc.; the number of ideas you set in motion; the number that "join"  YOUR team is completely up to you. You got it, UP TO YOU! I am not here to "preach" to you about having a "list" of a certain number before you can start (if you have just one--then go after them--more will come);  that you have to make a certain number of contacts per day, week...; that you have to spend so many, or so few, hours on this opportunity--it is "your" time and up to you to decide how you "want" to spend it; accountability is not so much to GDI or your upline, but to "yourself" , your family and friends, and the TEAM you are bringing together. Remember, they get the "benefit" of your initiative, tools "we" develop and, can only add new and fresh ideas and perspective!

That is it.  You may want to print this and keep it at hand until it becomes "second nature" to you; may also want to set up a reminder or two to read over every so often--to maintain focus and enhance your commitment!

My very best to you, and your "unbridled" $uccess,

Chip Snyder

Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #32 on: June 14, 2021, 11:44:03 AM »

Let's Make This Simple!

We offer no cost lifetime support. You joined our "GDI" family, per say. Each unique and equipt with "Skill Sets" given to use in your life.

GDI well, consider with our encouragement. Think of all location online as just tools. Get it, tools and based on your passion to serve people,communities,earth. We will walk you thought until you find that one passion which will become your new company.

Legacies, are not wished upon? They are not just visioned? We must use advisors which cost nothing, people live to help you on a worthy cause. Just consider not focusing on Vanity, Greed and Fear...

Next, contact me today!

We will walk you through how you have 10 per-established departments for your new company...etc...

Did we catch your attention...never looked at GDI as a foundational tool, yet each one of you focus on how fast, you can get people to believe in the gaining vast money. How money will help you and your family. How money from others will remove basic lack of needs. Wrong, it's how you gain, use and provide for others that increases an overflow of money.

Never, if you just get this. Focus on money = Greed, then Vanity manifest lastly Fear of loosing the little you have. Perhaps that is why we are strategically placed in your life for a season.

Nothing is by chance, luck, etc...

Call me Will...just call me, Ha ha ha

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
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