Hello Saif,
If you explore your GDI member's area ( you can find that at
http://website.ws/members ) you will find a link on the bottom of the page marked "FAQ". Visit that and it will provide answers to many of your questions.
You can also click on "Request Support" and it will lead you to the same page with a list of questions and answers.
When you first sign up for an account, the domain you register automatically redirects to your affiliate page. So, you can just start sending people to your domain right off the bat and when they sign up, it will be on your team.
Of course, if you choose to build your own webpage using the sitebuilder, FTP, WordPress or any of the other options you have, this will no longer be the case.
If you do choose to build your own webpage, your affiliate link can be found at
www.website.ws/YOURGDIUSERNAMEJust please be sure to replace "YOURGDIUSERNAME" with your actual GDI username.
Also, you can choose which page people see when they go there by going to your GDI member's area and clicking on "My Replicated Sites". There are actually tons of replicated sites that GDI provides, those are just the ones that GDI finds convert the best.
Have fun!
Vincent Parker