BKamanski that is brilliant,
thats what i intended to do as well when i get a sign up, it will keep your downline members more motivated, it will dismiss the skeptisism of the friends, that might then join aswell, that say i'll wait and see you go first, your commissions go 5 levels deep, remember! and you can get more members underneath you anytime especially if this person is really struggling like alot of the new members are, I commend you on this brilliant and noble gesture, you will thrive as you have the right attitude in helping others..
Its a pity that more leaders were not as progressive as you are, their business would probably go better if they truely could help others as well. Then we could see a boom, as people would perhaps be more willing to join if they see their friends doing well, its almost like it becomes a competitin to get more instead of the company motto. to pass it forward and help others.
This to me is not just about myself its about helping others get of welfare aswell, not just me, and if you think about it if you have 100 people in the 1st line! and the others are struggling you might end up with 100 in any line!!