Reading these posts has brought back memories of the Door to door salesmen, that I haven’t seen since my childhood (which I have to say was quite a few years ago).
Well if this isn’t selling what is? I have been in sales before, people came in made their choice and gave me their money, I didn’t hound all of my friends, family, neighbors or post flyers, send invitations, put cards in postage paid envelopes, or buy names of people who may be interested in joining?
If this is how it is done that’s fine, but not only are we selling, we also have to go out and find the people to sell to. Then what have we sold? A chance to do the same.
However I for one will stick at it, I spent quite a long time looking for a decent progam to join and still believe this is it, If only they would get rid of that b.... roll call, testemonial page.
I guess at this point I should say Hello Nicole, as you will probably be the only one to read this.