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1  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Share Your Best! on: January 25, 2010, 11:33:18 AM
I find that social networking is good to stay in touch with your team and possibly reach new prospects but it shouldn't be the back bone of your business. I have a Twitter and a Facebook with profile links/buttons on my .WS WebSite that I have customized for my .WS business. I feel that the most effective way to market this business is face to face using the marketing DVD's. They explain the company, the product and the opportunity just enough so that when I go to follow up all I have to do is fill in the missing details. I was thinking of doing a newspaper classified post and yellow pages post. I also recommend the leads that you can order through your back office. If for some reason you are completely stuck in your home office they allow excellent contact, rapport building, and follow up.

Hope that helps,

2  .WS Business / Marketing / New Marketing Idea on: January 25, 2010, 11:33:18 AM
Hey Team!

I just came up with an idea that I wanted to share with you all that I think could help enormously! Valentines Day is up and coming so I thought I would start making flyers, tweets and status updates about giving the gift of a website this year for Valentines Day. It could be for a guy, or a girl or a friend wanting to get a couple a site, either way, I think there is big selling potential in Valentines Day! Just wanted to share Smiley

Good Luck and much success,

3  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: My .ws Website on: January 24, 2010, 06:01:50 AM
hey everyone,

Just wanted to share my site that I am using in conjunction with my .WS business, any feedback is appreciated!

4  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: .WS is a 21st Century Fundraiser, long-term... on: January 21, 2010, 06:32:59 PM
Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to share a revelation that I just had sitting at home. I was thinking about the Webinar from 2 weeks ago and how we are suppose to be contacting groups for fundraising. I have contacted a couple of churches and sports team groups and set up appointments. My partner and I wanted to get a dog so we visited the shelter to look and I thought that it would be and AWESOME idea to approach the humane society with the fund-raising aspect. But then, I couldn't think how the shelter would utilize the service offered, but then tonight it hit me! They could offer to sign your pet up for its own website! That way you could show off your new friend not only at home, but on the internet as well and it would profit the shelter! Now thats using GDI to its best extent! I have a meeting next week with the shelter and I can't wait to pitch the idea!
5  .WS Business / Training / Re: YOUR Success starts with... on: January 03, 2010, 06:33:44 AM
The DVD presentation! There is a key to using the DVD presentation; when making the presentation to an interested prospect who would like to start the business, have them watch the Full Presentation. This gives life style imagery that helps people see the opportunity for what it truely can be. If your nervous about presenting the GDI product service to businesses and customers, use the Presentation Summary. This hits all the selling points of our product/service and introduces the income opportunity for sharing and recommending the service. Hope this helps!

Much success
6  .WS Business / Training / Re: YOUR Success starts with... on: January 03, 2010, 06:33:44 AM
Know your product and market! There is a HUGE demand for this product/service and more than enough market for this business! The best thing to do is search businesses in your local area (i found lots with websites and lots w/o). The people who have websites sometimes have long and difficult to remember web addresses so with our service we can get them a domain name that is short, sweet and memorable with the .WS name! The people without websites need a place to get noticed! This can be groups, sports/school groups, ANYTHING! Your imagination is the limit! So find the people within your area that could use a better domain (for a better price) and hook them up, and then hook up the people who need a place on the internet! Good as gold!

Much success!
7  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Share Retention Techniques... on: January 02, 2010, 06:58:26 AM
Hello everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well! I was thinking today; "what would be a good way to get people to follow through on the commitment of this business?" First of all, you present the income opportunity by having your affiliate/prospect watching the DVD. Tell them about the 7 day free trial to try out the business, risk free w/o charge! Its best to help them see the income potential by throwing out ideas of people who could use our services and/or our income opportunity (after all, who doesn't want to make more money or get a website for their business or service to help market it!). Ideas such as, private music teacher who does lessons on the side, football teams, small businesses, out of home businesses, etc. The idea that came to me is that if you go to the ordering supplies section and order business cards, there are other items that you can order. I plan on telling my prospects that if they they like the business after the seven days, they will receive their welcome/starter package. This package would consist of: 1 Tote bage, 1 Notepad, 1 Pen and some optional things would be a set of business cards and a couple copies of the DVD presentation. The business cards and DVDare optional, you of course will want to personalize these items for that person who will be receiving them. But what is a better way to hold someones interest then giving them EVERYTHING they need to start their own business from home! The best part is that these things are tax deductible for your business!

Good luck and much success!
8  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Tips, Suggestions & Advice! on: December 27, 2009, 05:29:08 AM
Hey everyone!

I plan on using my website for the music stuff that I do. I also plan on putting up a blog and a video page too! Just some additional ideas!
9  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Ads, Flyers and Business Letters on: December 27, 2009, 05:29:08 AM
Hey guys!

I hope everyone had a great holiday! ARE YOU READY TO ROCK 2010?! I have an excellent idea to kick off your new year! The holidays are over and what is the biggest problem that people are going to be dealing with this next year?....
If you said, paying off the debt from the Holidays, then your thinking what I am thinking! My suggestion for you guys would be to modify the flyers that are offered in the back office (Modify picture and text). If any one needs help finding these flyers or what to put on them please feel free to send me a PM with any other questions! Happy New Years!
10  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: The Power of Network Marketing! on: December 27, 2009, 05:29:08 AM
Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to share my marketing plan that I made with GDI. I am planning on marketing GDI to my local small businesses that do not have websites. I plan on telling them about how we don't charge for separate services, they can get ALL of our services for only $10 a month. Being that there are a lot of other sites out there that do website services, I tell them that we are able to keep our costs down by doing direct sales and the money we save we reinvest in our customers/clients. That's when I lead into the income opportunity, asking if they have ever gotten paid for recommending a book, restaurant or service. Your answer is almost always going to be NO! Then I tell them that for every person that they recommend our services to, that they get paid %10 on five levels (basically, I break down how our pay scale works and I have a print off of the commission pay document from the back office documents so they have something to look at and read) So, to give them ideas and help see the EASY EASY income opportunity, I tell them that if they know someone who needs a website (and I list examples such as a private music teacher, another small business owner, a garage band, etc.) or if they know someone who is looking for a nice income opportunity, to sign them up and tell them about the 7 day free trial! I also, use the marketing DVD's to go around my town to find willing affiliates looking for a nice income. There are certainly more than ENOUGH small business w/o web service that people would be able find plenty of clientele.   
11  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Marketing Methods/Ideas on: December 16, 2009, 03:06:41 AM
I am new to GDI and I have been with this business for about 7 months and I still don't have any customers. I have DVD's but don't know how to market them. I don't know how to use the flyers, if anyone can give me some marketing ideas of how to find/land some leads and prospects.

12  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Customizing my site on: October 21, 2009, 02:41:31 PM
After this weeks Webinar I want to customize my domain with the GDI video and sign up form. I dont know how to get the code onto my site, does anyone know how to do this?

13  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: A New System on: October 16, 2009, 12:34:39 PM
Hello everyone,

I am 22 and have no experience in home businesses or network marketing. I work part time but don't enjoy my job, so I am looking to expanding my GDI business. I have begun my campaign by ordering some DVD's and giving them to people at work. I have on order, some business cards. What I was planning on doing was attaching my business card to some of the flyers and putting them in peoples mailboxes. Then I was going to put up flyers on my town's local college campus. I was also planning on dropping business cards at places that I frequent (e.g. with the tip at a restaurant). I think when I have my cards I am going to go out of my way to get to know people. This isn't hard to do since 95% of the population all have the same TWO ISSUES! 1)Money problems AND 2)Time Freedom. What GDI is offering is amazing product and an amazing opportunity. I have set my goal to building a network of seven people in each layer (equivalent to earning $250,000/ year). I have my goals and my self developed strategies. I am not relenting until I have them, success is a choice...things dont get better without you CHOOSING to make them better!



p.s. Use the gift cards! I know I am going to, I think they are going to make a GREAT incentive! 
14  .WS Business / Team Building / Building a Successful Team on: July 20, 2009, 03:09:44 AM
First of all, my name is Preston and I live in Wisconsin. I am 22 and currently going to college, don't know my major yet, I came across GDI and have been a member for a little over two weeks now. I see nothing but potential for this business if used correctly. To offer one suggestion: read "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. This book was amazing and helped me learn goal setting and leadership. I have set my goal for this business..."To make a six figure income with Global Domains International in two years."....That's all I need to know.

My plan of doing this would be to order 10 DVD's, and some business cards from the members area. Upon receiving these DVD's, I will put my Sponsor Code on them and begin handing them out around my town person to person. When I do this, I will make sure that I am dressed in a business casual manner so that my prospects see me and know that I am a serious business owner. Secondly, I will print out the flyer's, upon the flyers I will attach one (1) business card, and neatly tri-fold the paper. These are to be used to promote the business in case when I go door to door, no one answers. This way I can stick it into their mailbox and they will get it later.

When I start getting sign ups or messages/calls of interest, people who express interest in the home business opportunity will get the question out of me: "How much do you want to make with GDI?" I will help them set a goal for themselves that they feel is believable, attainable and reasonable. Then I will tell them about what I learned from GDI and the Forum that we have, then they can share the same information with their downline.

I feel confident that my plan of action will be successful and I will start seeing the growth and power of this business in no time. I will always remember to be honest and determined. We are offering a good product, a good service and a wonderful opportunity. We should all keep in mind, the Mission Statement of GDI: "You can get what ever it is you want in life as long as you can help enough other people get what they want."

Good Luck,

Preston B
15  .WS Business / Training / Re: YOUR Success starts with... on: July 20, 2009, 03:06:52 AM
YOU!!!! That is where success will always be...right with you. Success, wealth, happiness...they are mindsets and if you can bring yourself into those mindsets, then nothing will stand in your way!

1) Set your goals! Be Specific!
-How much do you want to make with GDI?
2) A Plan of Action
-What are YOU going to do to make sure you succeed?
-You must believe that you deserve your goal, you must want your goal
-When you see if in your mind...you will hold it in your hand
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