speaking of fliers, does anyone know how or have a flier with your site on the bottom, numerous times going verticaly, so that people can tear off your website ? does that even make sense ? lol
I cant figure out how to do that.
I'd like some suggestions as to where to post/pass out flyers. Is it legal to put them in mailboxes or leave them on doorsteps?
I am wondering If I can go through my Neighborhood and put Flyers inside their Mailbox Flags to Advertise, Is this Legal to do, does anyone know?
My sponsor made me a make money from your computer flyer. On the bottom it has small things to tear off with my email address and .ws site on it.
Regarding mail boxes its definately Against the law to put anything in someones mail box. You can put it on there door step or door etc but touching another persons mail box is a federal offense.