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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Calling all Australians on: May 03, 2008, 08:04:15 AM
Hello, David from Melbourne,
This is the third time I have decided to rejoin GDI. Hopefully third time lucky as I have signed up under a team that is giving me leads each week which are in the thousands, I have also found that there is a GDI auto fill program available to help send out mailing to these leads.
Even though there are other web hosting services around and some do offer web design services but they come at a hefty monthly price, sure you can promote these services but you only get paid once for each sale, with GDI you get a continuing payment for each ongoing membership.
The other hosting services don't have the discussion forums and other members who are willing to help each other out with issues such as web design and lead generation.
With the other hosting services if you cant pay on the day your website is offline which is not good for business, yet with GDI I have gone 14 days before I have paid for the service and in that time my web page is still online.
The hosting service combined with the affiliate membership does make for a good combination as there are many affiliate memberships whose products are just rubbish, basically an affiliate service for a lousy e-book or even worse nothing.
The one thing I don't like is having to get prospects to sign up.
The GDI product is good but your in competition with other members to get sign ups. There was one affiliate membership program which solved that problem, which was each member was put in a rotator system for sign ups so each member involved was guaranteed a sign up but the product was garbage. If GDI were to guarantee that each member who joined was given at least five sign ups on start up then I would believe that this company would be a winner in affiliate memberships an no doubt wipe out the rest who are basically scams.
We Australians are a skeptical lot and for good reason, but we should not be too skeptical about this company as it serves a dual purpose one is an affiliate membership that gives a residual payment from sign ups and two it is a web hosting service where you can create a web page for your web business and on your web page you can put your GDI affiliate link, banner on. So either way you can promote GDI through your web page or promote your web page through GDI.
This is why I have decided to come back.

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