I am new in the business and don't know how much down-lines you can have in one line or in first line for example? According calculations with revenue calculator a member can have 10 sign-ups in first line and 5 down-line steps. Bud I don't know if that limit is only shown by calculator or it is a real limit for pay-out calculation?
1. - The first level down-line: 5 sign ups
- 2nd level down-line: 1 sign up
- 3th level down-line: 1 sign up
- 4th level down-line: 1 sign up
- 5th level down-line: 1 sign up
- 6th level down-line: 1 sign up
- 7th level down-line: 10 sign ups + each of them 5 or more and after 7th level business is expanding as fast as possible
1. How to calculate the income? Do you still get 1$ from every down-line sign up after the 6th level?
2. What happens if a member in 6th level (or 2nd, 3th, 4th, 5th level) signs out? Does the system corrects then the empty place
between 5th and 7th level and put the person from 7th level after the 5th. And then the person in 5th level becomes referral
from person who was before taking place in 7th level.
I hope that it was enough clear to understand...?