I wake up at 5:00 am in the morning and load up my Mozilla browser with 7 Traffic Exchanges. I surf for about an hour or two. This gets me close to 2000 visitors a week! I am really starting to see some positive results so I will continue to do this.
I recently added a blog to my main website and this should boost my rankings in the Search Engines.
The bottom line is this: If you do not want to take the necessary steps and think that this business will grow itself you are in for a rough ride. I recently had to cut a few people loose. They told me how bad they want to make money online but when I outline the steps they simply
TAKE NO ACTION! I make money everyday online from GDI as well as my promotion system. It really is great to grow a business with a brilliant marketing system and get paid for the priviledge of showing people how to grow their GDI business as well!
God bless!
Brad Kamanski