Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the language in which all pages on the Web are written.
Below is a list of basic HTML tags and their descriptions. I hope you all will find this helpful in building your Websites.
<HTML> </HTML> - Identifies the file as an HTML document to the program opening it.
<HEAD> </HEAD> - Identifies the document’s head area, where you can code information about your document, including its title.
<TITLE< </TITLE> - Formats the documents title, which appears in the browser’s title bar.
<BODY> </BODY> - Identifies the document’s body area, which contains the Web page contents that appear in the browser’s window.
<BR> - Adds a line break; does not require a closing tag.
<P> - Adds a blank line before and after the current paragraph; does not require a closing tag.
<CENTER> </CENTER> - Horizontally centers the enclosed text or image.
<U> </U> - Adds underline format to text.
<STRONG> </STRONG> - Adds bold format to text. NOTE: Do not use the <B> </B> tags for bold because not all browsers will interpret.
<EM> </EM> - Adds italic format to text. NOTE: Do not use the <I> </I> tags for italic because not all browsers will interpret.
For highlighting text, you would use the following tags:
<span style="background-color: #FFFF00">Your Text Goes Here</span>
The #FFFF00 you see above is the value for yellow. To view all HTML color names see http://webmonkey.wired.com/webmonkey/reference/color_codes
<A> </A> - Marks the beginning and end of a hypertext link.
Example: <A HREF="http://www.mywebsite.ws">Click Here</A>
To open your Website in a different window use the following:
<A HREF="http://www.yourwebsite.ws" TARGET="_blank">Click Here</A>
<IMG> - Used to insert an inline image in the document.
<IMG SRC="Document - The source of the inline image
<IMG BORDER="Value – The size of the border around the image, in pixels.
<IMG HEIGHT="Value – The height of the image in pixels.
<IMG WIDTH="Value – The width of the image in pixels.
<IMG HSPACE="Value – The amount of space to the left and right of the image, in pixels.
<IMG VSPACE="Value – The amount of space above and below the image, in pixels.
Example: <IMG SRC="image.jpg" Width=200 Height=60>
<FONT> </FONT> - Used to control the appearance of the text it encloses.
<FONT COLOR="Color – The color of the enclosed text.
<FONT SIZE="Value – Size of the font on a seven point scale. (1 is smallest, 7 is largest). Specifying SIZE=5 sets the font size to size 5 on the scale.
Example: <FONT COLOR="#FF0000" SIZE=3 FONT=Times New Roman>Global Domains International</FONT>
HTML Second Edition, Reding/Vodnik 2001
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the language in which all pages on the Web are written.
Below is a list of basic HTML tags and their descriptions. I hope you all will find this helpful in building your Websites.
<HTML> </HTML> - Identifies the file as an HTML document to the program opening it.
<HEAD> </HEAD> - Identifies the document’s head area, where you can code information about your document, including its title.
<TITLE< </TITLE> - Formats the documents title, which appears in the browser’s title bar.
<BODY> </BODY> - Identifies the document’s body area, which contains the Web page contents that appear in the browser’s window.
<BR> - Adds a line break; does not require a closing tag.
<P> - Adds a blank line before and after the current paragraph; does not require a closing tag.
<CENTER> </CENTER> - Horizontally centers the enclosed text or image.
<U> </U> - Adds underline format to text.
<STRONG> </STRONG> - Adds bold format to text. NOTE: Do not use the <B> </B> tags for bold because not all browsers will interpret.
<EM> </EM> - Adds italic format to text. NOTE: Do not use the <I> </I> tags for italic because not all browsers will interpret.
For highlighting text, you would use the following tags:
<span style="background-color: #FFFF00">Your Text Goes Here</span>
The #FFFF00 you see above is the value for yellow. To view all HTML color names see http://webmonkey.wired.com/webmonkey/reference/color_codes
<A> </A> - Marks the beginning and end of a hypertext link.
Example: <A HREF="http://www.mywebsite.ws">Click Here</A>
To open your Website in a different window use the following:
<A HREF="http://www.yourwebsite.ws" TARGET="_blank">Click Here</A>
<IMG> - Used to insert an inline image in the document.
<IMG SRC="Document - The source of the inline image
<IMG BORDER="Value – The size of the border around the image, in pixels.
<IMG HEIGHT="Value – The height of the image in pixels.
<IMG WIDTH="Value – The width of the image in pixels.
<IMG HSPACE="Value – The amount of space to the left and right of the image, in pixels.
<IMG VSPACE="Value – The amount of space above and below the image, in pixels.
Example: <IMG SRC="image.jpg" Width=200 Height=60>
<FONT> </FONT> - Used to control the appearance of the text it encloses.
<FONT COLOR="Color – The color of the enclosed text.
<FONT SIZE="Value – Size of the font on a seven point scale. (1 is smallest, 7 is largest). Specifying SIZE=5 sets the font size to size 5 on the scale.
Example: <FONT COLOR="#FF0000" SIZE=3 FONT=Times New Roman>Global Domains International</FONT>
HTML Second Edition, Reding/Vodnik 2001
Hi Nicole,
I am wanting a website something like yours, how do I do it.?