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.WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / $10.00 a Month Question
on: August 15, 2005, 02:52:05 PM
Today while prospecting someone asked me how much for the service, I told him $10.00 a months. He said that he could get the same service elsewhere for less. I told him that we don't just sell the service, this also comes with the business opportunity where you can get paid for life. Does anyone have a better answer to that question?
.WS Business / Team Building / Building a Physical Team
on: August 11, 2005, 09:54:05 AM
Hi all,
One of my goals with GDI is to build a team in my area so I can hold meetings at my house once a week. The GDI Forum is great, it answers a lot of questions, gives you great ideas and is very motivating however, there is nothing like being in a physical room with people sharing the same goals and walking the same road. There are a lot of positives about this.
1. It will build your leadership skills 2. It builds energy 3. Prospects will be more comfortable about joining when they are in a room full of people excited about it 4. People can get together and pair up to prospect or go out as teams 5. It sets a good stage for competition and recognition 6. It's easier to build strength from each other 7. Easier to set team goals for the week 8. Teammates can help each other out more with resources 9. And it helps your team become closer
I'm sure there are a lot more benefits to this as well. By getting together once a week for about 30 minutes to an hour, your GDI business can skyrocket. And once the team get to be about a certain size, you can split it up and multiply. Tell me what you think of this and please feel free to add.
.WS Business / Team Building / Re: The Power of Network Marketing!
on: August 11, 2005, 09:19:23 AM
WOW! This Forum is great. I'll never forget this statement:
"Show me a network marketer that jumps from company to company and I'll show you someone who is broke and frustrated... Show me a networker that has displayed focus and persistence with one company for 5-10 years and I'll show you a millionaire."
I will reach my goals with GDI no matter how long it takes.
.WS Business / Marketing / Talk to people and Let the System Do the Selling
on: August 03, 2005, 03:01:35 PM
Hi everyone,
This truly is a great business! I've been in this business for about two weeks and I have a team of 6 people. All I've been doing is simply talking to people. It's more effective then just passing out flyers (which can also work). Eventhought we are a part of an internet based business, it's still a people business.
When I speak to people I don't try to talk them into joining the business, my goal is to get them to see the presentation. I tell them as little as possible but enough to peak their interest. If they insist on asking me what it's all about I simply tell them, "The internet is growing and everyday a new site is being added. What if you can get residual income for life from every new site on the internet? Would that be a good thing or a bad thing?" They almost always say it's a good thing, then I direct them to the presentation. I don't answer any more questions until they've viewed the presentation.
This is an automated business system that works for you. When I try to explain everything I get nowhere, however when I let the system do the work for me, I get results.
.WS Business / Marketing / Marketing With No Money
on: July 28, 2005, 12:01:10 PM
I signed up about a week ago and here is my situation. I'm at home with my three small kids and have no job and no money. I sacrificed to join the business. I've managed to get one downline through my warm market, but my warm market has been depleted and I'm running out of ideas from home. Recently I've been talking to people in chat rooms and althought people have viewed the presentation, nothing has happened yet. I'm gonna make some flyers to go out during the weekend while my wife is home with the kids. I truly believe in this business and want to end August on a good foot, is there anything else that I can do at home without using money?