I signed up yesterday.
Sent 25 email invites via the amazing and so simple to use admin area.
Today I printed 40 flyers and handed them out at carparks around town. It went really well.
This afternoon I created a Google Adword and have had 6 new prospects view the the video!!
So it's been good fun so far.
My question is to do with follow up. I am confused about the email system. I will explain....
After signing up I sent myself email invites to 2 different email accounts I use.
This enabled me to see the actual auto emails that the GDI systems sends.
I as the affiliate also get an email to tell me when someone has read my email and another when they have watched the video. That's good, but the email I get urges me to send them an email and there is even a link for me to click that opens a new email for me to use.
But behind the scenes.... the GDI systems actually sends the follow up email for me!
After I opened the invite email I sent myself, I got an email prompting me to watch the video. And after I watched the video I got a further email thanking me for watching the video and prompting me to sign up for the 7 day FREE trial.
So do I need to be sending any emails if the GDI sends emails for me??
If the GDI systems sends these auto follow up emails, why am I prompted by an email from the CEO to send an email. Might I just unwittingly bombard my prospect???
Please can someone explain.