I joined after searching for part time jobs for myself and my husband. I am a full time student and mother to a 5 yr and 7 1/2 month old. Including all of those things I was also working part time making descent money to help my husband with the bills. Well my part time job cut my hours and I was barely working at all. We were seriously behind on bills such as rent, car, etc... So that was my reason for searching for jobs. I ended up on craigslist part time job area and happened to come across an add. I clicked on the link and watched the entire video. That was unusual for me to do because I am very skeptical when it comes to home businesses. I have tried a few and been burned. So they left a bad taste in my mouth if you know what I mean. The video was so interesting and professional looking that I could not stop watching it until it was over. After the video I e-mailed the person who posted it for more information. I even called him thenext day after spendign the entire day researching the company. I decided to sign up and this is actually my third day now. I already have 1 sign up. So that is my story. I hoep this goes well for me. I am looking forward to what my future holds.