Well Gooday to you all,
Brett here, I too have only just joined in on this long term goal. With the hope we can all help one and other, as much as we can to keep moving forward.
As it is an American bassed Organization creates the first herdel, for that in its self tends to scare away a lot of us Aussies. With all the Cons, rip offs and other types of scams that have hit the land of OZ no wonder we are the way we are today.
How ever, if we form together,we can grow strong together and in our strenth we will show the others out there that it can work for them as well, becouse we are only new to the world of dot.ws. the internet as such, its going to take a lot of work on our side to show other Aussies that what we have to show them, is here to stay and can only keep growing.
If we were to think back, it was not all that long ago, that we could all have collour TV, then came the computor and how skeptical were we Aussies?
So as history shows to us. the Aussie are a hard market to brake into but once broken, go ahead with such force we are then hard to keep up with. With our numbers growing slowly, if we stick together, we will win in the end.
Brett Watson.