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.WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Welcome to New Members...Part 2~!
on: December 10, 2007, 03:07:49 AM
Hello all new people!
To make money with GDI or any business, you must offer solutions. You make money by solving other peoples problems.
This of all the reasons why someone would want a website. Small business, personal, family pics. Or a home business selling websites.
Purchase a few dvd's and show them around.
When you lend your dvd to someone, tell them you would like it back, and you can set a date to get it. That opens the door for a follow up after theywatch the dvd.
Carry them around town with you. Put your contact info on it. Get the contact info from the person your lending it to.
Making it any network marketing business takes leadership. Learn how to be an effective leader. Read books on leadership, network marketing, ad copy. Learn to make a web page.
Give people an offer they can't refuse. Tell people you can help them build a downline. You get one person first. Help them get more. Helping them helps you.
You must have desire and be persistant. Persistance is fueled by desire!
Advertise your business as a small business web hosting company. If you can make a basic webpage, offer to make them for free to small business owners. There are tons of small business owners in your town. Many of them do not have a website. Make one for their business.
Use the traffic exchanges to advertise your GDI business. use your GDI webspace to advertise small business web hosting, or anything else.
Make an ad, make several.
read up on effective advertising. Reading books on network marketing will help you alot. Do it!
Mark Austin
.WS Business / Marketing / Re: Share Your Best!
on: November 19, 2007, 12:11:09 AM
I have decided to use GDI as a fund raising tool for my community. There are lots of picturs online that I see off people who make money and get fancy cars. I don't see to many donating anything. I will be donating 10% of my income from GDI. I have set up a webpage just recently so the links arn't all set up yet. I am starting a fund raiser in my area to donate to the local food bank. I spoke with the exectutive director at our local food bank and seems really keen on my idea's. I will be starting a local group in each city or town that will donate to their local charities. I also provide a way for all our members to earn money so that we can donate 10% from our earnings. I am going to keep the community groups to about 20 people per area for now. I am setting up the first one in Barrie Ontario. Here's the link for my plan. - It's not advertised yet. Needs some editing, spelling mistakes to fix, some links not active yet. My solution to all my members earning money is simple. We will have joined GDI in a certain numerical order. After about 20 members we will explore another online business that suites our downline needs, then join it in the reverse order of GDI. So the last person in GDI is the first person in the next online business. We all win. Then we do the same thing again with another business, and so on. Our team/group stays together, we all donate 10%. Everybody wins, people are fed. We feel good about ourselves. Our downline stays together, we move as an organized team. We all make money. I am targeting my local area because it's a community theme. Our team will sponsor other communities to get involved and start a website like the one I made. I'll give it to them with some minor changes. Ok, there will be some rules in place in order for everything to work in an orderll fashion. It's just a way to organize your downlines, keep them, and make money for all involved. This plan can work well. Strange that there are som many people in GDI, but I can't find one person in my area that is. I am about to change that. Already GDI earns me enough money to pay my vehicle insurance every month. The problem is, all the people in my downline are in italy, I don't speak Italian. So I will be going local and spreading the GDI word and have a team that donates in as many cities and towns as possbile. I think many fund raisers and charities should use network marketing to help their cause. Mark Austin
.WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Central USA
on: August 30, 2007, 09:45:41 PM
Get yourself a few copies of the dvd from GDI. Show someone you know or someone you don't know. The dvd works great. I use GDI to promote all kinds of things. You can use the website builder or make your own and upload them. I make my own. You should consider building a list of prospects by offering your help in exchange for their email address. You do this with an auto responder. Set up a series of emails to get sent automatically to your prospects.
You need to promote yourself first as a leader and offer your help to your prospects. Tell them what you can do for them, how you will help them. Be creative. Learn some html. Take on a leadership role. Tell yourself you are a leader. Read books on leadership. Go to the book store. Think and grow rich is an excellent book written in the early nineteen hundreds by Napolian Hill. Still a best seller today. Robert Allan, Shawn Casey, Mike Dillard. Read other books on leadership, network marketing and similar topics. They will all tell you great things. Each with something new and different. Put it all into persective and you'll be amazed at what can happen. It's the power of thought. Leadership, persistance, and focus are key to your success in any online business. Many people including myself have failed in this industry. We blamed it on the business, how it didn't work for us. But in reality we didn't work for it. It takes time to learn these concepts and put them into action, but once it starts happening, you can feel it and you become even more passionate about your business. People can tell that and become more attracted to your offers and what you have to say. Promote yourself first. Any online business should be an extention of your company. Your service that you provide. Your help and support. Be the upline you never had but wished you did.
The good thing about GDI is that they offer a good service, and everybody in business needs a website. If you want to make money online, GDI is the best place to start. You can offer all your promotions at one place. (not all the the same page)
I was looking in the classifieds this morning an notices lots of people advertising daycare services from thier homes. Others advertising their small businesses as well. I bet these people would like a website to help their business. I bet some of them would even look at the dvd.
Don't forget about SEO (search engine optimizastion) You have the power to tweak your site to get higher rankings in the search engines. But thats another topic for another day.
.WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Anybody live in Barrie Ontario.
on: July 30, 2007, 11:04:33 AM
I live in Barrie Ontario. I was wandering if anybody else lives in Barrie. I would like to hook up and build a team together. Anyone... Bueller? Haha
I'm not desperate. I make money with GDI. I just think it's better to team up. You should be in business for yourself, not by yourself!
.WS Business / Marketing / Re: All About Advertising!
on: May 07, 2007, 07:12:32 PM
I make my own leads along with other advertising sources. My lead capture page is here. or the one I made for my friend is basically the same. also use traffic exchanges, blogs, my own forum, and some other marketing methods. Most of this is free. I do pay for an auto-responder though. I actually use two auto -responders so I have different kinds of lead capture pages with differnt messages in them the my leads recieve.
.WS Business / Marketing / Re: What "tools" do you need to succeed...
on: April 18, 2007, 03:14:12 AM
I use many tools. traffic exchanges for lead capture pages and splash pages that I make. I use safe lists, directories, sig files, free classifieds, website submission-good for submitting the sites you make. AdlandPro. Forums, I have my own forum as well. I use blogs and free websites that have links to a gdi site.
I also use an auto responder so I can have may own lead capture pages. I use other programs that also have GDi in their own business model. Home Income Team, PayitForward4Profits,TheNPN system, 3in7, there's some more too.
Try marketing GDI as a webiste Fund raiser. Minor sports team, church, school, health, ect.... The website can promote the organization, list the people, stats and other info about the organization. People can support the charity by signing up to gdi. The person that signs up gets to be listed with their link on the organizations website as a donor. Many possibilities there.
There's also viral marketing.
Set a schedule and to do list for your daily marketing. Do something everyday towards your goal.
Having a good upline is important. Some people never hear from thier uplines. Thats how I got all the help I needed. Try to learn and help and communicate with your upines and downlines. Establish a relationship with some or many of them. Use msn messanger or skype, or yahoo chat programs. Hook up and help eachother out. It win/win when you do that.
Bye fr now
Mark Austin
.WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: What are the basic things to do to be successful?
on: April 18, 2007, 03:14:12 AM
Hi, Mark here again. This is a follow up from my last post. I should have explained better. If your having trouble building your own website, you can still use your domain name, just point it to a GDI lead capture page. You can point it to wherever you want really. Doesn't have to be a gdi site. It can be a page you make, or something else entirly. Your domain name always stays visible. link gives you the code to use for using your own domain name and having any site you want show up while your domain name always stays visible in the browser address bar. Copy the code and save it as index.html Edit it in notepad or something like that. Change the url that is located near the bottom of the source code to whever you want your domain to point to. Like a GDI lead capture page. This is where I put in my url rotator link. That single url will display one of several other gdi members webpages while my domain name stays the same. Thats how I help my downline. I just use my domain name and other members sites show up when its clicked. All the websites are the same link but a different user name, so they all look the same. Save again. index.html Change the title and other meta tag descriptions as well. Save whenever you make a change. You can preview it in your internet browser by clicking "file" "open" It should work. Then you just need to upload it to the GDI server. To upload your index.html file to the server, you must have your .ws email account set up. When that is done, you must make sure that your gdi account is set. You will recieve an email in your .ws email account once your hosting is ready to recieve your index.html file. The email will contain login information so that you can upload your file. You need an ftp program to do it with. FileZilla its free. I hope this helps you guys. Have a great day! Mark Austin
.WS Business / Marketing / Re: Can anyone please tell me how do i set up a lead capture page!!
on: April 04, 2007, 04:04:19 PM
Re: Lead Capture pages.
There are variations of lead cap pages. They usally include a form for the reader to fill out. This will send their information to your auto responder. You need to offer something of value to the person looking at your lead cap page. Free information on how you can help them. You want to solve their problem. Offer solutions, not opportunities. You make money by solving other peoples problems. Write or obtain articles for your auto responder( at least 7). These articles can contain information on how you are going to solve the readers problems by joining GDI. Offer your help nd maybe some links for marketing sites that you use. That way you can build referal downlines in your traffic exchanges, safe lists, ect.. Any site that gives you a referral link to promote their marketing method, you can pass on to your prospects and team members in non spammy way. A good target market are other network marketers. They are already buyers online. Offer things they need in order to grow their business. Not just GDI members, all network marketers.
There are many marketing tools available that are well used in the industry. You can use these tools to help you, and promote them at the same time.
Tools for effective marketing are an auto responder, url tracker, url rotator, an HTML editor to make your own lead capture pages. You can those tools and more all in one place Use the tools, and promote the same service and earn nice commissions through their compensation plan as well. It's the perfect marketing system.
You will need an auto responder to have a lead cap page. There are many available to choose from. Some are free but send ads with your auto responder emails. The auto responder will provide you with some html code that you paste into your lead cap page that you are making.
You should get to know some HTML as well. It comes in very handy. It will allow you to create promotions and as many lead cap pages and splash pages as you want. Save it as an HTML file and upload it to the gdi server.
Mark Austin
.WS Business / Marketing / URL rotator's
on: March 24, 2007, 12:55:24 PM
A great way to help your team is to use a url rotator. This is what I do. I create a rotator link, then add my active members url into it. Then I advertise the rotator link. When someone clicks on the link, one of my team members websites will show up. I have added my link to the rotator as well. This way, my team members get some new members as well from my advertising efforts. Either way, you still make money. My members stay happy, will stay in the business longer. It's a win / win situation. I use the rotator link in 90% of my advertising. My website links are all in a rotator, all my autoresponder letters have links that are in a rotator as well. So when someone signs up to one of my lead capture pages and reads my letters from my auto responder, my team gets more chances for sign ups.
In my autoresponder letters I mention the fact that I do this, and tell the reader that I will add them to my url rotator when they become a GDI member. I get a better response rate for sign ups this way.
My url rotator service is listed on my training site. You'll see it in my sig file or profile. There is a monthly charge for it, $10 per month. But there are lots of other tools there as well. You can buil a downline with the company as well and profit from promoting their services.
Mark Austin
.WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share Your Website
on: March 24, 2007, 11:15:52 AM
There are some free html editors online that you can download. I have two listed on my training site. I'm sure there are more but these two are a good start. Check my sig file for the link.
Mark Austin