I am also an Aussie and like you have had zero success with sign ups here I don't know why, it seems Aussies prefer tried and true.I have just joined the forum to get some ideas on how to reach a wider market . I hope we can both get some pointers on the best one to use.If e-zines,safe lists,ffa,bulk email etc.doesn't work what does?
I am also an Aussie and like you have had zero success with sign ups here I don't know why, it seems Aussies prefer tried and true.I have just joined the forum to get some ideas on how to reach a wider market . I hope we can both get some pointers on the best one to use.If e-zines,safe lists,ffa,bulk email etc.doesn't work what does?
The Australian consumer as a whole is very refined and brand orientated, much more so than your average american, or european for that matter.
I joined M2Cglobal just over a year ago, and like GDI is an american-based company, except that we're marketing a physical product that is shipped by USPS, being a "healthy alternative to Red Bull, "V" and other energy drinks", being a drink powder in single serving sachets from the company in Dallas, TX.
There it's a case of convincing people firstly into the business. Like GDI, it's free to join, and then to order products direct from the manufacturer.
Here (with GDI) we're selling what I reckon is quite an interesting product and service, and there's the 7 day free trial.
We've got one up with GDI in that there's no product being physically shipped, but it's served up online. From personal experience with the other venture with M2Cglobal, you need to apply the GLOBALISATION spin to your prospecting approach.
GLOBALISATION - Telstra's doing it by outsourcing I.T. to places like India, as are many telemarketing companies who use indian based call centers. The internet has changed the way we trade. Amazon, Ebay, are all companies allowing you to buy o/s.
Hope this helps