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.WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome to!
on: January 14, 2007, 02:06:29 AM
Hi Everyone out there in domain name land... I actually signed up for this before, but cancelled. That was this last summer.................... And today I was signing up for a website on another place I found through a search engine. I was just about to pay $9.95 a month for my own name on there. Then I thought "Why pay $9.95 a month on here, when I can pay $10 a month on .WS and build a business, too? So here I am, and I can see the potential for this is H U G E .
This is really true. I am going to do this for 2 years and see where I'm at after that.
This is a SUPER OPPORTUNITY, I'm glad I'm here.[/b] This is G R E A T....
Happily Here,
Juliet Sanders