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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Building the website. Question about a second language... on: July 31, 2009, 07:05:36 AM
Hi Robert,

There are several ways to add translation into your GDI website.
1) add the google translate gadget on your webpage.  Your visitor just needs to choose the language they want to read in and the widget will instantly translate your webpage to the language of their choice
Use the code below:

<script src="http://www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://www.google.com/ig/modules/translatemypage.xml&up_source_language=en&w=160&h=60&title=&border=&output=js"></script>

Read more here

2) you translate to the language of your choice and publish the source using the GDI site builder
See the video below on how to do that using the Google translator toolkit

Click here for video

Hi !
Im new in here, also to GDI too. i want to try my best too in doing this but also I have a first question.

I made a website using GDI builder and publish it already. Now I need the same content in another language.

How can i make this ?
It is posible in same wwebsite ? Or I have to build a new one ?

If I translate the content and try to build a new one the new pages added are dispalyed on the existing site.Its not posible to make a multi language site ?

I hope you understand what I want.I'm not english and I have some difficulty explaining everything.So please forgive me.

Shortly, all i want is the site I made to be in other language too.
2  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Does Any One Know How To Interpid the Hit Count Information? on: July 31, 2009, 06:54:37 AM
The unique IP address means that unique computers. However it is possible to have more then 1 unique visitor from 1 computer because it may be a shared terminal.
So both the numbers show real live views, total records of 162 includes both unique and repeat visitors.

Hope this helps.

Hi Everyone,

Following numbers show up in my hit counts but I am unclear as to what it means exactly in terms of actual visitors to my replicated site.  Can anyone tell me which number means real live views of my site?

Total Records: 162
Unique IP Addresses: 49

My Assumtion is the unique IP Addresses are real people viewing my site and not sure that the other number is.  Am I right?

Thanks for all your help and feedback.
 Grin Grin Grin

3  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: WEBSITES on: July 30, 2009, 11:46:48 AM
Hi Joanne,

You can use your GDI domain name to create any webpage you want.
Here are 10 ideas:

10 ideas on how you can use your GDI web space:

   1. Family photo album or videos
   2. A corporate website if you own an offline business
   3. Salespage for digital products that you are selling
   4. A collection of your favourite sites
   5. Blog
   6. Groupies page (such as forums and online communities)
   7. Landing page or squeeze page to build a mailing list
   8. Download portal to share files
   9. Link cloaker for your affiliate products
  10. Article posting

I have been with GDI for a couple months now and am still trying to understand everything!! My question is that I am thinking of making a website which as nothing to do with GDI, but would GDI be the place where I would get my domain name from and build my website with or are all websites we have with GDI solely for the purpose of promoting GDI itself?  I hope I am making sense with this question, please let me know if I'm not.  Huh


4  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Struggling, big time. on: July 25, 2009, 04:52:22 AM
David, I agree with you totally.
Your offers are brilliant because you give people something which is instant and immediately ready to create income.

This is similar to what I am giving my downlines too:
-automatically included in a 1 line spillover downline builder
-an auto populated website / blog with their GDI domain name
-an autoresponder for lead capture

However I am thinking of offering sale of a product as well.
May I know are you giving them something unique or everybody has the same?


It works for me. I have 26 in my downline after 6 months, in total there has been 40+. I think it is quite normal to loose people on the way, you just have to plan for that. You need to make sure each person breaks even within a couple of months then they are not going to leave. I provide them with a website that I have pre-built that offers the following:

A sale of a product
Advert space
A great GDI sales pitch

With 3 income streams it is easy to break even and this will ensure people stay. For example, 1 google adsense click per day will cover the costs. Or 1 product sale a week will cover the costs. Even if someone is only making $1 profit they have no reason to quit.

So in conclusion it is all about the system and package you offer your downline.


5  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: HELP! I need a pointer or two on: July 25, 2009, 04:44:08 AM
Hi Bill,

Did those people who view your video opt-in the form?
If you don't have a form on your website, you should install one with a follow up autoresponder.
After they view the video, most people are still not ready to sign up, so you can provide them with some free stuff or information
using the autoresponder form.
This way they will read your email (about 5-7 emails with useful info) then they will be more convinced to work with you.

Send me a private message or email me if you need help in this.


I am quite good at getting people to view the video. I just cant get any of them to join. Since I am doing the majority of my marketing on line I was wondering if there is something I could say to people before they get to the site to help them decide to join?
6  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: How do i change my domain name? on: July 12, 2009, 12:25:55 PM
Hi Jonathan,

All you need to do is login to your member area and purchase another domain name (with the correct spelling),
then call GDI support to cancel the first domain name

I mis spelled my domain name and need to change it can anyone assist?
7  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: A New System on: July 12, 2009, 12:12:42 PM
That's an awesome site.
Is it yours?
How do I set it up on my own domain?


   LandRush is here!!! Go to www.landrush.ws to get your free (free website, until someone claims it, 42 day free email, no commissions until first $10 payment) G.D.I. account! I think this will a very powerful tool for recruiting. A FREE account= nothing to lose! Email me if you have questions.

8  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Site builder query on: July 11, 2009, 06:21:54 AM
Hi Jon,

Can you describe what errors you see when using the site builder?
From my experience, try the following:
  • use internet explorer as your browser
  • make sure pop ups blocker is turned off
  • close other web editor (if you are running any)

Send me a private message if you still have problems.
If you can provide some screen shots or error messages that will be great.

Hi all. I have been a member for over 2 months. I have been trying to build my website. This is my first time building one. All members of my upline sent emails right away welcoming me and offering help if I needed it...I have spent the last 2 and a half months asking for help but all I have gotten in response is automated emails that have NOT helped me one bit! Any help at all will be greatly appreciated. I also have another question. I have read almost all of the forums and it seems there are alot of helpful upline people out there...can I switch to one of them? I'm truly lost and frustrated at the moment. I am about to pay for my third month of fees and still haven't been able to get this up and running and I REALLY want to! Thanks in advance for the help!  Grin

9  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Free traffic generation ideas on: November 28, 2008, 10:02:54 AM
I have a question about following up with prospects.  Are there good ways to follow up with them when you get a message that they reviewed your referral link?  I have had a bunch and while 2 joined, I would send an email to the other ones, but I would not get a response from them.  What do you think is the best approach to sending follow up emails to prospects?

To follow up with your prospects you would need an autoresponder program.
You can get one from GrabThatLead.com

Regarding the content of the follow up message, it really depends which salespage you were promoting.
If they are opportunity seekers, then messages on how they can earn residual income would be good.
For those interested in buying the domain / hosting, then you can write about how GDI domain name has more advantage from the others.

I have some sample follow up emails for generic home business (not exactly for GDI), but they are proven to be good for opportunity seekers.
You willl need to rewrite them to suit your prospects.
Drop me a private message and I'll send you the download link.

10  .WS Business / Marketing / Free traffic generation ideas - getting started on: November 04, 2008, 10:44:38 AM
60 minutes start up plan :
To maximize the traffic, we will have to start preparing the pages at the bottom of the funnel.
Otherwise all the traffic that we are going to get will be wasted.

1. Prepare the salespage (10-30 minutes depending on your skill )
Decide which GDI affiliate link or downline builder you will use
I recommend setting up a webpage using your own GDI domain name and add a link pointing to your affiliate link or downline builder in that webpage
This is so that you are promoting your own domain name instead of others.
When you advertise your own domain, you are branding yourself and building a long term virtual estate in the web.
When you advertise other domain names (such as your affiliate links, you are building a brand name for others)
So it's wise in the long term to get your GDI domain name out in the web as much as possible
I have prepared standard templates that you can use for building your own webpage ( but need some html editing)
Click here to download

Alternatively, use the GDI sitebuilder to build a simple webpage

2. Sign up for an autoresponder (10 minutes)
Although your GDI affiliate links or downline builders may already have an autoresponder built in, it is recommended that you build your own email list.
Getting your autoresponder gives you a greater control on how you want to follow up with your prospects or downlines.
You may google for autoresponder or just choose any of the below:

3. Write 3 to 5 follow up emails (20 minutes)
Most leads only join your business after several emails.
So it helps to build rapport instead of just blatant selling the opportunity.
One tip in writing follow up emails is to refer to the emails that you have received when joining other programs.
Refer to these emails and learn from the ones that you enjoy reading -- then modify them according to your needs.

Ok I think this should be all for a start.
Please post below if you are stuck or need any help.

11  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Have a html ask on: November 01, 2008, 02:59:28 PM
Hi, my name is Karl and i´m new by the GDI. Sorry for my bad English but i hope you can understand me. I´m working on my website with the website builder. Now i´m working on the 4th Page who can visitors register on the GDI-Account Setup page. How i can jump with the page to the GDI page? Please step by step Grin

Hi Karl,

You can put a link on the page, for example:
Click here to register with GDI
When your visitors click on the link, they will be taken to your GDI sign up page.
1.Click on text on your new page
2.Type the anchor text that you want people to see, such as "Click here to register with GDI"
3. Click on the link icon on the menu
Type in the form that pops up, at the URL field your GDI affiliate link (http://www.movie.ws/your username)

see screenshot below

12  .WS Business / Marketing / Free traffic generation ideas on: November 01, 2008, 02:31:31 PM
Here's a brilliant system on getting more prospects using only free traffic
I will elaborate more in the next few days. Still putting together my thoughts.

13  .WS Business / Training / Re: Training 101 on: October 17, 2008, 08:35:05 PM
I would be interested in Autoresponder.  How much is it?
Any help would be great.

Some of the good autoresponders are
aweber and getresponse, they typically cost $17-$20/month for fix number of subscribers ( I think up to 10,000)
If you are looking for more affordable options (less then $10/month) or lifetime solution, please send me a private message.
14  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: What about a co-operative approach to GDI advertising? on: October 13, 2008, 10:12:18 AM
Thanks Joe for sharing especially waivng the fee for your system.
It's a great program.
15  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Keywords and Description Disappearing ACT on: October 12, 2008, 11:24:40 AM
Anyone know how to get my keywords and description to save on my properties page? I have put them in 1MILLION times and they keep disappearing!!! This is driving me CRAZY Shocked

This is probably due to the remaining glitches in the new site builder.
Just hang on there while they fix it -- or choose the hosted option. (recommended) Smiley
You can download the free open source html software to build the website.
Some links that you may find useful :
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