Hi, this is my first visit here and I apologize if I'm not following the proper thread to ask a new question.
I couldn't find a place that says ask your question.
Here is my problem and question.
I have copied and pasted the below code for a banner from one of my affiliate sites.But after its submitted all that shows on the web page is the code. I'm sure it mus need some doctoring up to make it work, but I am lost as I dont know HTML. Can anybody please help?
Here is the code:
<EMBED src= "
http://offerserve.com/clients/us15/flash/plaf_e_1.swf" width="250" height="250" FlashVars="clickTAG=http://us.offerforge.com/ez/aoakrpwtto/" >
<img src='
http://us.offerforge.com/42/3801/6223' border='0' />
I have pasted it into the edit area that says it is for HTML and banners and images.
I have also uploaded the image into the gallery...but just dont know how to connect the image into the code and what if anything needs to be done to make it all work so that I just dont see the plain printed code on my page.
Any help would be appreciated.
Frederick Jaeger
AKA: RavenMoon