Umm, actually, if GDI says that it is okay for affiliates to duplicate the DVD’s, then it wouldn’t impinge on any copyright laws because they unequivocally agreed to let us reproduce them. In my opinion, it shouldn’t matter because it would ultimately benefit them anyway. Think about it.
Hello all im new at this but i would love a copy of the DVD ON MY SITE .I know DVDS work and im sure with advertising and having a ready copy to show people would be an advantage not just to us but to GDI,i JOINED AS SOON AS I Watched the DVD ,i just thought it natural that we would be able to put it on our sites ,i thought it would be already one of the features that had to be on it ,I have been in a few business opportunities and the video was the main selling of the business with any other company it is a must because they know that the DVD WORKS IT BENEFITS THE COMPANY BIG TIME.
Sharon England