What a great topic is : "Are all your eggs in one basket?"
I remember years ago when I first started in network marketing, offline. We were trained to be so focussed on our opportunity, it was almost sacrilege to talk to anybody that was in any other opportunity. And if we didn't follow the method of promotion well............ we were traiined that - this is the way you promote - and don't dare to try anything different because it doesn't work.
How things have changed. Now there are so many opportunites and so many avenues of promotion that you are just about viewed as a person with two heads if you are not diversifying.
I love the saying "Diversify or Die", however, I still believe new people to the industry should learn one step at a time. Focus on one opportunity, learn the basics, learn their product, learn as many different advertising, marketing and promotional techniques and strategies as possible and take action to become successful.
Perfect one opportunity and then, when you are making a substantial profit, then and only then, is it time to diversify.
To everyone's success