Hello my name is Artie Maes I live in Co. I just recently hooked up with GDI. i'm a gospel rap artist and have been praying to The Lord about being able to make a healthy income at home and be debt free. My passion is to preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world through the gift God has given me. However that bills still need to be paid. This year I believel will be the year I will overcome. Thank God for GDI. My wife is a stay at home Mom and I have three children. I believe that God can and will use something like GDI to accomplish His wil for my life and the life of my familyl. I'm up for all the tips I can get, and encouragement. May God bless yall. I know this aint' gonna happen over night but I know it can and will happen, so encourage me for the long haul. God Bless.
Hi ARtie,
Welcome to GDI. I am praying that you will be very successful at GDI. God has put it in my live as well. I encourage you to get the business cards. With a winning attitude like you have, just pass them out, everywhere you go!
I expecting to hear great things about you!