Hello All,
I selected “other” in the poll. I believe that all of the prospects listed are pretty good selections/targets. More importantly, is "touching" your prospects. Getting to know them, and their needs. If you're going after a Network Marketer who believes they've already found the ideal opportunity, (in most cases) your presentation will be ignored (as ideal as a “Network Marketing” prospect may seem). Furthermore, they will try to sell you on whatever it is they're working on.
Focusing on those (in any category) who could really use the opportunity, and are at the point in their lives where they are truly ready to make a change (for the better), will be the IDEAL Target Market, and foundation in building a strong team.
Gaining members who can share the common goal (Change, Freedom, Success...) will work wonders for our success in this business. TEAM is the most important factor in becoming successful. If you put helping others first, you'll soon see that everything else will fall into place.
Go through your downline today and call some (or all) of your prospects... ask how they are doing with the business, if there's anything you could assist them with (be courteous), ask if there's anything that has been successful for them that they'd be willing to share with you (be humble - just because your their upline doesn't mean you can't benefit from the ideas of those who've signed beneath you).
Network Guru Jim Rohn once said “2 or 3 people who share a common goal can accomplish anything; but 1 person can't carry more than 2 on their back”! Don't try to build your success alone. You need the help from your team, just as much as they need it from you. Your introduction into this business is the start of a new venture, a new leg under GDI, a new TEAM; it will be only what you make of it... If you can nourish it with the suggestions above, and teach all under your umbrella to do the same, there's no limit to the success you a can achieve. In addition to the great feeling you will get from helping others!
Your Teammate,
Shawn Clark