Hi fellow GDI members,
Why did I join? Simple, I have been in Network Marketing for over 2 years now.My exsisting business is doing ok, but I'm still loosing money, due to the high costs of recruiting.Also, I'm sick of talking to negative people on the phone, and I know, that internet business is what most people are wanting these days.No sales, no calls no problems.Also I really am impressed by the whole costeffective system and the fact that we have a website with our own domain for $10/month
I have only been a member for 18hours and have already 2 downlines consiting of 1* first level and 1* second level! Not bad for sending out 18 invitations so far.
I am excited about my future success with GDI and meeting many fellow aussies on this panel.
Thank you GDI for goving me hope again