Hi GDI Colleagues,
Here's an article I like to share with my downline that really simplifies recruiting.
Some get too caught up in thinking about how many people they have to recruit
to make money with $1 a person. This they can relate to. I think it helps to put
things in perspective. I hope you enjoy it.
Recruit One Person Per Month
You can be wildly successful by recruiting one person per month into your network organization! Your objective should be to recruit one new member per month. Just one! One that is also ready, willing and able to recruit just one new member each month. This is the power of one!!!
It is very simple, but very powerful. All you have to do is use your ability, attitude, and attendance to be successful. Your ability is whatever is comfortable and works for you. That could be face to face discussions, telephone calls, emails, or direct mail to potential members. Your attitude is all-powerful. It decides whether you will be successful. If your attitude is negative, give yourself a checkup from the neck up. If it isn't positive, you will fail. Don't even try network marketing. Sit back and watch the rest of us succeed. Your attendance is the final factor that will decide whether you succeed or fail. Put in whatever time and effort it takes to achieve your monthly objective of just one new member. Do enough of whatever it takes to succeed. Never give up or give in to failure. Operate by the motto,
"It will be, because it is up to me. I make it happen."
Empower yourself the right to succeed and it will happen.
This simple method creates a powerful doubling effect. If you could double your results every month, you could become very wealthy in two years or less. The people you recruit would also become very wealthy.
Pay attention and see how it works. You can do it. You start out by yourself. Then you recruit one person in each month. You share this idea of just recruiting one person per month with them. They see the power of it and they do the same thing....Recruit One Person Per Month.
Here's how it works: "The Awesome Power Of One"
You They
Month Recruit Recruit Total
1 1 0 2
2 1 1 4
3 1 3 8
4 1 7 16
5 1 15 32
6 1 31 64
7 1 63 128
8 1 127 256
9 1 255 512
10 1 511 1,024
11 1 1,023 2,048
12 1 2,047 4,096