Hi I'm Arnel. I think you're all probably a little bit older than me in this biz having signed just a week ago (in the trial mode). I have just been with 2 mlm companies including the food supplements i'm distributing right now. I came upon GDI when I was looking for a webhosting company that will house my up and coming website. When I saw the red ferrari and the other automated tools that GDI has, I saw myself finally finding the the medium with which to change my stars. I saw my business suddenly becoming global rather than just thinking locally.
I have not really hit it big in MLM at least for the last 5 years I was in. But come to think of it, maybe I didn't because I always loose heart and passion and love for what I was doing. I practically have to drag myself to talk to someone miles away and tell them what a great business opportunity I got. Only to find out that they're not interested at all and they just decided to meet me just to get me off their backs once and for all.
But for GDI and hosting my food supplements biz, I let my fingers now do the walking and talking to clients not only here in the Philippines but the entire world as well. With GDI's tools, I am referring my biz to 3-5 people a day for the last one week compared to 1-2 people A MONTH before GDI.
And just after my 7th day on the trial mode, on the 8th day I shared this to somebody who was actively looking for a biz in the IT industry and right there, he signed up. Shared it 830am. signed up at 10am. Got a level 2 sign-up at 3pm. and another 4 sign-ups at 10pm. All in the same day.
My secret? There's no secret. What I've learned just recently that succesful MLM leaders did not think about the money at first. It just came as a result of their unceasing referral activities, day in day out. And so, I have decided upon myself to embark on that same path. And how can I not do it with GDI? Internet surfing is my passion. This will never be work for me. I will focus on sharing this biz and take it a level higher than now and refer it to 10-15 people a day for the next 3 weeks. Because I know if I fail in anything I do, its because I allowed it.
So, Hataw, Mga kapatid!