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1  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: The dreaded Phone call on: January 29, 2006, 07:05:28 PM
Personally, I hate calling my leads!

I have a list of a few hundred leads and its got to the point where I try to make excuses for not calling them. I don't like being called and I don't like calling.

How do you get around this?
I do what i was taught to do in my previous company. Use the messengers....
Download yourself a copy of Trillian and make sure you have accounts with yahoo, msn, iqc and aol.

Then go through your leads and add them to your messenger, send them an email and let them know that they ahve been added and inite them for a chat whenever they are on.

I find this incredibly easy.
By the way, when you chat on messenger you find the same questions come up alot. I use a program called biz automator which allows me to paste all answers to frequently asked questions into messenger windows.

This is my way of getting around the can't talk on the phone thingy. Naturally I would be more than happy to call leads that I have generated myself, this is a different matter.

I have never felt comfortable called leads not generated by me simply because I don't know how these leads are generated.
I would be interested to hear from you guys that are having success calling leads...maybe it will change my mind.

2  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share your Website...Part 5! on: January 29, 2006, 07:02:33 PM
Hi everyone.

I have a new website I would like to show you.

Some things to point out.
You may notice that I do not promote GDI as a business opportunity on the page nor do I include any links.

I thought about this when creating the website, most people when they sign up for a home based business do not care about the company, how good the product is or how much money the company ceo is making a month.

All they want to know is. CAN YOU HELP THEM MAKE MONEY.

With that in mind I came up with a simple two page website that I am going to use to generate my own leads.

I need your opinion on this


One thing I do have a problem with. I can build sites, but I'm terrible at getting traffic! Would love some help

3  .WS Business / Training / Re: tips for success on: January 29, 2006, 07:01:56 PM

After reading some of these posts. I am thinking of giving up leads purchasing altogether.

I just got my hands on the magnetic sponsoring system and what is told to me in there makes a whole heap of sense.
PLUS: I think that you can't do any better than leads you generate yourself anyway.

4  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Hi Everybody! New UK member needs help. on: January 16, 2006, 04:08:15 AM
Hi everybody.

I'm a new member. Although I am not new to MLM I would like some help from anyone having success in the UK. I would like to generate leads in the UK.

Does anybody know of any UK lead companies that sell quality leads for UK home based business opportunity seekers.
I have read the manual and it is obviously targetted at the guys based in the US as the cards and the telephone prospecting system would not be much use to me over here.

I would like to set up a similar system to direct UK prospects to and would be interested to hear from people using a system such as this in England.

Thanks in advance
Wojtek Wink
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