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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New GDI Members: 2012!! on: June 11, 2012, 10:19:38 AM
Hi Guys, I didnt see any replies for you guys so I'm gonna step in and at least say something about Gdi.Dont think that no one has the time to respond, its just that everyone is trying to get their businesses off the ground. I too am a newb. I've only been with GDI for about three weeks now, although I still don't have any signups, I'm surely getting hits. Where I began was, I purchased some business cards and then posted my url everywhere I could possibly think of (and I still am trying to find other places).facebook,myspace etc. I'm gonna go do some forums next, I also watched many videos and read many articles on gdi, also you must get familiar with your back office. I know I'm jumping around everywhere on this but I want to get you guys started somewhere, at this point im trying to do everything as big as i can for what little i have, until I start making some money and then I will move to some of the bigger stuff, Im testing a couple of other things and will let you guys know how they go. If you dont have a facebook account ,get one and follow gdi, and meet some of the other affiliates on there and become friends. Listen, I have about 7 thousand hits to my site in less than or about three weeks, with no money, I think thats pretty good. If you have the money, get some advertising going. dont pay an arm and a leg as I find that the lower cost advertising five,ten dollar advertising is just as well as some of the more expensive stuff. make yourself some flyers, doesnt have to be the one that gdi provides either, make your own if you wish..post them at the supermarkets ,laundry mat,library,carwash etc. anywhere you are allowed. make sure your url is on there. so you get your credit. watch your hit logs and see the traffic building. I think they say that,only about 97 percent of your visitors WON'T even buy or sign up for your product, so don't get down, there is enough money to be made for everyone out there, and we should stick together to help one another, oh yeah there are selfish ones out there, but we don't have to be like that.. sorry again for jumping around everywhere like this but I wanted to give you guys something to go on in the short time that i have, please reply and I will do my best to respond, thanks
jody moore

I think GDI is going about this all wrong ... promises about making money and nothing is happening. I went on Craigslist, facebook, myspace and EVERYONE is doing it so NO ONE is going to sign up. I made a HUGE mistake going through the hassles and you have to work hard at it as much as a job that you can actually get money with every week. I noticed I only get hits and that ain't nothing ... now I have more bills on my hand for the domain name that I cannot even pay cause I am not making any progress. I think GDI needs to make it clear to everyone that joins .... like every opportunity that knocks on your door there are NO guarantees.

Tamatha T.
2  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Frustrated with bad uplines ! on: June 11, 2012, 10:17:44 AM
Hi Steve,

i have been on my computer for 3 days and still have no idea how this works. I tried emailing my sponsors but I got no response. I am about to give up on the whole thing. Can you help me? How exactly do I get people to the website and sign up? I not even sure I am set up right. I feel like I am going through pages, reading and filling out without knowing what I am doing.

You my last hope in understanding. I have no expirence in internet marketing...do I really need that to get through my issues?

Yours truly

I want to give up too I did everything it said to do and I have NO CLUE what I am doing and I am trying
to contact someone that does and all I get is auto responses. Is this a hoax like everything that's FREE.

Tamatha =3
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