Hello every one,I'm Roger and just joined GDI and wanted to say hello and best things for you all. I'm from the Pacific Northwest, Wash. St. I am retired from heavy building trades after 35+ years and am 75 years old. Bonnie and I have been married for 45+ years and have 2 daughters with their own family's.
My hobbies are wood working,fishing,surfing the internet , reading and writing. I like to spend time with my 8 grand kids and of course the rest of my family. I live in probably one of the greatest fishing areas for fresh water fish. There are at least 100 lakes and streams in a 100 mile radius that are assessable by car or truck, and many more hike in lakes and streams.
I'm not to sharp on the computer, I never touched one till about 2 years ago and bought one to just see what it was all about. I took a liking to it and now I am trying to cash in on the internet explosion that the gurus tell me about. No windfall has overtaken me yet, . Well its sack time and I'll say goodnight. You all have a great week end and see you later.
Best Regards