Thanks very much for the compliments. Now at some point I have to stop procrastinating and, absorbing information and get my own website put together, so I can really start promoting the product. I just learned a lesson today, the first article I submitted not that it was turned down, but it was too much like sales copy to them, and they don't allow you to use the replicated site with your affiliate link in it. This is the reply.
"We will only accept articles which forward/redirect to an affiliate link from the top-level of a domain name you own. For example, it is permissible to forward to an affiliate link from: ...but it would not be permissible to forward to an affiliate link from: The identified affiliate link in your article is:"
Maybe this will help others so they don't waste time making the same mistake.
There are many learning curves in this business, and it will take time to get it together.