My name is Anthony Smith and I am from Hyattsville MD which is right beside Washington DC and I
have been in the home based business industry since 2001 without much success....I had so many hurdle to get over and almost all have been mental, scared to take responsibility, scared of the phone and scared of failure....so what I did was take a step back and read self help, and marketing books and really got turned on my Jeff Paul and Dan Kennedy and a lot of other direct response marketers....so fast forward to 2010...I'm happily married for 3 years and now have a 3 month old son who I both adore and will do anything for and a job I hate....then I found GDI, a simple concept, affordable and powerful so I finally decided to throw myself in full force and do what ever it takes to build my business, calling leads, posting adds....whatever! I really am excited about this and will be on that leader board soon....also for other new reps don't take this opp lightly....it truly doesn't get better then this every other business normally takes $300 to start and at-least $100 a month to maintain and qualify for bonuses....like Michael Jackson said THIS IS IT!